
Disability . It is any restriction or absence (due to a deficiency) of the ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range that is considered normal for any human being . It is characterized by inadequacies or excesses in performance and behavior in a routine activity, which can be temporary or permanent, reversible or irreversible, and progressive or regressive. They are classified into nine groups: behavior, communication, personal care, locomotion, the disposition of the body, dexterity, situation, a certain aptitude and other restrictions of the activity. The history of disability dates back to the early Community .


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  • 1 History
    • 1 Primitive Community
    • 2 The Slave Society
    • 3 The Feudal Society
    • 4 The Capitalist Society
    • 5 The XlX and XX Centuries
  • 2 Definitions of disabilities
    • 1 People with disabilities
  • 3 Acceptance
  • 4 International Day of Persons with Disabilities
  • 5 Cuban experience with culture in disability
    • 1 Creation of CONAPED
    • 2 Actions
    • 3 Sociocultural Program
    • 4 Facts
    • 5 Program development and results
  • 6 Sources


Primitive Community

It was a society made up of nomadic groups, where the work activity was fishing, hunting or gathering. People with disabilities could not contribute effectively to work, therefore society applied physical elimination due to an economic imperative.

The primitive man could not think about morality, education or humanism , for the conscience of this man a disabled person was worthless.

The Slave Society

There was no economic need for the elimination of people with disabilities, but the estimation of physical strength was still alive among men, they maintained some primitive practices regarding people with disabilities. The head of the family decided the measures to take according to the defect, it is said that they were thrown into the rivers or abandoned in the mountains to be eaten by wild beasts. There were always those who escaped destruction, those who survived had to be mocked and ridiculed, those who suffered from a speech defect, the crippled, and the dwarves were used by the Romans for popular or court amusements. Some survivors went down to posterity: Aesop, the Greek fabulist suffered from a speech defect and was crippled, Aristotle and Demosthenes were stutterers like Virgil , the poet.

The Feudal Society

Organized charity arises whose activity is directed to people with physical or mental disabilities, many people with disabilities stood in front of the Church. Begging and charity formed a unit that constituted an institution with a mercantile spirit.

The Capitalist Society

The first attempts to provide the blind with the means to read and write emerged, the first masters of facial lip reading for the deaf and care for the mentally weak appeared.

In this society that is increasingly competitive where the weak lose, where individualistic feelings are generated and at the same time solidarity and community feelings are scarce, egocentrism prevails, in this consumer society, the one that values ​​more who has than who is, people with disabilities are at a disadvantage

The 19th and 20th Centuries

In these centuries, more humanized attitudes are shown towards people with disabilities, but rehabilitation programs are far from responding to the needs of this social group. Scientific advances created multiple technical aids, but they have not been within reach of the needs of these people.

Definitions of disabilities

  • Deficiencies Loss or abnormality of a psychological or anatomical structure or function, can be innate or acquired, permanent or temporary. It can be of different types: intellectual, language, hearing, vision, muscular or skeletal
  • It is the absence due to a deficiency in the ability to perform an activity in a normal way, it can be behavior, communication, locomotion and dexterity.
  • Handicapping . It is a disadvantageous situation due to the social consequence of a deficiency that limits or prevents the performance of a role that is normal in their group.
  • Illness and impairment refer to medical aspects, disability refers to rehabilitative aspects, and disability is a social aspect. Example: The disease is the polio virus, the deficiency is the lack of mobility in the legs, the disability is that you cannot walk and the disability is the limitation of the ability to maintain social relationships.

People with disabilities

  • People with physical motor disabilities. They are characterized by having difficulties for their locomotion and exercising certain actions, but they are carried out socially by imposing their will.
  • People with hearing disabilities: “ People who are deaf or hard of hearing have speech difficulties, but they have their own language, sign language and the ability to understand the language articulated by lip-facial reading.
  • People with visual disabilities: Blind and visually impaired people lack ocular vision and acquire knowledge of the outside world through the perception of the rest of the senses, to the extent of recognizing objects and reading with their fingers.


The most positive attitude is one of acceptance and awareness of reality. The approach to specialized places in search of information related to the best way to treat these people, is a very useful resource. It is also convenient to prepare the rest of the family, to make the home setting a welcoming, rewarding and motivating place, where everyone is based on the fact that the person with special needs can develop their abilities to the maximum. Learn to use creatively everything around us the benefit of skills for the child or the childwith disabilities, avoiding hurtful or overprotective behaviors, adapting the environment, eliminating barriers that may obstruct their development, are basic principles to consider. A very common error is the reinforcement of gender stereotypes in the face of these conflicts, since not only society, the family nucleus, but sometimes even some professionals apply the theory of the sacrifice of mothers, delegating all the responsibilities that the mother requires. attention imposes, and they are trapped in the role of rehabilitation, caregiver, which implies postponing all their life projects. At the same time, the rest of the family (father, siblings) have the possibility to turn their energies abroad and, with it, escape from the situation. Tensions, if not shared,

However, nothing works better if, like a close network, everyone is involved in caring for the person with special educational needs. Let’s analyze that disability is not a disease, therefore, all members of the family will have the same possibility to develop and enjoy the rest of their abilities, including seeking help and support from others.

