Remedies for toothache

Toothache can be caused by several factors and, therefore, the ideal is to consult the dentist before deciding to take any medication, in order to avoid masking symptoms and postponing the real problem.

Usually, the remedies prescribed to relieve toothache are painkillers, anti-inflammatories and local anesthetics.

1. Analgesics

Pain reliever medications such as acetaminophen or metamizole, commercially known as  Dipyrone  or Novalgin , can help relieve toothache. However, if it’s too strong or doesn’t go away with these drugs, you may need to take something stronger, like lysine clonixinate, commercially known as Algimate .

2. Anti-inflammatories

These remedies, in addition to reducing the inflammation characteristic of some dental problems, also have analgesic action. Some examples of anti-inflammatories often used in toothache are ibuprofen , nimesulide , lysine clonixinate , naproxen or aspirin for example.

Know who should avoid taking aspirin.

3. Local anesthetics

Local anesthetics are applied to the painful area to numb the pain, and although they have an immediate effect, they are usually relatively short-acting. The most commonly used anesthetics to relieve toothache are lidocaine  ointment or spray and  benzocaine spray or lozenge.


by Abdullah Sam
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