What is prime time on television

Many times we hear in the media that a program or series was the leader in television prime time . But what does this term refer to? Today we are going to see what it is and some curiosities of Spanish prime time.

  • What is it? It is considered the time slot in which the most people are connectedto television, and in the case of Spain and most countries, this occurs at night.
  • What time? Currently the prime time in Spain is around 22.35 hours.
  • Evolution. But this has not always been the prime time schedule in our country, in fact in the last two decades it has been delayed up to 1 hour and 15 minutes later than what happened in the nineties. In the year 1990 it was around 21.22 hours, while in 1999 it had already been delayed until 22 hours. 10 years ago it was established around 22:15 and currently it is around 22.35.
  • Why? The newscasts have much responsibilityas to set the ‘prime time’ in our country. For many decades it started at 8:30 p.m. (when only TVE existed) but with the introduction of private channels it was delayed until 9 p.m. Also in the mid-1990s the duration of the newscasts was lengthened, from 35 to 45 minutes.
  • Access prime time. Precisely at the end of the nineties, some private channels introduced new television formats , generally comical, prior to the prime time broadcasts (usually series, films or most prominent programs of the chain) known under the name of ‘Access prime time’.
  • True data? Many criticize that Spanish prime time is the most damaging to viewers since the maximum TV audience in our country begins before this time slot imposed by the networks. Therefore, the‘star’ programs are broadcast when precisely the audience is falling .

The result of these data that we have analyzed is that more and more viewers are opting for audiovisual products on paid channels or viewing them through the Internet.


by Abdullah Sam
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