Steps to stop receiving Facebook notifications in email:

Facebook is a very popular social network; But for some users it is overwhelming to see in their email large amounts of emails sent by Facebook with notifications of reminders, birthdays, requests for friends, groups, people you may know, among others; some users have even considered deleting their Facebook accounts to avoid receiving such notifications.

If that is your case, it is not necessary to delete your Facebook account, you just have to configure the notifications so that you no longer receive them in your email; This tutorial will explain to you step by step how to deactivate or stop receiving notifications from Facebook in the mail .

Steps to stop receiving Facebook notifications in email:

·        From the PC:

  1. Log into your Facebook account by entering your email or phone number and password. If you forgot your password, it is easy to recover it .
  2. Once inside your profile go to the upper right corner and click on the arrowhead.
  3. When a menu is displayed, select the option ‘ Settings and privacy’ .
  4. In the new menu select the option ‘Settings’.
  5. A side menu will immediately appear on the left side of the screen; Find the option ‘Notifications’ and click there .
  6. In the section “Notification settings” you must scroll to the end where you will find the option  Email’, on the right side of that option you will find an arrowhead, click there to see all the options.
  7. After clicking on the arrowhead you will see the email that you have linked to your Facebook account; You will also see all the notifications that you can deactivate to not receive more emails from Facebook. You can deactivate all the options or only those that you are not interested in receiving in your mail; for example, comments, friend requests, reminders, birthday dates of your friends , among others.

Keep in mind that if you have more than one email registered in your Facebook account, the notifications will be disabled in the main email, but they will continue to arrive in the secondary email . It may also happen that you continue to receive notifications external to Facebook, so that those notifications do not continue to arrive you can block those apps from Facebook.

1.     From Facebook Lite:

  • Open the Facebook Lite app.
  • Once inside your profile, go to the upper right corner and click on the three horizontal lines .
  • When a menu is displayed, look for and select the option ‘Configuration’.
  • In the ‘Settings’ section, look for the ‘Notifications’ section.
  • In this section you must select the option ‘Notification settings’ .
  • You will immediately see a list of all the notifications you receive.
  • If you want to deactivate all notifications you have to click on each notification and move the switch on the right side of the ‘ Email ‘ option to the left to deactivate said notification (the switch will change from blue to white). You can disable some notifications and leave others, or disable them all.

It should be noted that if at any time you want to activate these notifications again, you can do so by following the previous steps, then from that moment you will begin to receive notifications in your email.

What are Facebook notifications for?

Facebook notifications are used to notify the account owner of what is happening on their profile while they are offline; For example, you will receive a notification if a person sent you a friend request, if someone commented on any of your publications or if they tagged you in a publication, among others. These notifications will not only reach your Facebook account but also the email that you have associated with Facebook or via SMS.

Sometimes it is annoying to have your email full of Facebook notifications, but if you do not constantly check your Facebook account it is important that you know what happens in it, be it through SMS, email or in the app, since some people can hack your account to use it for illegal purposes; If you do not receive notifications you will never know what is happening within your account or it will be too late to try to recover the hacked facebook account .

To avoid saturating the mail with many notifications you can deactivate those unimportant notifications and leave the essential notifications, then you will notice that the amount of emails will decrease drastically.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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