How to safely defrost meats

The freezer is a great ally for those who want to preserve meat: there is no loss of flavor or nutrients in the process. But defrosting a steak or chicken breast can increase the risk of food contamination. What is the safest way to do this? How to prepare meat that is still frozen? Can I use the microwave? We asked these and other questions to food security experts.

The danger of defrosting meat inappropriately

Thawing meat can increase your risk of getting certain diseases, says Karen Blakeslee, coordinator of the Kansas State University rapid response center .

“You don’t see bacteria with the naked eye, so it is very important to know safe food handling practices. This reduces the chances of bacteria proliferating, ”she says.

So don’t try to rush the defrost.

“A few extra minutes of planning can save a lot of time, reduce the chances of foodborne illness and waste,” says Blakeslee.


Do not let the meat thaw at room temperature. It takes too long, and there is a risk of bacteria proliferation.

Why meat freezing is safe

“Freezing is a quick and convenient way to preserve meat at home. They are made up of high percentages of water, which means the formation of crystals that can be well managed using the right techniques, ”says Kantha Shelke , a food scientist spokesperson for the Institute of Food Technologists .

It is best to freeze the meat quickly, in packages suitable for use in the freezer, such as baking paper, foil, plastic bags for freezers or hermetically sealed containers, says Shelke. Avoid freezing using the supermarket packaging. This can “burn” the product because of the presence of air.

Thawing should be slow, and the temperature of the meat should not exceed 4.5 degrees Celsius – above that, the bacteria begin to reproduce quickly, according to the United States Department of Agriculture.

Once thawed, avoid putting the meat back in the freezer – unless it has been cooked. A second freeze decreases the flavor and quality of the meat and can mean that bacteria are also preserved, if the product has not been defrosted correctly.

Here are the four safest ways to defrost meat.

In the fridge

Red meat and poultry should never be defrosted at room temperature – the outside heats up faster than the inside, which encourages the growth of bacteria, says Shelke.

To maintain a constant cold temperature, use the refrigerator. That goes for everything: steaks, ground beef and poultry. Place the meat packages on a plate (to hold the liquids) and place it on the bottom of the refrigerator.

“The time of defrosting in the refrigerator depends on the amount of meat, so it is necessary to plan,” says Blakeslee.

A pound of ground beef can take a day to thaw in the refrigerator. Larger cuts and pieces, especially those with bone, can take two to three days, says Blakeslee.

Once thawed, meat and poultry can safely remain in the refrigerator for up to five days before cooking, provided they have not been exposed to temperatures above 4.5 degrees, says Shelke.


In cold water

Cold water – never tepid or hot – defrost meat and poultry quickly.

Place the meat completely submerged in a container with cold water, changing the water every half hour. Another option is to leave it under cold running water, says Blakeslee.

“The cold water method is faster” than the refrigerator, she says. “Half a kilo of ground meat can take an hour, but a 1.5 kg or 2 kg package can take two to three hours.”

In the microwave

The microwave defrost program is a quick and safe way to defrost meat, with a few caveats. Always refer to the device’s instruction manual, says Shelke.

“Microwave defrosting is very fast, but it is not as uniform as the refrigerator or cold water methods. In some cases, some parts of the meat can be cooked and dried, while others are still defrosting. ”

If you use the microwave, cook the meat immediately, notes Shelke. This method can also create the ideal conditions for the proliferation of bacteria.

The United States Department of Agriculture recommends removing frozen meat and poultry from any packaging before defrosting in the microwave. Use a plate and interrupt the process a few times to rotate and separate the pieces of meat.


Frozen food in the in the microwave

Straight into the pan or oven

The meat will not be as juicy, but this technique is safe. The important thing to remember is that the cooking time is increased by about 50% compared to fresh or thawed meat.

Certain cooking methods work better than others. The oven is one of the safest choices, says Shelke, because the outside of the meat heats up first, and the longer cooking time ensures that the inside also reaches a safe temperature.

Shelke recommends using defrosted meat and poultry only in slow cooker type electric cookers. She also warns that deep-frying or grilling is not ideal when it comes to frozen meat.

The last important tip concerns the internal temperature of the meat. She recommends using a meat thermometer to make sure that the internal temperature reaches 62.7 degrees for beef, pork, veal and lamb, 71.1 degrees for ground meat and 73.9 degrees for poultry, according to American Department of Agriculture recommendations.


by Abdullah Sam
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