Stir-fried eggplant

Stir-fried eggplant . It is a tasty vegetable with multiple beneficial properties for health. It is characteristic of Asian and Mediterranean cuisine and can be consumed in different ways and in different preparations.


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  • 1 Concept of skipping
  • 2 Preparation mode
  • 3 Ingredients
  • 4 History of the eggplant
  • 5 Nutritional properties
    • 1 Nutritional value
  • 6 Source

Skip concept

Sautéing is a method of cooking that is very confused with frying. It consists of browning the food, raw or partly cooked, on the grill or hot pan and lightly smeared with fat. When you cook meat “round and round”, you are skipping it.

Preparation method

Peel the eggplant or leave the peel if it is tender. Cut it into wheels about 1 centimeter thick. If it is very large, you can cut the wheels in half. Put the pieces of eggplant in a flat saucepan. They are powdered with salt and sugar. Add the water, preferably it is boiling. Cover the aubergines and leave them for 1 minute on the candle. Then drain well and allow to cool slightly.

Grease the pan or griddle with a little of the fat. It is convenient to put about 1 teaspoon to start and then add more fat as the eggplants are skipped.

Brown the eggplant wheels or slices in the hot pan or griddle until golden brown on both sides. Serve them powdered with sugar (prepare them in marinade). Makes about 5 servings.


  • 1 large eggplant or 2 girls
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of fat

Eggplant history

Eggplant is native to tropical and subtropical areas of Asia. It has been cultivated since ancient times in India , Burma and China . By the year 1,200 it was already cultivated in Egypt , from where it was introduced in the Middle Ages through the Iberian Peninsula and Turkey, to later spread throughout the Mediterranean and the rest of Europe . It was in the 17th century when it was introduced into food, after being used in medicine to combat skin inflammations and burns.

Nutritional properties

Its energy and nutritional value is small compared to other fruits, vegetables and greens. It contains few vitamins, hydrocarbons, proteins and minerals, with the majority of its weight being water, 92% of its composition. The most abundant mineral is potassium and in small amounts phosphorous, calcium, magnesium and iron. It has vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and folates. It is of medium fibrous content but distributed more in skin and seeds. Its caloric content is almost non-existent.

Nutritional value

Nutritional value of aubergine Water (%) 92 Carbohydrates (g) 2.20-2.49 Proteins (g) 0.90-1.24 Fats (g) 0.18-0.40 Dietary fibers (g) 2.00-2.82 Energy value (kcal) 15.00-17.08


by Abdullah Sam
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