This is a process of human approach, where people with special educational needs and the adults around them learn, as well as the society in which we operate evolves . In this interactivity we begin to understand the diversity that unites us, we make a space for exchange to respect the other and we give each other family advice to understand our relationships in the extremes that we extrapolate to the essence of human growth.

International day of persons with disabilities

It is proclaimed on December 3 . In 1992 , at the conclusion of the United Nations Decade for Persons with Disabilities (1983-1992) (resolution 47/3).

Cuban experience with culture in disability

In Cuba concrete measures taken begin to care for people with disabilities, from January of 1959 . In 1982 , the World Program of Action for people with disabilities was proclaimed and the Cuban government spoke out analyzing the causes of disability and insisted on free access to medical assistance and on giving them participation in the design and organization of programs. rehabilitation, in the development of Special Schools, in participation in sports and cultural activities and in the need to provide facilities for the creation of Associations for cultural and recreational purposes. The ANCI: National Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired was created. The ANSOC : National Association of the Deaf of Cuba. The ACLIFIM : Cuban Association of Physical and Motor Handicapped .

Creation of CONAPED

From the agreement 2820 of the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers dated 28 of November of 1994 , which expresses the creation of the National Commission for care for people with disabilities ( CONAPED ), which has the task of proposing, coordinating and control the policy of comprehensive care for people with disabilities, based on the socioeconomic level reached, the predominant cultural factors and the availability of existing resources in the country in order to improve the existing comprehensive Programs and Projects aimed at this group social and include others of greater scope and perspective.


The actions of the Plan are closely linked to existing experiences in matters of health, education, culture, sports and recreation, employment, social security, social assistance, architectural barriers , leisure and free time, social communication media in order to sensitize the public opinion and involve society in the problems of disability, also incorporating elements of research, information and scientific-technical exchange.

Sociocultural Program

The Sociocultural Program for the care of people with disabilities, is inserted in the National Plan, its main objective being to contribute through participation in artistic and cultural activities to the social integration of these people.

With objectives such as developing artistic actions for therapeutic purposes to raise the health of people with disabilities, understanding by health not only the absence of diseases or physical defects, but the full state of physical, spiritual and social well-being.

  1. Develop music therapy workshops, psychoballet, body expression, psychotites, dance therapy, chromotherapy, in short artistic actions for therapeutic purposes, which some often call ARTERAPY.
  2. Contribute to the elimination of architectural and social communication barriers that limit the participation of people with disabilities in society.
  3. Promote avenues of participation that provide an active link between Associations with Cultural Institutions in the community.


  • Theater presentation with blind and limited physical motor skills.
  • Presentation of Teatro Pantomima, with the Deaf .
  • Presentation of painting , handicraft and sculpture exhibitions .
  • Presentation of musical groups.
  • Development of Literary Workshops.
  • Presentation of dance groups.
  • Realization of Peñas, Galas, Meetings and Festivals from the municipality to the nation.
  • Differentiated care for deaf and blind people in Libraries.
  • Film screening for deaf people.

Program development and results

This Program is developed through the close relationship between all the Cultural Institutions of the Community.

  • The prominence of Art Instructors , Promoters and the Artistic Vanguard.
  • The support of the State Organizations and their social and political Organizations.
  • 10 Cultural Institutions operate in each municipality that contribute to the comprehensive work aimed at these people.
  • Courses aimed at Art Instructors and Promoters of Sign Language and Braille Musicography have been taught by the Associations, to facilitate work with the deaf and blind.

The Program is developed nationally and has achieved the incorporation of people with disabilities to art and culture, contributing to their social integration in all spheres of life . A system of Artistic Festivals is developed in all manifestations from the municipality to the nation. Some groups have participated in International Festivals.

  • The artistic groups are systematically programmed in the Cultural Institutions of the community
  • It contributes to creating a healthier and fairer society because it has been able to integrate each of its members.

Hellen Keller , American, artist and writer, deaf and blind, said:

“How to reconcile this material world with the world of my imagination, my darkness has been illuminated by the light of intelligence , while the outside world, with the light of day , gropes stumbling in the midst of its social blindness.”


by Abdullah Sam
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