Cytoplasm: Definition, Function, Structure and Parts

The cytoplasm. It consists of a cellular structure whose appearance is slimy. It is located within the plasma membrane but outside the cell nucleus. Up to 85% of the cytoplasm is made up of water , proteins , lipids , carbohydrates , RNA , salts , minerals and other products of metabolism . In addition, certain organelles such as mitochondria , plastids , lysosomes , ribosomes , centrosomes are located inside ,spherosomes , microsomes , fibrillar differentiations and inclusions. The cytoplasm is also known as the cytoplasmic matrix, and its appearance is that of a viscous substance.

Cytoplasmic function

There are cytoplasmic functions, including:

  • For intermediaries transporting substances from outside the cell to the organelle or cell nucleus.
  • The place where metabolism and synthesis take place by means of a chemical reaction
  • As a place to store nutrients and various chemicals that can be used for cell metabolic processes
  • As a solvent for all proteins and compounds in cells
  • Guarantees the exchange of substances so that cells can function properly.
  • It gives shape to cells
  • Encourage cell movement from one part to another.

Structure and Sections of Cytoplasm

70-90% of the cytoplasm is cytoplasm, which is a colorless liquid. Cytosol contains ions such as potassium, sodium, chloride, bicarbonate, amino acids, magnesium, calcium enzymes and proteins. The cytoplasm consists of three main structures, namely:

Cytoplasmic Matrix a

Cytoplasmic matrix is ​​a homogeneous fluid making up cells that are colloidal, which is a mixture of two or more homogeneous substances. The characteristics of cytoplasm are:

  • Can change phase
  • Has a certain surface tension
  • Has the nature of irritability (sensitive to stimuli) and conductivity (can move stimuli or impulses)
  • Having the ability to reflect light and its reflection in the form of a cone, this ability is called the Tyndall Effect.
  • Particle motion of this solution in the form of zig-zah or called brown motion, as well as the motion of a matrix, is a current or so-called cyclic motion.
  • Can act as a buffer solution or buffer solution.

Cell Organelles

Cell organelles are solid objects that are inside the cytoplasm and are living or performing the functions of the related cell life. According to its function related to cell metabolism, organelles are divided into two types, namely active organelles and inactive organelles.

Active Organelles

  • Ribosome, is a place for protein synthesis
  • Mitochondria, have functions in the process of oxidation and nausea
  • The Endroplasma Rectangle is divided into two, viz
    • Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: as a place where ribosomes attach
    • Fine Endoplasmic Reticulum
  • Golgi Apparatus or Golgi Body: Its active function is in the secretion and synthesis of polysaccharides
  • Lysosomes, have a role in the process of death of cells
  • Vacuoles (bubbles), have a function in storing food substances


  • Selective substance barrier
  • Communication with other cells (They form unions with other cells through their receptors and proteins)
  • Intestinal epithelial cells form tight junctions to prevent gastric acids from spreading to the coelom .
  • They contain receptors for the signal molecules secreted by other cells. The membranes of b lymphocytes (antibodies) have receptors that are modified by a new antigen to recognize and eliminate it.
  • The membranes of the presyptic cells fuse with the membranes of the vesicles with the neurotransmitter to expel it.
  • In the absence of organelles, the cytoplasmic membranes of bacteria contain the proteins necessary to carry out glocolysis and (in the case of cyanobacteria) photosynthesis.
  • Membrane receptors of three types: ion channels (pass K, Na ions), associated with enzymes (Tyrosine kinases, glutamate cyclase), associated with G proteins (Metabotropic, which trigger different reactions)
by Abdullah Sam
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