Rational use of medicines

It is common for people to consume medicines without a prescription, such as painkillers and anti-inflammatories, for example. And that is why the rational use of medicines should be more discussed with the Brazilian population.

According to the National System of Toxico-Pharmacological Information of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Sinitox), the incorrect use of medicines accounts for 27% of cases of poisoning in Brazil. In addition, among these cases, 16% end up leading to death.

One of the factors that influence self-medication is the idea that medicines are products for consumption like any other. After all, this often happens without taking into account the problems and side effects that it can cause.

Therefore, this practice also influences the burden on public health. The demand for appointments increases with the appearance of symptoms caused by self-medication.

According to a survey carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO), 35% of medicines sold in Brazil do not have a medical indication. As a result, hospitals end up spending between 15% and 20% of their budget to treat problems caused by self-medication.

Complications caused by self-medication

The reckless and uninformed use of medication can lead to different and serious complications in the body, in addition to intoxications that can be lethal.
Among the most common risks are:

  • Resistance to other drugs and delay in correct diagnosis;
  • Masking symptoms and delaying necessary and effective treatments;
  • Potentialize the disturbance that was intended to be combated;
  • Aggravate side effects and development of others;
  • Resistance to bacteria and microorganisms;
  • Create dependency;
  • Allergic reaction;

All these questions will depend on how each person’s metabolism absorbs the medicine, and also on the amount that the individual is ingesting.

Rational use of medicines

The rational use of medicines has as its principle the appropriate and conscious use according to the clinical needs of the patient. For this, it is important that there is medical monitoring during treatment.

In this way, the person understands the purpose of the medication more easily, and is able to monitor the results of the treatment.

But, in addition, it is important that there are campaigns and educational actions that aim to broaden the notion of how we medicate ourselves and also the problems that irresponsible self-medication can cause.

With that in mind, the Ministry of Health created, in 2007, the National Committee for the Promotion of the Rational Use of Medicines with the purpose of guiding and proposing strategies aimed at a healthy and attentive relationship between the population and the consumption of medicines.

In addition, the Committee also develops activities that expand access to pharmaceutical assistance, aiming at greater quality and safety with medicines. The Federal Government even created the Booklet for Promoting the Rational Use of Medicines.

That is, the main ways to carry out the rational use of medicines is mass information, access to dignified care and improvement in health services, in addition to the adoption of actions aimed at controlling and reducing the sale of medicines without a medical prescription. .


Other ways to avoid self-medication is to search for alternative activities and therapies. After all, this can reduce the need to consume pharmaceutical drugs. This, of course, will depend on each person’s condition.

For example, physical activities can act in cases of muscle pain, as well as support the treatment of psycho-emotional illnesses.

In addition, it is also possible to reverse many conditions with a balanced diet and psychological follow-up. It may seem more of the same, but much of what is physical comes from the emotional.

Look for moments of relaxation to understand the reasons why your body is asking for more attention and care and from there find the best treatment for your case. to assist you.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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