How to play Fortnite on Windows 10

Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of Fortnite? I don’t believe it … everyone talks about it so much that it becomes almost a real fashion, establishing itself as one of the best battle royale available, however for those who do not know it it is a Free-to-Play game and the aim is to survive for 14 days from attack enemies and stay alive on an island. If this game intrigues you through this guide I want to explain how to install and how to play Fortnite on Windows 10 . So are you ready do you want to try?

How to play Fortnite on Windows 10 one of the best battle royale games available

If you are reading these lines it means that you want to know how to play Fortnite on Windows 10, but before starting with the actual guide I wanted to give you some information about it and tell you that the houses that have developed and published Fortnite are two People Can Fly and Epic Games the success of this game in addition to the graphic beauty and fluidity is mainly due to the fact that you can download and install Fortnite on your PC for free , but without wasting time let’s see how.

As I wrote to you in the previous paragraph  Fortnite for PC is free and you can download and install it directly from the official website of the manufacturer  Epic Games so do not try to download the game from external files to avoid the risk of running into various viruses or malware, you are ready to throw yourself headlong into the Fortnite map and take your first steps on the island of this battle royale ?

System requirements for playing Fortnite on Windows 10

Of course, before downloading and installing Fortnite on your PC and how to play Fortnite on Windows 10 you need to know what are the minimum system requirements and the recommended requirements to be able to run this battle royale on your computer.

Minimum requirements for Fortnite on Windows 10:

  • Processor: Intel Core i3 2.4 GHz
  • RAM memory: 4 GB
  • Intel HD 4000 video card
  • Operating system : Windows 10 64 bit
  • Disk space:At least 15 GB free

Recommended requirements for Fortnite on Windows 10:

  • Processor: Intel Core i5 2.8 GHz
  • RAM memory: 16 GB
  • Video card : Nvidia GT 650, AMD Radeon HD 7870;
  • Operating system : Windows 10 64 bit
  • Disk space:At least 20 GB free

In case you are not able to identify the system requirements that I have just listed I suggest you read my guide on how to know PC hardware components .

How to download Fortnite on Windows 10

After verifying that your PC is equipped with the system recuisites to download Fortnite on Windows 10 start the browser connected to the main page of the official website and click on the Play free now button .

On the next page you have to select how you want to play Fortnite you, of course, press the PC / MAC button to find yourself on the page for creating an Epic Games account.

At this point, if you have already played an Epic Games game and therefore already have an account, press the Login button, otherwise enter the data requested in the text fields on the Register tab which are: Name, Surname, Name displayed during the game, an email and a password, check  I have read and accept: terms of service  and finally click on the Create account button  .

In the screen where you are, the download of the Epic Games laucher should start automatically through which you can download Fortnite on your PC, if it does not start, select the Windows button you see on the page ..

How to install Fortnite on Windows 10

At the end of the download, before starting to install the game, access your email and confirm your Epic Games account by clicking on the Verify your email button or copy and paste the link that was sent to you by email in the address bar of your browser.

As a next step, click twice with the left mouse button on the file you just downloaded on the PC  EpicInstaller-x.xx.x-fortnite-xxxxxx.msi (the xs indicate the available version) to proceed with the installation of Fortnite.

From the first window that opens, select the Install> Yes button , then wait for the download of the installation and all client updates, at the end in the window that opens, type in the text fields your account data which are nothing more than the email and password then click on the Login button .

After logging into your Epic Games account click on the Install button to start installing Fortnite on Windows 10. In the following screen check the item  I have read and accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) and press the Accept button and then Install> Install> Yes again to start downloading the 15 GB on the game PC.

How to play Fortnite on Windows 10

As soon as you have finished downloading Fortnite on your PC you are ready to play, to do this press the Start button and after clicking Yes twice and after a few seconds you are ready to play Fortnite on Windows 10.

In the first screen you are asked to find the best game settings automatically then click on the Confirm button to continue, after a few seconds in the following screen select the game mode and wait for the loading.

After a few seconds of loading you are finally ready to get to the heart of the game, but first through the main Fortnite console in which you find yourself you must select the game character and decide whether to play with a friend, in teams or alone, at the end click on the Play button .

After you have chosen the landing point and landed on the game map the first thing you need to do is to try to retrieve a firearm of any kind then start walking around the island and enter the surrounding buildings where the you can find easily.

Once you have found the firearm, as the next step start collecting all kinds of resources with the pickaxe given to you, such as the wood, metal and stone you need to build the structures and thus protect yourself from emergency situations and to have safe shelter when your enemies attack you.

Well at this point now that you have seen how to play Fortnite on Windows 10, I also close this guide and leave you alone with your game character, but not before telling you one last thing. After you have installed and tried fortnite and you have seen that you do not like to uninstall it from the Epic Games launcher click on the gear icon and in the menu that appears on the Uninstall button .

In conclusion

If you are reading this paragraph then it means that you have found this guide how to play Fortnite on Windows 10 interesting and I would say that I am very happy, but before closing I wanted to tell you that you can also find me on  Facebook ,  Twitter ,  Google Plus , Instagram and Linkedin would also be very pleased if you share this guide through the Social buttons that you find on the left of the screen and at the end so that your friends can also read it and also to make CeoTecnoBlog known  .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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