
Parapsychological phenomenon. Parapsychology (from the Greek: παρά for “next to”, psychology) is a pseudoscience that deals with psychological phenomena and behaviors (such as telepathy , premonitions , levitation , necromancy, etc.) whose nature and effects are not so far scientific psychology has given account. The phenomena studied include extrasensory perception , telekinesis, and life after death, among others. Parapsychologists refer to these events as Psi phenomena, a more neutral term and not suggestive of the causes of the phenomena or experiences they study.


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  • 1 What are parapsychological phenomena?
  • 2 Profile of people who produce parapsychological phenomena
  • 3 Necessary conditions for the production of parapsychological phenomena
  • 4 Altered states of consciousness
  • 5 Brain Waves
  • 6 Sources

What are parapsychological phenomena?

By parapsychological phenomenon is understood all that manifestation produced by the mind of a person, which cannot be explained by science or by the laws of nature.
It is necessary to differentiate the parapsychological term from the paranormal term. Paranormal events are more general since they include all those that cannot be explained by science. The parapsychological term is more reduced since it is limited exclusively to the unexplained phenomena that are produced by the person’s mind.

Profile of people who produce parapsychological phenomena

Can all people produce paranormal phenomena? Is there a group with a greater predisposition when it comes to producing them?
According to statistics, there are some groups of people with a greater predisposition when it comes to producing this type of phenomenon. The women are more likely than men , especially if they are in adolescence , perhaps because of the great physical and psychological changes that occur at this stage.
A great production of parapsychological phenomena has also been observed around certain people with diseases such as epilepsy or hysteria among others.
As it seems, the ability to produce these phenomena has a large hereditary component , although it is not unusual to find people who have developed these faculties after suffering a great trauma or even after having lived near- death experiences .
More occasionally, at specific times, anyone with an altered state of consciousness could produce or enhance this phenomenology .

Necessary conditions for the production of parapsychological phenomena

The parapsychological manifestations occur at certain times and under certain conditions, although the most important factor seems to be the emotional and psychic . In addition, the attitude of the person towards these phenomena has a notable influence, since people who believe in them tend to suffer from them more than those who do not.

Altered states of consciousness

An altered state of consciousness is a different state of mind than we normally have. As we know, it is in these states that a person is capable of producing paranormal manifestations.
Many subjects enter modified states of consciousness, voluntarily, with techniques such as deep concentration, meditation, and relaxation. Under this situation, the phenomena produced are usually voluntary, smooth and controlled. Other people suffer these states involuntarily as a result of great stress and anxiety. The phenomena, under these factors, are isolated, violent , fast and uncontrolled.
In some investigations, for example, these altered states of consciousness are artificially provoked byhypnosis . Under this technique, anyone is much more likely to produce or enhance these psi manifestations.

Brain waves

As we have said before, parapsychic phenomena can occur both in situations of stress and deep relaxation. In both cases there is an inhibition of consciousness, that is, consciousness decreases and the unconscious emerges and comes into play.
The brain emits a series of waves – low frequency radiation – that are related to the mood and physical state of people. There are several types, but those that affect us with respect to parapsychic phenomenology are mainly two: Alpha and Beta .
In this state, the phenomena produced voluntarily and controlled by the subject stand out. They are much smoother manifestations than Beta ones.
Alpha waves: Between 8 and 14 hertz . These types of waves are in states of relaxation. Under this state, many people claim to be able to produce psi phenomena at will. They are controlled and smooth phenomena.
Beta waves: Between 14 and 25 Hertz. Related to moments of stress, nervousness, anxiety, etc. At this time, the phenomena are produced by sporadic psychorrhagia. They are usually uncontrolled and occasional phenomena belonging to the group of Psi-Kappa or also called “physical effects” – those effects where the mind produces an effect on matter.
The demonstrations that take place in this group are usually violent or abrupt and of short duration.


by Abdullah Sam
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