Dictatorship of the proletariat

The dictatorship of the proletariat, according to Marxist and communist theories, is that situation in which the salaried working class stands as the center of the political and economic power of a state vis-à-vis the bourgeois social class.

The dictatorship of the proletariat is one of the most important communist postulates . It supposes the final state or the maximum expression to which the proletarian worker individual must aspire in a society.

With the existence of the different communist theories, this concept has evolved from its theoretical origin, implanted by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the 19th century and by the hand of the original communist manifesto.

In this way, this dictatorship as a result of the end of the class struggle and the achievement of social dominance by the working class has different perceptions, taking into account the great variety of views existing in the study of communism itself, the socialism and Marxism .

At the same time, its success involves the elimination of bourgeois power and its control over the working classes. Bourgeois power understood from the socialist point of view as a mechanism for their exploitation.

Basis of the dictatorship of the proletariat

In order to achieve the dominance of the proletarian class vis-à-vis the bourgeois class, communist and Marxist theses establish a series of common requirements to be fulfilled:

  • Confronting opposing classes. The proletariat and the bourgeois class must face the final control of the means of production and the wealth existing in the economy.
  • The end result should be a society without classes and with full equality among proletarian citizens. That is, there should be no economic inequality.
  • For the success of the dictatorship of the proletariat, both urban and rural working class social workers must collaborate under the tutelage of the first group.
  • Finally, state control and the means of production must fall on the communist party, the only existing political force and “guarantee” of equality and democratic justice among citizens.
  • Territorially and below the State would be the organization through different soviets, with the objective of carrying out productive and population control.

Theoretically, the triumph of the dictatorship of the proletariat implies the transition from capitalism to socialism in its final expression and supposes the successful revolution of the proletariat as a form of majority and dominant society.

by Abdullah Sam
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