Pancreatitis: what is it?

The pancreas is located behind the stomach in the upper belly . It is a gland that participates in the digestive process of food, releasing it to join the bile in order to digest food.

It is also the pancreas that releases the hormones glucagon and insulin into the bloodstream , to balance the glucose ingested through food.

In this article we will talk about pancreatitis, an inflammation that affects the pancreas. Keep reading to understand why it manifests itself, to know its different types and forms of treatment.

See also: What are the myths and truths about the Digestive System?

About pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process in the pancreas. This inflammation is manifested mainly by the formation of gallstones and by excessive, prolonged and recurrent consumption of alcoholic beverages. There are two types of pancreatitis: acute and chronic.

Acute pancreatitis

The acute pancreatitis is an inflammation that occurs sudden manner, it is more common that it is manifested by gallstones, small stones from changes in the composition of bile. They inflame the pancreas as it passes through the bile duct.

This inflammatory process is also related to alcohol consumption, and it can manifest within a few hours or even 2 days after drinking alcoholic beverages. In addition, it can be caused by infections, abdominal trauma, some medications, genetic problems of the pancreas and tumors.

Chronic pancreatitis

In the case of chronic pancreatitis, it is an inflammation with a longer duration. It results from the deterioration of the pancreas structure, interfering with its functions. This deterioration cannot be reversed.

The excessive and prolonged alcohol consumption is considered as the main cause of chronic pancreatitis, along with smoking . This problem can still occur, but less frequently, due to genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis and autoimmune or hereditary pancreatitis. The obstruction of the pancreatic duct by stones is also one of its causes.

Symptoms and complications of pancreatitis

In a person whose body works perfectly , the enzymes released by the pancreas are activated only when they reach the small intestine. However, when there is an inflammation in this gland, these enzymes that are inside it attack and damage the tissues responsible for producing them.

Therefore, both acute and chronic pancreatitis are dangerous conditions for health. In any case, the acute manifestation of this disease is worrying because it can make the patient go into shock , with the need to be treated in the intensive care unit. In ways more severe the disease, the gland may become infected or necrotic, and need to have surgery to remove that patient material.

Other complications of acute pancreatitis are dehydration and low blood pressure. Failures in the functioning of the kidneys, heart and lungs can also occur, in addition to hemorrhage in the pancreas, which in this case can even lead the individual to death.

So it is very important to be aware of the symptoms that can indicate an ongoing inflammation in the pancreas. Usually the individual perceives a pain in the upper part of the abdomen, which can radiate to the back. It manifests itself gradually or suddenly. At first it is less intense, but it tends to get worse after eating and can last for days.

Other symptoms triggered by pancreatitis are:

  • abdominal tenderness;
  • distention of the abdomen;
  • fever;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • accelerated pulse.

It is interesting to know that there is no medication that is able to fight pancreatitis. Thus, the intervention is carried out through hospitalization to keep the patient hydrated with intravenous serum and keeping fasting. Rest is necessary for the inflammation to resolve itself, which happens in about 80% of cases.

However, in the other 20%, pancreatitis evolves to its most severe form, being able to accumulate fluid around the pancreas, leading to changes in other organs such as kidneys and lungs, with an important risk of life. Hence the importance of identifying this problem early on and seeking medical help as soon as possible.

Understand what Inflammatory Bowel Disease consists of. Click here!

Keep healthy habits: adopt a nutritious diet and avoid excessive alcohol consumption, as well as smoking. Do frequent examinations and in case of diagnosis of gall bladder seek a specialist doctor.


by Abdullah Sam
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