The nutritional benefits of argan oil

The  argan oil  is known for its use in cosmetics for both the skin care of the hair as it contains  fatty acids  that make a moisturizing product, soothing, healing and antiseptic. But did you know that it also has great nutritional value? “It is  a healthy food  and its benefits have been scientifically proven,” says Ghita Sehaqui Bennani, pharmacist and founder of Sehaqui, a natural cosmetics brand sold exclusively in pharmacies.

Its nutritional properties come mainly from the  type of fats  it provides and from a group of substances that act as  antioxidants , as explained by Marta Gámez, technical director of the NC Salud Group.

Composition and properties of argan oil

“Its content in unsaturated fats such as  oleic acid  reduces LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and increases HDL (good cholesterol) levels. It also contains omega 6, which improves the lipid profile, which helps to combat oxidative stress”, Gámez details. In his opinion, regular consumption of virgin argan oil contributes to  the regulation of cholesterol levels  . At this point, the expert clarifies that it contains more oleic acid than that of sunflower but less than that of extra virgin olive.

Moreover, its antioxidant action is due to components such as tocophenols, which belong to the group of substances of vitamin E , polyphenols, coenzyme Q and melatonin. “It provides twice as much vitamin E as olive oil, which gives it greater antioxidant properties,” recalls Mª Paz Pellús, deputy of the La Esencial Pharmacy in Madrid. In fact, two tablespoons of argan oil contain the recommended amount of this vitamin, although Gámez clarifies that the most important thing is the type of tocophenol in each oil: “That of argan and tocophenol, which, in addition to being an antioxidant, has a powerful effect anti-inflammatory .

Truths and myths about consuming argan oil

This food has properties related to the lipid profile, the inflammatory and oxidative processes that make it an ally for the prevention of some diseases. As discussed, argan oil  lowers cholesterol and also lowers cardiovascular risk . “Plasma y-tocopherol levels are inversely associated with cardiovascular disease,” says Gámez.

Its high percentage of vitamin E is associated with improving insulin resistance and, in the case of extra virgin oil with  ferulic acid, it  could regulate glucose levels  , all useful for the prevention of  diabetes,  although the Group’s technical director NC Salud warns that there is still no scientific evidence of this.

In relation to the anti-inflammatory properties described, Pellús shows that its content in sterols such as  scotenol and epinasterol  is beneficial for patients with  arthritis  and  rheuma . “It is also included in the diets of patients with  psoriasis  due to the essential acids present in its composition and is effective in  diseases of the digestive tract  since it facilitates digestion by increasing the production of pepsin,” explains this pharmacist.

However, there are popular beliefs about its health benefits that lack scientific endorsement “Berber legends speak of argan oil as an aphrodisiac and libido enhancer  “, describes Sehaqui. “It is said that it can be used when there are  fertility problems , although there is nothing proven,” adds Pellús.

How to include argan oil in the diet?

There are two types of food use: natural, cold pressed, and Berber type   also cold pressed but from roasted seeds, the latter is highly valued in haute cuisine for its nutty flavor. “Argan oil can be incorporated into any usual Spanish recipe as a  substitute or combination with extra virgin olive  oil,” suggests Gámez. This nutritionist proposes to take it  raw  so as not to alter the taste or nutritional properties.

For example, Sehaqui proposes to use it in  breakfast toast  although due to its strong flavor it can sometimes be mixed with previously toasted almonds and honey. “This mixture is called  amlou  and, once made, it can be kept in a glass jar,” he says.


by Abdullah Sam
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