Natural day

A calendar day is any day of the year, including holidays and weekends.

The concept of a natural day is widely used in law. Knowing it and differentiating it from others as the concept of business day or working day is essential to carry out the appropriate procedures and avoid situations that nobody wants. It could happen, for example, that we have a court order to make a payment to a creditor in 30 calendar days. Otherwise, we would have legal consequences.

Although in some cases exceeding the term may have slight consequences or simply not have consequences, in other cases it does. Therefore, it is always advisable to meet deadlines and be aware of possible penalties.

If the year is leap (February has 29 days), then the year instead of 365 days, it will have 366 days.

Natural day, business day and working day

The calendar day differs from the business day and the business day as follows:

  • Business day:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.
  • Naturalday : any day of the week. In this case, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are also taken into account at the time of computation.
  • Working day:It is a concept equivalent to the working day, although it may vary depending on the sector.

With this in mind, we must clarify that the inclusion or not of certain days in the above concepts will depend on the country. For example, in Spain they are considered non-working days on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, as well as on December 24 (Christmas Eve), December 31 (New Year’s Eve). Likewise, although the concept of a working day is usually equivalent to that of a working day, depending on the sector in which it is worked, Saturday could be considered as a working day.

Sample term with calendar days

Today is Wednesday and after a long judicial process, we are told that we have an obligation to pay compensation. The letter in question indicates that we must make the payment within 30 calendar days.

In this case, it doesn’t matter if they are Saturdays, Sundays or holidays, every day counts. We will have to count 30 days in the calendar to check on which day the deadline to make the payment ends.

by Abdullah Sam
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