What are the SUAS management tools?

According to the Basic Operating Standard of SUAS (NOB / SUAS), the SUAS management instruments are tools that assist in the technical and financial planning of the Social Assistance policy, based on the axes of Basic Social Protection, Special Social Protection and diagnostics. social.

It is worth remembering that the SUAS management also has an agreement, in which managers, from different federal levels, work in an articulated manner through negotiations and agreements, so that the Social Assistance policy is made viable.

The covenant instance can be:

  • CIB (Bipartite Interagency Commission):
    • State, represented by the State Social Assistance Policy Management Body;
    • Municipalities, represented by the State Collegiate of Municipal Social Assistance Managers (Congemas).
  • CIT (Tripartite Interagency Commission):
    • Union, represented by the Federal Social Assistance Policy Management Body);
    • States and the Federal District, represented by the National Forum of State Secretaries of Social Assistance (Fonseas);
    • Municipalities, represented by the National Collegiate of Municipal Social Assistance Managers (Congemas).


For management to take place in an integrated manner between entities, some guidelines need to be followed. Are they:

  • Co-responsibility between federated entities (Union, States, Municipalities and Federal District);
  • Qualified service offer, mainly in territories with higher levels of vulnerability and social risk;
  • Meeting the priorities agreed between the entities;
  • Equalization and universalization of social assistance services.


With these concepts in mind, find out below which are the main SUAS management tools.


Multiannual Plan

In the first year of government, the Executive Branch – at all levels of federation – needs to define its objectives, goals and guidelines for the next four years through the Pluriannual Plan ( PPA ). It must contain all programs, projects and actions to be carried out by the public administration, therefore, it is an important management tool that will serve as the basis for the Social Assistance Plan.


Social Assistance Councils, both municipal and state, analyze and approve budget proposals and monitor the implementation of the Social Assistance policy. For this reason, they are part of the management bodies of SUAS and are also important management tools.

In general, they have the following characteristics:

  • Permanent character;
  • Deliberative instances of SUAS;
  • Equal composition between government and civil society.

Social Assistance Plan

The Social Assistance Plan defines the objectives, goals, resources, methods and techniques for the operation of SUAS. It is a strategic management tool to regulate and guide policy and ensure the effectiveness of its actions, in addition to defining its priorities.

The Social Assistance management body is responsible for preparing the Plan. Its approval, on the other hand, passes through the Social Assistance Council, according to the federative sphere in question. This reinforces the democratic and participatory principle of politics.


The benefits, services, programs and projects offered by SUAS are financed by resources allocated to the Social Assistance Fund, which is maintained through co-financing between the Union, States, Federal District and Municipalities. Recalling that the policy is also financed by other social contributions provided for in art. 195 of the Federal Constitution .

Therefore, the Social Assistance Fund is another fundamental instrument in the management of SUAS.

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SUAS Management Improvement Pact

The SUAS Management Improvement Pact  is an instrument that aims to improve management and services, programs, projects and socio-assistance benefits through a pact between the Union, States, Federal District and Municipalities. It is through it that SUAS goals and objectives materialize.

The management tool is characterized by:

  • Planning to achieve management improvement goals;
  • Definition of:
    • indicators;
    • management levels;
    • priorities and goals for improving management, services, programs, projects and socio-assistance benefits.
  • Support among federated entities to achieve the goals;
  • Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.

Monitoring and Technical Support Plan

The State must provide technical support to the Municipalities so that the goals defined in the SUAS Management Improvement Pact are achieved. For this, a Monitoring and Technical Support Plan is prepared every year, containing a plan for support in terms of management and execution of services, programs, projects and socio-assistance benefits.

Providence Plan

A Providence Plan is prepared to assist the federated entities in case of difficulties in the management of SUAS and in the execution of services, programs, projects and socio-assistance benefits. It is a planning, in which there are alternatives to overcome possible problems faced by the States, Federal District and Municipalities.

Management Reports and Indicators

Reports and indicators are essential to monitor the results of SUAS actions and, if necessary, redirect them.

Through these instruments, the following can be assessed:

  • Achievement of achievements;
  • How resources are being invested;
  • Results obtained in comparison with the goals defined in the SUAS Improvement Pact;
  • Among other analyzes.

Some indicators are commonly used in the management of SUAS, so it is important that you get to know them and evaluate them from time to time. Are they:

  • SUAS Development Index (ID-SUAS): calculated through the SUAS Census, SUAS Network systems and other MDS systems, the index is composed of several management indicators, services, programs, projects and socio-assistance benefits. It is important to monitor the progress of ID-SUAS in your municipality and / or state in order, if necessary, to propose actions to improve it;
  • SUAS Decentralized Management Index (IGDSUAS): assesses the quality of decentralized management of SUAS services, programs, projects and socio-assistance benefits. If the index of the municipality or state is below expectations, the Union can provide financial support;
  • Decentralized Management Index of the Bolsa Família Program (IGD-PBF): evaluates the quality of the management of the Single Registry and the monitoring of the conditionalities of the Bolsa Família . The objective, with the Index, is to strengthen the Management of the Bolsa Família Program.


How to make SUAS management tools smarter and less bureaucratic?

Administering all SUAS management tools manually is not an easy task. The work becomes bureaucratic and makes in-depth analysis impossible through reports and indicators.

To make this work more dynamic, it is essential to have the support of a social assistance system, such as Portabilis SAS . The software, in addition to making it possible to record calls, referrals, group activities and benefits and integration of equipment data and with MDS systems, allows for including target plans, monitoring technical production and issuing indicators and graphs in real time.


by Abdullah Sam
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