What are the types of television networks

Television networks are one of the oldest networks that exist and that today are still used in many countries of the world. It could be said that they have the same level of reach and infrastructure of the fixed or mobile telephone network. As you may know, this technology has evolved over the years. That is why today we can see different types of television networks.

In today’s article we want to talk about what exactly are television networks at home, in the same way, we will tell you what are the types and other information that will help you learn more about this topic. Of course, you have to understand that the normal television network is not the same as cable television networks . But we will see that next.


  • What are home television networks?
  • What are home television networks for?
  • What are the types of television networks that exist today?

What are home television networks?

The television networks that are implemented in any home in the world are a type of network in which channels and open programming are transmitted .

This means that anyone with a powerful enough television and antenna can pick up a television signal and have a visible and audible image on their device . But of course, with the passage of time, this technology has gone through an inevitable transition.

What until a few decades ago was known as analog television, today has become digital . Of course, its reach has not yet been compared to its predecessor, but more and more families and households are opting for cable television networks.

The great acceptance and the change from analogue to digital television networks is due to a large extent to the significant improvement of audio and image based on quality.

What are home television networks for?

Regardless of whether it is analog or digital television, both serve the same purpose: to bring entertainment , entertainment and information in a continuous and varied video format. Of course, one has much more advantage than another for the quality reasons already mentioned.

But even so, both networks are used to provide an educational service , information programs such as newscasts or simply a channel for movies, music videos or others. It is something like computer networks and the types that exist , but limited to audio and video.

What are the types of television networks that exist today?

1. Cable TV

Also known as CATV, it is nothing more than a service in which a radio frequency signal is transmitted in the order of MHz, through a copper or fiber optic cable, this will depend on whether it is an analog or digital service .

In the case of fiber optic cable television, not only can access to digital channels, but also voice and data service, while services that use coaxial cables are only limited to transmitting audio and video.

A curious fact about cable television is that it is possible to connect several televisions to the same digital cable signal . Of course, you will most likely have to use a decoder and other elements to be able to give the same signal to different televisions in the home.

2. Digital terrestrial television

It is also known as DTT and is one of the most used methods to transmit television broadcast signal. Of course, unlike the first type of television network , here we use electromagnetic waves and a device capable of capturing that signal and converting it into information that you can see and hear.

Another difference that we can mention is that DTT differs from CATV by using binary coding to transmit information and not electrical or light signals.

3. Satellite networks

As its name suggests, it is nothing more than television networks in which they make use of satellites and terrestrial antennas to have a television signal with a high quality and from different parts of the world. Thanks to this technology, it is possible to connect a TV Box to an Android phone.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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