Oxygen cycle

All about the Biogeochemical Oxygen Cycle

Apart from the cycle of carbon and nitrogen that are gaseous, we will explain with the present that it is the oxygen cycle , its characteristics, reservoirs, types, stages and its importance for the planet earth in general.

What is the oxygen cycle?

This cycle covers a set of chemical , physical, geological and biological processes in chains , to make possible the circulation of oxygen throughout the terrestrial biosphere.

Without this cycle, life on the planet would not be possible.

What are the oxygen cycle characteristics?

Oxygen is a gaseous and colorless chemical element, abundant in nature, mainly processed by plants, its main reservoir is the atmosphere, it is heavier than air, it is presented in two types of biological and geological processes, it has a multicyclic pattern , is an essential part in the energy cycle of all living beings, it is combined with oxygen gas, carbon dioxide and water in various states.

What are the Oxygen Cycle Reservoirs?

The main deposits or reservoirs are the Geosphere that constitutes the Earth’s core and soil. Atmosphere , composed of oxygen in dioxygen, water vapor, carbon dioxide and ozone. Hydrosphere , 89% of the oceans are oxygen. Cryosphere , ice mass containing 1.74% of the earth’s crust water and amounts of oxygen. Living organisms , terrestrial biomass is also a reserve of oxygen.

What are the Oxygen Cycle Phases?

This cycle starts from the process of photosynthesis of plants that are the only ones to produce oxygen to release it into the air and that it circulates through the atmosphere , where animals, human beings and other living beings can breathe said oxygen for their development on the earth.

Therefore, this is returned to the air in the form of carbon dioxide as a waste from the breath of the previous living beings and finally the algae in the oceans that absorb this same gas using it in photosynthesis, where oxygen is released again into the air .

Atmospheric phase:

Circulation of oxygen in the atmosphere as part of the air and is taken by living things for a biogeochemical cycle .

Photosynthesis phase:

Chemical reaction in which living beings that contain chlorophyll use carbon dioxide, water and sunlight to obtain energy and release oxygen to the environment.

Breathing phase:

Gas exchange by living beings, where the entry of oxygen into the body and the expulsion of carbon dioxide from it.

Return Phase:

Through the respiration or carbon dioxide the return of oxygen to the atmosphere is achieved.

What is the importance of the oxygen cycle?

It is very important for all living beings to perform the function of breathing, obtain energy and function in a way that makes life possible on the planet. Also, as protection of the ozone layer that protects from sunlight, so that combustion or chemical reactions can take place and aquatic life is possible.

Finally, this cycle depends on the participation of carbon dioxide in the air, of the plants that are the ones that process it, of the living beings that consume it and is finally returned to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide and start the cycle again .

by Abdullah Sam
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