Importance of Sociology in Education

The educational process does not develop in isolation, it is a social phenomenon that involves educators and students, within a specific historical and socio-cultural context.

Sociology, which deals with knowing society, can provide a valuable instrument to understand certain facts that favor or hinder school learning, and the teaching task: behavior problems, school violence, apathy, lack of interest in learning , discrimination, school dropout, etc., applying a macro sociological analysis to the micro sociological study of classroom reality.

We all know the influence of society on the individual, in this case on educators and students, but Sociology studies this field in a systematic way, explaining reality and predicting events.

The Sociology of Education studies the school institution in its structure and as dynamic in itself, and related to other institutions, such as the family, the State, clubs, and other situations and events.

The school is a reflection of what is lived outside of it. Children bring family conflicts to school, those they have with their neighbors, who are often their classmates; financial problems (if their parents do not have a job, or pay them little), the violent messages they observe on the street, in their own home, or transmitted by the mass media or video games.

Educating in the 21st century is not an easy task, and that is due to the social change that has taken place in recent decades. A large number of immigrants requires incorporating into the curriculum the issue of acceptance of foreign partners and their integration; social violence merits a treatment of dialogue as a conflict resolution mechanism; The messages transmitted by the media require a critical debate and democratic society needs that from education, dialogue, cooperation, active listening and informed opinion be fostered.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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