Information Technology (IT) or what we commonly know as Information Technology (IT) is a term that is often used in any case relating to the role of technology in helping human life to become easier. For example, the role in making, changing, storing communicating or disseminating important information in daily life.


In the past, information technology was limited to computers. However, over the times, information technology has increasingly developed into telephones, televisions, mobile phones, electronic equipment for household needs, even watches can now be a communication tool as a mobile enhancement.


What is the Role of Information Technology in the Future of Work? 

All people who live in the present are equally heading for a future life. This is a life that might be more powerful and sophisticated compared to the life of the digital era as it is today. When the development of Information Technology comes and touches the organization, the company and other workplaces, then the transformation will occur exponentially, both from the vision, process, technology, work culture, and even work practices themselves.


Changes that are very fast and drastic often require companies today to move very quickly so as not to lag behind with its competitors. This also makes the company or workplace oriented still very traditional with a very binding hierarchical structure becoming increasingly faded by the times.


Modern people who live today and in the future will much prefer a company that is flexible, not rigid and not very binding, but full of innovation. Technology-oriented companies will become futuristic workplaces in the future workforce . This workplace is what we all really want in the future.


That may be just a little shadow about the role of information technology in the future, now let’s discuss about the state of the world of work in the future. What are futuristic workplaces or could be the ideal workplace in the future ? What will be the role of management and labor in the future workplace? Does using a robot completely and humans do not do any work? Or, humans are still carrying out their duties to continue working? After that, what kind of role does information technology play in the future?


We are sure there will be many questions that come to mind all of us if we think about technology and the world of work in the future. Indeed, all that could have been going on for a long time, so we feel no need to think about it now. However, it never hurts to predict and design the future with information technology from now on, right?


According to the entrepreneur’s website, there are several possibilities that will occur in the future as the development of information technology and the world of work in the future, namely as follows:


1. Agility, Dynamic, and Almost All Workers Communicate Virtually .

The first prediction we have here is the next few decades, almost everyone doesn’t have the time to interact face-to-face with the people around him. All can interact through information technology without exception. The characteristics of agility and dynamic are increasingly becoming the future. Almost no one can relax, because in order to survive and have endurance, everyone is required to move quickly


2. Innovations, creations and disruptions are very normal.

Innovation, creation and disruption are like norms that need to be obeyed and cannot be violated in the future. In the future, everyone will move quickly, aggressively and dynamically as described in the first point. But what is the dynamism of all that for? Of course to continue to innovate and be creative. Information technology will be even more sophisticated, even its sophistication is beyond our imagination. If we cannot accept innovation and creation as a normal thing, then we cannot survive, let alone to be superior to others. Disturbances from inside and outside that encourage us to continue to innovate is a very normal thing to happen in the future.


3. Always being connected 24/7 is a natural thing.

The role of information technology that is getting more powerful and sophisticated in the future will allow us all to be able to connect 24/7 or every day of the week non-stop, without the constraints of geographical location and physical presence. Yep, non-stop! As if there were no more breaks to rest. So don’t be surprised if in the future, we will be called to hold a work meeting at night, or do a conference call at 3am, wow!


4. Full-time employment and mobility to the workplace will be increasingly reduced.

The world of work in the future no longer offers a workplace with traditional jobs that require workers to sit quietly working in front of a laptop for 8-9 hours per day. The future offers a dynamic job, so becoming a freelancer is much more desirable than a full-time job at work. This makes the frequency of a person’s mobility from home to office will be increasingly reduced. They can work anywhere without having to go to the office. Everything becomes very easy, fast and light. There are no more obstacles in connecting, although working in teams face to face will be very rare.


5. Job Transformation and Work Skills will Continue to Increase.

What can fellow readers see from the development of work and skills in the present with the past? Maybe some of them are types of professions that are increasing, demand for work skills is increasingly varied and so forth.


Yep! all of that will also happen in the future. Of course, with developments and changes faster and more varied than now. Some skills such as soft skills that do not exist in the present, may be created in the future. Not only that, we are required to be able to understand it and even master it. If not? We will belong to the group that is left behind.


6. Focus on Real-Time Solutions and Be Right on Target.

The role of information technology and the futuristic world of work will focus on real-time solutions and be on target, not on practices and processes. The increasing availability and dependence on information and data, companies in the future will run on a secure and fully integrated digital platform. Digital developments also enable individuals to solve problems directly or in real time with targeted solutions. As Satya Nadella said that:

“In the future, every type of work will have a digital component. However, that does not mean that everyone must be a computer scientist. ”


From these predictions, we can conclude that in the future almost everyone will become an information technology expert, without exception.


Positive values ​​that will be carried by information technology in the future are speed, accuracy, productivity and efficiency . All humans can optimize their performance well with technology. The workplace in the future will provide sophisticated cognitive tools, greater and more sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration in all aspects of business, from management strategies to HR, better customer service, increased job security, and so on. If there is one word that can describe the world of work in the future, it is Digital. Everything about digital and everything about information technology that is very sophisticated.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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