Rice with chickpeas and fish

Rice with Chickpeas and Fish . Chickpeas and fish make a good combination. Something different and tasty to serve the family.


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  • 1 Ingredients
  • 2 Preparation
  • 3 Nutritional properties of fish
  • 4 Different ways of making fish
  • 5 Chick Peas
  • 6 Properties of chick peas
  • 7 Variants
  • 8 Sources


  • 1½ pound chickpeas
  • 1 pound of fish
  • 3 tablespoons of fat ( oil or butter )
  • 1 chive or small onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 3 or 4 small peppers
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar or dry wine
  • 1 tablespoon of Chinese sauce
  • ¼ teaspoon of cumin
  • ¼ teaspoon of pepper
  • ¼ teaspoon oregano
  • 3 cups of chickpea broth
  • 2 cups of rice


  • Soak the chickpeas from the day before and then put them to cook in fresh water.
  • While the chickpeas are softening, clean the fish to remove the skin and bones.
  • Make a sofrito with the fat, chives or onion, garlic, chili peppers, and tomato puree and add to it the fish mass, the cooked chickpeas, salt, vinegar, Chinese sauce, spices and three cups of the chickpea broth.
  • When it starts to boil , add the washed rice, let it cook covered and over medium heat for approximately 30 minutes.

Makes 8 servings.

Nutritional properties of fish

Fish is a source of vitamins and minerals, such as fat soluble A and D, water soluble B12, and elements such as phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and iodine, especially marine fish. Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is synthesized in bacteria and green vegetables, and stored in animal tissues; therefore its distribution is very wide in saltwater fish.

Fish has a nutrient composition similar to that of meat: high quality proteins, fats or lipids, small amounts of vitamins, mineral salts and purines (mainly in blue). Like meat, it does not contain carbohydrates and, depending on the amount of fat, they are divided into fatty fish (0-2% fat), semi-fat (2-6% fat) and blue fish (more than 6% of grease).

Different ways of making fish

  • Roast:

Season the fish and brush with oil. Then place them on the grill or in the already hot oven (certain varieties need to be passed through flour). Small species roast easily, but thicker fish require cuts on the sides to keep the skin from breaking. This form of cooking is highly digestive and preserves its nutritional properties well.

  • Stew:

Before putting the fish in the saucepan you should skip it with a little oil so that later it does not fall apart. Put a vegetable base with a little lemon juice and broth in the saucepan; add the fish already sauteed along with the vegetables. Cover the saucepan and let it cook for 20 minutes for each kilo of weight. The fish is ready when it is easy to prick it with a fork. Remember that the cooking bottom will serve you later for the sauce.

  • Fried:

Pass the pieces of fish through a batter to coat or milk and flour or egg. Put the pieces in hot oil for a few minutes and then put them on a paper napkin to absorb the fat. This preparation has a high caloric value, even more if it is accompanied with sauces.

  • Sauteed:

Dry the fish pieces, roll them in flour, put them in a pan with very hot oil and leave them until they start to turn golden. If you use small fish or fillets you can also overflow them with breadcrumbs. This cooking preserves all the nutritional value, although it is necessary to eat it instantly and renew the oil to avoid it becoming less digestive.

  • Boiled:

Dip the fish in boiling water with a splash of lemon juice and flavoring herbs (bay leaf, onion, thyme). Leave it on minimum heat for 20 minutes for each kilo of weight. You can also add milk, vegetables, or white wine. With this cooking the fish loses vitamins and minerals. To compensate, combine it with vegetables.

The chickpeas

Chickpeas contain many nutrients for the body, such as magnesium whose properties protect us against cardiovascular diseases and the dreaded stress.

Chickpea properties

High fiber content, helping to relieve constipation. Chickpeas lower cholesterol being very useful for cardiovascular diseases. Chickpeas are a good food for Diabetes since their carbohydrates are slow to assimilate. Chickpeas contain magnesium, thereby protecting the body against cardiovascular disease and stress. It is also proven to relieve peptic and duodenal ulcers. Chickpeas are ideal for pregnant women, for its richness in protein, iron and other minerals, also for its folates.


This same recipe can be prepared with other types of meat varieties to our liking such as: chicken or pork, it is very easy to our liking.


by Abdullah Sam
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