Predator: Hunting Grounds – how to play as a squad fighter

How to get out of the combat zone when playing as a Marine and not become the prey of the Predator

Predator: Hunting Grounds is a multiplayer survival game in which four Marines must complete a series of specific command missions as well as battle the Predator. The role of the squad and the alien is taken on by real players, but the matter is complicated by the fact that the operatives can only observe what is happening in the first person, and the hunter himself – from the third. In addition, on the map you will find enemies controlled by artificial intelligence. Bots are not very difficult, but there are quite a few of them, and most likely they will “set” an alien on you. In this guide, we’ll give you basic survival tips for an infantry squad, as well as how best to defeat the Predator.

Stick together


The advantage of the squad is that there are more of you. The predator cannot kill either of you if you are in close proximity to each other. Even if he “drops” one of the infantrymen, then most likely it will not be possible to finish him off. The fact is that the animation of finishing off the player from the Predator takes several seconds. During this time, the three remaining heroes will easily inflict critical damage on the enemy and make them hide in trees or behind rocks.

It should be noted that even if this happened, the Predator can restore some of its health once per game. Therefore, it is still not worth asking for trouble: try not to linger in an open area for a long time and stick together.

Do not make noise

After you find yourself in the mission execution area, in the upper right corner of the screen, you can observe specific goals: find a safe, block the water and others. Once you reach the marker, you will surely meet with the AI ​​patrolmen. It is these opponents who can bring the main antagonist to you and disrupt all plans. When the firefight begins, in most cases the patrolmen will raise the alarm. Not only bots, but also an alien will come running to the sound of sirens. Try not to make a noise once again, and, if possible, use a weapon with a silencer.

Disable the alarm

As we said, when the shootout starts with the bots, they can raise the alarm.

While in the search area for a particular quest item, in camps you can often come across towers with an alarm activator. Disable them all to protect yourself not only from the arrival of reinforcements from patrolmen, but also from the Predator.


Use dirt

This technique will help to hide your operative from the “heat” gaze of the Predator for a while. You don’t have to look for some kind of special dirt. The jungle is full of it, use any.

If you are left alone (other members of the squad died, or headed in the other direction), and you know that the Predator is nearby, then you can pretend to be an ordinary bot. To do this, you practically do not need to do anything: just stand somewhere in the middle of a village or a military base, stand still, or walk from side to side. But don’t run! In this case, even when using the thermal imager, the Predator will not be able to distinguish you from the bot and will simply rush past. It should be noted that in this case the hunter can use a special “impulse” that marks agents and separates them from regular bots.

The Predator’s thermal imager looks like this

Reanimate a comrade

If the alien nevertheless managed to inflict critical damage to one of the soldiers of the squad, frightening him off, do not waste time and return the soldier to the ranks. This will help you hold out longer until the main mission is completed or the helicopter arrives. Not to mention that the four of you have more chances to deal with the Predator.

Group when defending

As we have already noted, raising the alarm, you will have to fight off both bots and an alien. It is best to do this in a small room, one of which you can easily find when completing the main task. Most likely, the Predator will not allow himself to enter the room where the entire squad is located. But this method also has its drawbacks: the hunter can wait until you complete part of the task, leave the building and start moving to the next goal. To get out of this situation, see the first tip on our list.

Use targeting

Any member of the squad can mark targets on the map and directly in front of him. If you notice an approaching enemy squad, or even worse, a Predator, just put a mark using the special key. Thus, even in the absence of a voice chat, you will notify your teammates of an impending threat.

Look for supply crates

The fact is that the operatives’ ammunition supply is not infinite. If you spent all the ammo on the main and secondary weapons, then you will have to be content with only a knife, or look for boxes with supplies. All protected areas have small buildings in which you can find supply boxes and first aid kits. These boxes are designed to replenish the spent ammunition on the main and secondary weapons. Be careful: sometimes boxes and first aid kits are found in open areas. Using them makes you very vulnerable to the hunter. If you spotted such a box and are aiming to swallow it, ask your comrades not to run forward, but to cover you.

First aid kits are also included in the above list

Use grenades

The Frag Grenade is a great way to scare away the Predator heading towards you. One such grenade, which exploded under the feet of a hunter, is capable of “taking” about half of the alien’s health. As you can imagine, after such a greeting, the antagonist will simply have to hide and patch up the wounds.

Also, don’t forget to use flash bangs. Although they do not hurt the enemy much, they can confuse him for a few seconds. If at this moment your allies are not far from him, then we can assume that the lion’s share of the Predator’s health is in your pocket.

Complete a rescue mission

Even after one of your teammates has been killed, you can return him to the ranks. To do this, after his death, you need to wait a minute, then get to the nearest radio and activate it. As soon as this happens, a killed ally will appear on the map after a few seconds.

Leave the Predator’s self-destruction zone

If the hunter has no first-aid kits left and you and the squad have brought him to a critical state, then he will surely use the self-destruct function. In this case, you will see on the screen that you are in the affected area. You need to proceed as quickly as possible in the opposite direction from the Predator, otherwise he will die and take your life with him.

If you see a similar inscription on the screen, run as fast as you can.

Try to neutralize the Predator

The best outcome for the squad is to capture the Predator. Of course, an evacuation in full force is also a Happy End, but still it is much more difficult to catch a hunter, and therefore more profitable. The fact is that if after inflicting critical damage on the alien he did not apply “self-destruction”, then you will receive an instruction from OWLF to deliver his body to the evacuation zone. From this moment on you will begin to attack the crowd of enemies under the control of AI. But if you do it and save your body, you will receive double experience and a reward for participating in the match.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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