So we can change the rate in Telecable

As in all operators every little bit they are modifying the rates , offering different services at different prices, it is very possible that we are interested in some and want to change . When making this change, not all operators are the same, so today we are going to focus on how it is done at Telecable .

Currently in Telecable we can choose two different rates if we only want mobile telephony and we are not interested in any of the other services offered by the Asturian operator. We can choose to:

  • A rate with unlimited calls and 15 GB of data to spend on the Internet for 19 euros per month.
  • The other rate also offers calls without any type of limit and Internet of 30 GB for an amount of 16 euros per month.

Regarding the offer that Telecable has of fixed, Internet and mobile, this is what they currently offer us:

  • Combi Navega 200: In this case we would only have 200 megabytes of Internet fiber and Leisure TV, without a fixed line. The cost is 40 euros per month.
  • Combi Family leisure: this pack includes 200 megabytes fiber , TV Leisure, landline with calls to landlines and mobiles, as well as a mobile line in which we will have 50 GB to navigate and unlimited calls .
  • Combi Infinity Lite: with 200 megabytes of Internet, landline (with calls to landlines and mobiles), a mobile line with unlimited calls and data and Leisure TV with a 4K Android deco, for 61 euros per month, without offer.
  • Combi Infinity: we have 200 megabytes of fiber optic Internet, a fixed line (with calls to landlines and mobiles), a mobile line with unlimited calls and also unlimited data, as well as Leisure TV with a 4K Android deco. All this at a cost, without offer, of 71 euros per month.
  • Combi Infinity 500 + Netflix : In this case we have 500 megabytes of Internet, mobile line with unlimited calls and data, Leisure TV with 4K Android deco, fixed line and Netflix valid for two screens simultaneously. To have this rate we must pay, without an offer, 81 euros per month.

Change rate

The first thing we have to be aware of is whether we still have a commitment to stay at the previous rate we are in. This does not mean that we cannot change to another rate, but it does mean that we must speak with Telecable to find out under what conditions.

So, if we want to sign up for another rate that interests us more, we must contact Telecable’s customer service at 900 222 111 , as long as we do it from 8 in the morning to 10:00 on Monday night to Friday. If we call on a Saturday the hours will be from 9 to 14 hours.

When we call them, we must explain that we want to make the change at a different rate than what we have, so that they can advise us and tell us what this change entails, especially in terms of permanence.

As we told you before, if we still have permanence, it may be that it is extended or that it is dissolved in the same that they are going to put us now, and it may even be the case that only the new permanence counts. That is something that you must make clear with the Telecable agent.

Additional lines

If we are interested in having more lines, we must be clear about some things. All the lines that we contract must be associated with the same owner of the rest of the services , even if it is actually used by other people, such as friends or family.

All these lines that we are incorporating are added to the invoice that we already had with Telecable, regardless of the services previously contracted.

The maximum number of additional lines that a single owner can have in their name is four. We can add additional lines to the Combi that we have, being able to choose between:

  • Unlimited calls and 15 GB of data for 10 euros more per month.
  • 30 GB of data and unlimited calls for 16 euros per month.
  • Calls without any limitation and 50 GB for 20 euros every month.

If we have any of the Fixed and Mobile plans, we can enjoy additional mobile lines like these, which include a Samsung Galaxy A20e within the price.

  • Mini + Mobile Plan (50/5 Mbps Fiber) : 4 GB plus 150 minutes of calls for 12 euros per month (up to 2 additional lines).
  • Standard + Mobile Plan (100/10 Mbps Fiber) : we will have unlimited minutes and 6 GB for a price of 15 euros per month (up to 2 additional lines).
  • Superior Plan + mobile (300/20 Mbps Fiber) : unlimited minutes and 13 GB of data for 13 euros per month (up to 2 additional lines).
  • Maximum Plan + Mobile (Fiber 500/30 MBps) : unlimited minutes and 13 GB of Internet for 13 euros per month (up to 2 additional lines).

Add data

The moment we run out of data on the mobile we will have two options. We continue without doing anything, which will cause a decrease in speed so significant that browsing will be almost impossible for us or we acquire an Internet voucher to continue browsing at maximum speed until it runs out or another month begins and, therefore, another billing period.

Right now we can acquire a 1 GB Voucher to continue browsing as we have been doing so far, that is, with the maximum possible speed.

Once the first Voucher is purchased, we can get a maximum of three in the same month, so we will enjoy up to 3 additional GB to use the Internet at full capacity. Of course this has a cost and in this case it is 5 euros for each of the Bonds that we use, so at most we will spend an additional 15 euros if we consume the three to which we are entitled.

If you decide to extend thanks to one of these Bonuses, you must call 900 222 111 from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., so that an operator can activate this service. It is also possible to activate it thanks to the customer area of ​​the Telecable website .

Now that you know all the details, you will be able to choose with greater security if you really want to change your rate or if you need some type of additional service to hire at the Telecable operator.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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