Scientific organization of industry

Scientific organization of the industry. An organization is a group of people who work to achieve a certain end and have the appropriate means. The scientific orientation of the industry is an orientation initiated by the engineer Federico W. Taylor.


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  • 1 Story
  • 2 Labor
    • 1 The worker
  • 3 Scientific Organization Methods
  • 4 Source


The North American engineer Federico W. Taylor was the first to initiate the indicated orientation, based on the study of the human factor as the primary factor in production, and therefore, by the name of the Taylor Method, the set of procedures that try to introduce is known. Scientific ideas in the internal organization of factories and in the human work that is carried out in them, but Taylor’s ideas count as a small part only of those that comprise the scientific organization of the industry .

Science has been the creator of modern industry and this not only in the technical aspect, but even in its economic characteristics. The steam engine and machinism in general can explain the transition from the guild forms to the modern factory and, with them, the liberal forms of the economy, the formation of the classes and the struggle between them. Similarly, many economic ways can be explained by the applications of electricity.


The development of machinery and modern industrial organizations have been oriented towards reducing the number of workers required for a given production: the density of labor in factories has been decreasing in relation to the volume of the product obtained. But still, the importance of labor in the industry is still considerable.

Scientific attention, for a long time directed to the study of motors and mechanical improvements, is realizing that the human motor is the most important of all and that, therefore, it should not be left indifferent, as neither the feeding of man, nor the study of fatigue and the adaptation of each individual to those jobs for which, due to their physical and even mental constitution, they are more apt. It is a question of achieving an increase in production output, which allows obtaining it at a lower cost, even better remunerating the workers who intervene in it.

The worker

Just as until a few years ago man, in industry, was mainly a motor, the worker must be considered as a psychic element, and the study of his aptitudes for work moves further and further away from dynamic mechanics to enter the domains of psychophysiology.

The methods for selecting personnel according to all their qualities are still in the early stages of their development, and in many cases are not yet usable in determining the job for which a worker is most useful.

Scientific Organization Methods

The application of the methods of scientific organization to a workshop or factory requires the use of instructional and training personnel in greater numbers than that of the current methods. The Taylor system and its derivatives require a detailed study of each work modality, of the time necessary to carry out each elementary movement, of the kind of tools that must facilitate the performance of the worker, of the best conditions in which production can be verified.

It also requires that the most suitable workers be chosen for each task and that they undergo training, so that they always carry out their work under conditions that previous studies have shown to be the best.


by Abdullah Sam
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