Plogging: jogging by collecting waste!

It is good for the body, mind and environment. It is plogging, a new trend that is literally driving the Swedes crazy, in practice, while you run, you collect the waste that you find along the way.

Ecology and fitness , two words that we like so much. We will never tire of saying it, physical activity is a fundamental component and should not be underestimated at all. Running for example is good for the brain because it develops a substance that helps to repair it and that in the future could even help against multiple sclerosis.

There are also many benefits at the cardiovascular level and for maintaining the right weight. Now in Sweden they have invented that something extra, it is plogging, a word that combines sport with love for the environment.In addition to running, we collect waste, plastic bottles and cans that are often sadly abandoned on the street. In doing so, the body is pushed to make other movements too, such as bending the legs.We know that 30 minutes a day is enough to tone up the body and a Danish study also ensures weight loss. In short, running in the park or on the hills can be a real cure-all and if combined with ecology it is even cooler.

by Abdullah Sam
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