Social exchange theory: what is it and what are its authors

A topic that has been widely studied since psychology exists is that concerning social relationships, and that is that the human being is a bio-psycho-social individual. There is no way to separate human nature from interpersonal relationships.

The theory of social exchange mixes aspects of basic economics with aspects of psychology , and explains how we unconsciously seek to obtain the greatest benefit from our social relationships at the least cost. In this article we will see their approach, we will see who the main exponents of the theory of social exchange have been throughout history, and we will review how the level of acceptance has been over time.

Social exchange theory: what is it?

The theory of social exchange states that in the emergence of social relations there is a process of cost-benefit evaluation . Where the subjects discriminate whether it is worth establishing relationships with other individuals or not.

Individualism and hedonism are its fundamental bases, which speak that all behaviors are associated with personal achievement (even social ones) and that the only goal of the human being is to achieve individual pleasure and satisfaction.


The emergence of this theory dates back to 1956, when John Thibaut and Harold Kelley presented it for the first time. Thibaut and Kelly claimed in their theory of social exchange that a relationship between two or more people must result in some kind of gratification for all parties involved , or else the relationship would disappear. To avoid the dissolution of the group there had to be a reward, regardless of whether it was material or psychological.

Later, in 1958, it would be the American sociologist George C. Homans who made this theory famous, with the publication of his work Social Theory as Exchange . Homans stated in his article that social interaction represented a tangible or intangible exchange, where there should be a benefit or a cost for the participants, and that this is what would determine the future of the relationship.

Taking concepts in economic matters, Homans’ theory of social exchange indicates that people inevitably make comparisons between the alternatives offered by their relationships , and in the end they will end up cultivating more those that generate a greater benefit at a lower cost.

Variations of the theory

Thibaut and Kelly spoke about collective benefit in small groups, while Homans emphasized their work on individual benefit. He stated that in all group relationships the subjects always seek to obtain personal benefit.

With the passage of time, other theorists joined this trend, including Peter Blau and Richard M. Emerson , who followed Homans’ line of individual benefit. Lévi-Strauss, a famous French anthropologist, also contributed to this theory from the generalized exchange approach, which sees relationships as the means to an end. For example, marriages arranged for social and economic convenience.

Acceptance and criticism

This theory had a great impact within the psychological schools, supported for a long time by the behaviorist paradigms , which saw with good eyes that it was lengthy to quantify given its simplicity, in addition to being perfectly adapted to the behaviorist theory of stimuli and responses. With the passage of time and the subsequent appearance of cognitive and constructivist paradigms, the theory of social exchange was losing weight within the scientific field. Through these lines of research, it was shown that social behavior behaviors do not respond solely to rewarding interests.

Through the new psychological currents that were emerging, it was possible to determine that social relationships are not an exact science, taking into account that they are subject to emotional variables and learned behavioral factors.

Social relations according to modern psychology

With regard to social relationships, modern psychology gives greater weight to the environment and culture as determining agents in the links we establish with other people . Human beings are complex individuals in various aspects, and social relationships do not escape this complexity. Although artificial intelligences are very close to the functioning of the human mind, something in which they have not been able to match it is in the ability to feel affection for another organism.

Affection and affection come from very primitive structures of the human brain (limbic system) and go beyond any logical barrier that they may find in their way. That is why when we really love a person we do it without taking into account the interests, for the human being, logic and social relations do not necessarily go hand in hand.

By way of conclusion, it can be said that the theory of social exchange has served as a historical precedent within the field of social psychology. Leading to a wide variety of experiments over the years. The main cause that this theory collapsed lies in the lack of interest it showed in the subjective processes that exist when interacting with another person, and focused only on stimuli.

by Abdullah Sam
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