Principles of physical activity of children

As we all know, childhood is a period of considerable development. Whether it is logical The use of thought, emotion, society and, most notably, is physical. Today we would like to recommend exercise for children. So that we can plan exercise for the little one properly

Warm up before and after exercising.

As well as adults Children also need to prepare the body to be ready. Before any strenuous exercise Warming up before activities will help reduce possible injuries. Plus by stretching a little before playing It will help you to work your muscles better as well.

The amount of time spent exercising

For the optimal duration of each exercise of the child will be in the range of 20-60 minutes so that the child can exercise fully. Not too little and not too much Depending on the intensity of that exercise as well

The frequency of exercise

If possible, encourage him to exercise 3-5 days a week. This will be a small exercise like going out with a friend. Or to develop your skills along with learning sports is a good choice. Regular exercise can help instill a healthy habit in children.

Activities suitable for physical exercise of the child

However, the exercise of the child He must not forget that he has to have fun and smile. At the same time, they should find exercise activities that they can play with their friends. So that children can make friends and stay

Can share with others For example, a team sport such as soccer, etc. In addition to having fun and good health He also practiced thinking, planning and learning to work as a team. However Every time to choose a type and exercise. Remember to take into account the physical condition and readiness of the child as well, such as when the child has a fever, is hot or is sick. Also should not give him a vigorous exercise, etc.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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