Potassium:what it is used for and what foods contain it

The  potassium  along with sulfur , chlorine , sodium , magnesium ,  phosphorus and  calcium is one of the  minerals  which the human body needs in large quantities .It is one of the minerals  most present in the cells of the human body. 

What is potassium used for?

There are several  functions  guaranteed within the body by  potassium :

  • together with sodium it  controls the correct functioning of the muscles  and the  rhythm of the heart ,
  • performs a fundamental function in  regulating the water content in the cells ,
  • participates in the  synthesis of proteins  and the  transformation of sugars into glycogen ,
  • activates many enzymes involved in  energy metabolism .

It is also essential for the  transmission of nerve impulses  and for the  control of muscle contraction  and  blood pressure .

Food sources of potassium

Potassium is a mineral normally present in the plant world. It is present in fruits and vegetables, tubers and legumes, as well as cereals. The food that best represents it in the popular tradition is the banana.

The   highest potassium content are

  •  cocoa
  •  stockfish
  •  dried fruit
  •  dates
  •  chestnuts
  •  apricots (also dried)
  •  vegetables
  •  vegetables
  •  potatoes .

In which foods is potassium present?

The foods richest in  potassium  are  vegetables , in particular potatoes , cabbage, spinach , asparagus , legumes (especially beans and dried peas ). In  fruit , the greatest content is found in bananas and apricots .

It is important that these foods are  eaten fresh : to promote the absorption of  potassium it  is in fact essential to consume fresh products that have not undergone any preservation method.

What is the daily potassium requirement?

The  recommended daily potassium requirement  for adults is  approximately 3 grams per day .


What consequences can potassium deficiency cause?

Symptoms related to  potassium deficiency  are  muscle weakness (fatigue) , irregular heart beat, mood swings,  nausea  and / or  vomiting .


What are the consequences of excess potassium?

An  excess of potassium  (condition also known with the names of  hyperkalemia , hyperkalemia or iperkelemia that occurs especially in case of  kidney failure ) causes weakness, slow heartbeat and  arrhythmias. .

by Abdullah Sam
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