Praditus, an app to solve your personality type

Knowing who you are and where you want to go is one of the most gratifying personal successes of the human being today. It is a concept that you are realizing over the years and that is becoming more and more present in your life. If you have not yet reached that step, we can help you with an app called Praditus .

It is an application that performs personality tests to determine the type of person each one is. In this way, it allows you to know the aspects that you can improve and the strengths that you already have but did not know yet. Those yes, then we will comment if the app performs a realistic analysis of a user.

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Praditus Personality Test

Developer: Praditus

Praditus: Drum and cymbal tests

As soon as we enter the app for the first time, we find a questionnaire of 60 questions . We touch all kinds of topics, whether personal, professional, social and even mental. After that, the program scans the responses, ranging from ‘Strongly Disagree’ to ‘Strongly Agree’, and that’s where it determines the personality type. It will tell us if we are extroverts, extroverts, more shy or difficult social, exposing the strengths and weaknesses.

The thing is not there, the program continues to require details such as gender or age, and then continue to propose more specific tests divided between the different areas that we have previously exposed. In addition, we must fill in data about our professional performance , whether we are employees or students, up to the position and the sector to which we belong in the workplace.

That is where our personality will be further polished. On the other hand, it is content that is updated to the new times , such as asking if in our work we are exposed to contracting COVID-19.

Are the Praditus results accurate?

Our team of specialists in management and psychometrics developed all our tests in Praditus and all our modules are related to the best theories of management and psychology. A priori , all the content is designed by professionals in psychological and social matters , so it is not made by amateur people or by fanatic users in the matter.

After numerous tests that we have carried out, it is true that the results are close to reality if we answer honestly. It is obvious that there is no clear answer for every question, as some of them are very general or somewhat ambiguous.

In any case, it is not an evaluator as such, but it does fulfill its function of determining our motivations, interests, social skills, etc. very well. Of course, it is somewhat tedious to answer all the questionnaires, so you have to take it easy. In fact, the app advises that it needs an advanced amount of responses to create a more detailed and accurate analysis. If we leave a questionnaire in the middle, nothing happens, Praditus makes an autosave of it.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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