What is muscle catabolism and why it is important to avoid it

When we overdo aerobic exercises, we can cause muscle catabolism – that is, the breakdown of muscle proteinsAnyone who trains frequently at the gym must have heard of muscle catabolism, one of the main obstacles for those who want to gain muscle. This problem usually happens when a person goes without food for a long time – especially in the case of people who exercise quite often and at great intensity. Here, we clarify some points about muscle catabolism and why it is recommended to avoid it. Check out!

Muscle catabolism consists of muscle breakdown

Muscle catabolism consists of the breakdown of muscles to provide energy to the body. In other words, explaining in a simpler way, the body “feeds” on muscle mass to have the energy needed to do common exercises and activities.

In fact, catabolism is a superimportant chemical reaction, as it acts on the breakdown and degradation of substances (organic matter) to produce energy for our body. Along with anabolism (which consists of the reactions of synthesis and construction), it constitutes the metabolism of our body . But for those who are aiming to gain muscle mass, the best thing is to avoid catabolism (breakage) of the muscles as much as possible.

When we are exercising, our body needs even more energy to run, lift weight and move around in general. Therefore, you must eat properly so that the body has a source of energy to turn to. You may have noticed, for example, that marathon athletes tend to be thinner and less muscular. That’s because they do an aerobic activity for a long time, so that the body wears out the lean mass (muscles) too much.

Try not to overdo the exercises

If your goal is to maintain lean body mass, avoiding catabolism as much as possible, it is important not to overdo the exercises – especially aerobics, which are the ones that most promote energy burning . Bodybuilding, on the other hand, is the perfect activity for anyone looking to strengthen their muscles. However, it is also important that you take weight and do strength exercises in a moderate way and always accompanied by instructors, personal trainers and other professionals in the field.

Remember to eat often

Food is one of the aspects that most deserve attention, because when we do not supply energy to our body it needs to resort to muscle metabolism. Therefore, our tip is that you do not go too long without eating. In fact, it is recommended that you eat small portions every three hours , so that your body will always be equipped with energy. In addition, you should also follow a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits and vegetables, which have very beneficial substances for the body and provide energy for daily activities.

Proteins are great for gaining muscle

Did you know that proteins are essential for the growth of lean mass? After weight training, it is recommended that you eat foods rich in protein, such as eggs, lean meats and legumes. But remember: proteins are ideal for post-workout nutrition . Before exercising, choose carbohydrates and lighter foods, which are faster sources of energy.

Is it good to avoid muscle catabolism?

Keeping the muscles strengthened is fundamental to the functioning of our body. After all, muscles also serve to protect bones, joints and, therefore, assist in the movement of the entire body. Therefore, the ideal is to avoid muscle catabolism, so that the body is always strengthened. In the case of marathon runners, as we have already mentioned, it is worth remembering that athletes undergo intensive and careful monitoring with professionals in the field. That is, there is a control of the loss and gain of lean mass.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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