Rosa Cristina Baez

Rosa Cristina Báez Valdés . She was a prominent Cuban activist and blogger. Known as the Cuban Moth . Librarian for 35 years, disseminator on the Web of news from Cuba and the world in an attempt to break the fence of silence and manipulation about the revolutionary and progressive processes. He worked for the newsletter La Polilla and then Libríínsula , for which he obtained the Mother Teresa of Calcutta Award in the area of ​​Promotion of Culture, Education and Librarianship [1] [2] .


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  • 1 Biographical synthesis
    • 1 Studies completed
    • 2 Career path
    • 3 Recognitions and participation in events
  • 2 References
  • 3 Sources

Biographical synthesis

He was born in Havana on March 23 , 1952 .

Studies completed

He graduated as a Middle Technician from the National School of Library Technicians (ENTB) in 1972 and a Bachelor’s Degree in Scientific Information and Library Science from the University of Havana in 1978.

Career path

He worked in the branch of Librarianship and Information Sciences (from 1972 to 2007) in the José Martí National Library of Cuba , in the Youth, Bibliographic Funds, Bibliographic Research departments. He made bio-bibliographic compilations such as those of Vicentina Antuña , Severo Sarduy , Raúl Hernández Novás , Sergio Aguirre , Eliseo Diego , Raúl Martínez , Florencio Gelabert , Tomás Gutiérrez Alea , Isaac Nicola , Ada Elba Pérez and Luis Rogelio Nogueras, as well as the Chronology of life of Eliseo Diego and, without culminating, the bio bibliography of Pablo Armando Fernández .

In 2000, her professional life took a turn towards journalism and she began as editor of the La Polilla bulletin , a 15-page printout that circulated internally in that library. In 2004 he would be in charge of the writing and editing of Libríínsula , which was initially a digital newsletter, and later became an online magazine. He published poems in compilations and literary magazines in Peru , Argentina and Mexico .

This experience projected her onto digital media and she became a pioneer of what would later be called the Cuban Blogosphere with her blog La Polilla Cubana .

She was one of the first to enlist in the campaign for the Liberation of the Five , which had a great battlefield on social networks on the Internet, exchanging letters with the anti-terrorists, being aware of the trials, claims and requests that were related to the case [3] .

Recognition and participation in events

It obtained prizes in literary contests of base. He participated in amateur theater groups, literary workshops, and numerous poetry forums on the Internet.

In 2006 he was awarded the Mother Teresa of Calcutta Award by the Board of Directors of the Popular Library “Mother Teresa”, in La Matanza, Province of Buenos Aires , Argentina, in the area of ​​Promotion of Culture, Education and Education. Library science.

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