Salmon (color)

Salmon is a pinkish orange color , of medium intensity, which is based on the predominant coloration of the meat of common salmon, produced by the carotenoid pigment astaxanthin .

The salmon color is standardized, and appears in color catalogs and inventories; the color designation “salmon” includes the colorations similar to the standard, salmon, and by extension to the pinkish colors. The color salmon is included in the traditional iconolinguistic heritage of the coastal cultures of the North Atlantic.

The RAE defines:

  1. Said of a reddish or pink color similar to that of salmon meat.
  2. Salmon in color. Salmon sheets.


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  • 1 Etymology
  • 2 Uses and more
  • 3 HTML Tones
  • 4 Sources and References


  • From the Latin psalm, -ōnis ..
  • The origin of its name comes from the coloring of the meat of the salmon fish .

Uses and more

  • It is a very popular color, especially in the lighter tones, in interior decoration, because it is warm without reducing the brightness of the rooms. It was a fashionable color during the 1950s.
  • In Spain, financial journalism publications are called “salmon pages” and “salmon press”, since they are traditionally printed in salmon tones. This custom was started in 1893 by the London newspaper Financial Times.
  • The salmon color is a derivative of orange. It is a bright, warm and cozy color and can be perfectly combined with other pastel colors. It is advisable to combine it with some other color, because if it is used in excess it can become corny.

HTML tones

  • Light salmon (light salmon), salmon (salmon) and dark salmon (dark salmon) are three of the HTML colors established by computer protocols for use in web pages. In programming it is possible to invoke them by their name, in addition to their hexadecimal values.
by Abdullah Sam
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