Rubber fuel tank.How are we deceived at gas stations?

Motorists need to monitor the release of fuel, otherwise there is a high chance of becoming a victim of unscrupulous tankers.

Many gas station employees are outspoken about the methods of stealing while selling fuel to customers. Moreover, these methods of deception are so common that gas station employees rarely fill up cars at their own expense. Most often, the victims of fraud are tourists and travelers who are already thinking about vacation and are not in the mood for a serious conflict if theft is detected. In relation to them, the so-called “rubber gas tank” technique is used. What is this method and how else do tankers deceive motorists?

Fuel overflow

At the stages of transportation and manufacture of fuel, control is too severe, so theft is minimal here, but when filling gasoline directly, consumers are left with the possibility of deception. Most often, deception is entrusted to refuelers who are responsible for managing dispensers. These people often change at gas stations and in case of detection of theft, all responsibility can be shifted on them. However, all employees are involved in the theft, who divide the income among themselves.

The technology of “rubber gas tank” is simple. If the driver asks to fill a full tank, the meter turns on without restriction. The gas station employee inserts a gun into the neck, pulls the trigger, and gasoline flows until the container is fully filled. Each tank has ventilation ducts through which air escapes. However, when filling the tank, the air from the neck goes in the opposite direction to gasoline, which prevents it from flowing, and the limiter works.

Meanwhile, if you press the trigger again, you can pour a few more liters of fuel into the line. This is what scammers use. As soon as the gun cuts off the gas supply, they pull out a canister from the trash can, insert a gun into it and pour a couple of liters of gasoline into it at the expense of the buyer. Some pour themselves even a 10-liter canister.

If the driver at the checkout is surprised how 60 liters of fuel suddenly fit into his 50-liter gas tank , then you can always talk about very roomy necks.

Arguing in this case is useless. After all, the driver will not call Rosstandart experts and demand that the fuel be drained from the car in order to check whether there was an overflow.

Source: Kinek00

Underfilling of fuel

The second common deception technique is fuel underfilling. On old mechanical speakers, it was implemented through all sorts of fraud with equipment. For example, the tanker could turn off the pump by opening the wires brought out to the outside. But these columns no longer exist. The vast majority of gas stations now have state-of-the-art electronically controlled equipment that dispenses accurate dosages.

This equipment is corrected by software. Technically, this is implemented using a small board installed inside the column. The control button, which activates the new block and its program, is located at the operator or at the tanker. And it can work remotely. As a result, less gasoline is sent to the tank . Often underfill from 1 to 3.5 liters of gasoline for every 10 liters. If a motorist purchases 20 liters, then the underfilling will be from 2 to 4 liters.

If the client notices underfilling and will be indignant, then it is almost impossible to prove this fact. By pressing the button, the correct program is started again, and the fuel dispensing system at the dispenser will dispense gasoline exactly according to the standard. With the driver, an exemplary filling of a 10-liter measuring flask (measuring tank) will be made, which will show the exact compliance of the equipment with all requirements.

Source: Natalya Filina /

Fake gas stations

According to Rosstandart, continuous fuel underfilling schemes are practically not used. It is included for a specific client, if they see that he can be deceived. Most often, this happens at non-branded gas stations that fake their appearance under well-known networks.

These are fake gas stations. They are often franchised and under the flags and colors of a major brand, but set their own rules of control. Franchise gas stations are easy to recognize – they have a sign on their doors or on the counter that this is an LLC or even an individual entrepreneur. The same information is indicated on the check, although the logo of Lukoil, Tatneft or another brand flaunts on the sign.

They only sell the amount of fuel that the main company gives them, but they often buy gasoline from third-party suppliers who have poor quality control.


by Abdullah Sam
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