Shaft laser aligner

Shaft laser aligner . Automated devices for axis alignment, precise, fast and easy to use.


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  • 1 General
  • 2 Machinery
  • 3 Shaft alignment
  • 4 Usual Shaft Alignment Methods
  • 5 Laser Shaft Aligner
  • 6 Sources


Laser aligners achieve high precision, speed and automation . They are easy to use and do not require specific training. Compared to traditional dial gauge methods , the shaft alignment process is simplified, as it does not require additional calculations to make the necessary adjustments.


Machinery whose operation depends on rotating shafts usually have problems with vibration and premature wear due to the incorrect position of those shafts. Proper alignment will prevent vibration.

Among other things, the inadequate rotation of the axles and their vibratory effect on rotary machines produce undesired effects such as excessive noise , deterioration of associated parts and as a consequence low production due to the usual suspension for maintenance. Throughout time there have been various methods for shaft alignment. The laser system offers the benefits of accuracy and speed.

Shaft alignment

Alignment consists of the correct positioning of the centers of rotation of two or more axes that are arranged in series or in parallel. In other words, the centered movement of each one depends on that of the others, for the proper operation of the machine . The correction must be made on two characteristics of the probable misalignment:

  • The parallel difference: it is verified when the axes, despite following the same direction, are not on the same line or are displaced from the corresponding relative position.
  • The angular difference: assumes that the axes are not even parallel, but that their lines form an angle .

Usual Shaft Alignment Methods

Antique laser aligners.

Although the laser shaft alignment method has been in force since around 1980, other older methods have existed and are still in use.

  • Ruler or beam system: This is perhaps the oldest method of alignment. It is the use of a rigid and smooth element, such as a metal ruler, which is located on the axes that must be perfectly aligned horizontally. With a level tool, the correctness of the position is verified. It is a fast system, by means of which accuracy is hardly achieved, since it depends on the experience of the person applying the method and a visual review.
  • Comparator system: This method consists of the use of two tools called comparator clocks. Comparator clocks are measuring devices that, fixed in a given position, determine displacements. With the use of two clocks, and through a fairly complex procedure, it is possible to achieve a good result in the axis alignment. However, its use is not easy and the procedure must be carried out by operators with great experience in this task.

Shaft laser aligner

The last solution for axis alignment is represented by laser aligners, which achieve great precision, speed and automation , despite which the operator must have the necessary expertise to handle them. These aligners feature a digital display that provides measurement figures. Through a laser beam emitter , a prism that receives the beam and a digital detector, the operator obtains the correct information for the alignment of the axes.

Axis laser aligner.

The electronic detector allows input of the measurements of the axes and detects their inclination. The display shows the angular and parallel difference of the axes as well as the displacement values ​​that must be applied to achieve the correct alignment. By having a computer , this device has a negligible margin of error and achieves less than perfect results.


by Abdullah Sam
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