Predator: Hunting Grounds – how to play the Predator

A guide on how to become a good hunter and prevent the Marines from leaving the war zone

The Predator in Predator: Hunting Grounds has a unique feature – it sees the world around it from the third person. This allows him to quickly navigate the terrain, unlike his victims: the infantry players play in a first-person perspective. But do not forget that there are four of them, and the Predator is one. To win the match, the hunter needs to eliminate all members of the squad and collect as many trophies as possible. In this guide, we’ve prepared some basic tips for playing the Predator.

Use a thermal imager

Immediately after the start of the match, you need to find your victims. A special alien device – a thermal imager – should help you with this. With it, you can track all living creatures on the map, from wild boars to Voodoo squad operatives.

It will often be difficult to distinguish infantry from bots. For this, the Predator can use the Isolating Impulse skill. After activating the impulse, the approximate location of the nearest enemy player will become available to you.

Important targets are highlighted with a red marker

Focus on sounds

In addition to the thermal imager, you can track down a squad of marines by the sounds of gunfire or a siren. The fact is that the detachment lands on the island not just to sit out in the bushes: they perform certain command tasks. Of course, in one hundred percent of cases, this will lead to shootings, and maybe even to the activation of an alarm. If you hear gunfire or a siren sound, head there and find your victims.

Navigate the trees

The predator is very mobile. He moves several times faster than a common soldier, and can also climb trees and move around them. It would be foolish not to use this skill, especially when you consider that the entire squad is looking at you in the first person. The soldiers have enough worries on the ground: the patrolmen under the control of AI will not leave them alone, and here you also run through the trees.

You can use the Predator Jump while directly in the tree

This advice is especially relevant after the hunter is seriously injured. The fact is that after that the Predator leaves literally puddles of green alien blood on the ground. If you leave on the ground, the detachment will quickly hunt down and kill you. Climb a tree and retreat to a safe distance to replenish your health and take a breath.

Exterminate enemies one by one

As we noted in the previous Predator: Hunting Grounds guide , while the Marines can only observe in the first person, their main advantage is their large numbers. But not all units use it. Based on our own experience, we can say that one of the five squads will keep side by side throughout the game. The rest of the groups disperse literally “who is where”. If you run into a not very well-coordinated team, then use it against them: catch lone players and eliminate such fighters without much effort.

But what to do when the group is working well together? It is difficult to unequivocally answer this question. You have to try to separate them. You can use the following tactics: “drop” one soldier, then hide, but not far. When a comrade will raise a wounded teammate, use a long-range weapon to inflict critical damage on him. If there are only two operatives left on the map, they are unlikely to return for broken teammates, and you can try to manage to collect trophies and continue the hunt.

Use stealth kills

It’s no secret that the Predator can hide with the terrain. Using the Disguise skill, the hunter will not completely hide, as his silhouette will still be visible. But if you stumble upon a wounded enemy, do not rush to run to him headlong. Instead, use disguise and try to get as close to the enemy as possible. If this succeeds, then with one blow you inflict critical damage on him, and while his teammates figure out what’s what, you can still manage to collect the trophy from the deceased.

Destroy supplies

In the location, and in particular on the territory of military facilities, boxes with supplies and hinged first-aid kits are scattered. In search of your victims, you will surely come across such items in large numbers. Do not flaunt them and wait for your victims to use the supplies – get rid of the supplies with a few accurate strikes.

Don’t forget about additional attacks

The Shoulder Plasma Cannon can play an important role in your hunt. Moreover, we recommend inflicting the first blow from this particular weapon. Usually, when you find a group for the first time, they will not be aware of your presence. Use the surprise effect and deliver the first blow to a group of enemies or a detached player. In the future, with the help of a plasma gun, you can prevent the squad from raising a wounded soldier, or even cause critical damage to the victims.

Better not to use this weapon in open confrontation

Let’s go back to the moment when you just discovered your enemies. If the team of operatives is well-coordinated, moves close to each other and does not expect your attack, use a crushing blow. To complete it, you need to use the Predator’s jump to a certain point (in the place of the congregation of soldiers), and just before landing, hit the ground. At this moment, the Predator will use up all the available energy supply, but if everything works out, then the victims will feel much worse. The blow stuns all enemies in the area of ​​effect, and also deals medium damage.

Don’t waste energy

The success of the hunter depends not only on the life bar in the lower left corner of the screen, but also on energy. Nearly all the actions you perform (except running and melee attacks) consume energy. Shooting with shoulder weapons, camouflage and thermal imaging consume a lot of energy. Therefore, in most cases you will have to save it. If you find a squad, you shouldn’t use all your resources into battle. You have enough time to win: play with your prey, exhaust it mentally and physically, and when a good opportunity presents itself, use all your energy and strike.

Do not ask for trouble

This advice applies to both sides of the conflict. But unlike operatives, who can fight off the alien together, no one can help the Predator. Having taken one or several fighters by surprise, and maybe seriously injuring someone, you should not chase him to the last. It can cost you your life, especially if a well-coordinated team is playing against you.

If you “dropped” one of the agents, then it is better to step back for a while and observe the actions of the soldiers from a distance. Perhaps some of the fighters will return for a broken comrade. In this case, it is worth making another visit, having previously noted the weakest or wounded target.

Restore health

In one match, the Predator can carry up to two first aid kits. Such items cannot be used whenever you want. The first aid kit becomes available only after receiving critical damage. But you can restore health in another way. If you are seriously injured but have escaped to a safe distance from the Voodoo squad, use your thermal imager to find and catch a wild boar. These animals will be an excellent alternative to first aid kits.


by Abdullah Sam
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