Moringa: Benefits, Properties and Uses

Moringa is a natural food that is very fashionable for all its properties and benefits that gives it to our body, but as it is not yet so popular here we are going to tell you all about moringa.

This tree native to India is a gift of nature for our health, from this tree its leaves, seeds, flowers, fruits and even roots are used.

Properties of the Moringa

  1. It provides about 30% protein.
  2. It contains vitamin A: 4 times more than carrot.
  3. Contains vitamin C: 7 times more than orange
  4. And it also has vitamin B and E.
  5. It has minerals such as calcium: 4 times more than milk.
  6. It also has potassium: 3 times more than bananas.
  7. And it also has iron: more quantity than spinach.
  8. Rich in antioxidantsand trace elements.
  9. Its leaves have all the essential amino acids: omega 3, 6 and 9.

Benefits of Moringa

  1. As it is rich in antioxidants, it helps delay the aging of the body’s cells.
  2. Strengthens the immune system by helping us prevent infections and viruses.
  3. As it strengthens the body’s defenses its effect is also being studied to reduce the symptoms of HIV.
  4. Because of its positive effect on the immune system, it also helps regenerate the skin, hair, nails and mucous membranes.
  5. It has antibiotic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  6. It is also known hypocholesterolemic and hypoglycemic properties, it has been shown to act very well to lower blood sugar levels.
  7. Recommended to prevent and control diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis.
  8. Moringa has some active ingredients that help control blood pressure, thus acting as a hypotensive.
  9. A study published in the African Journal of Biotechnology showed that moringa is capable of killing malignant cells in the body, so it can be used to prevent cancer.

How to use Moringa

You can find the moringa in different presentations: seeds, dried leaves and fresh leaves. It is very versatile to use, when you have fresh leaves you can add them to a salad or as spices for a marinade.

When you have dried leaves you can also use them as a seasoning for stews or bases, if you have it pulverized you can add it to a smoothie, just keep in mind that the dried leaves have a slight spicy flavor.

And if you have seeds you can also use them in any dish, for example, in salads, in rice or to give texture to a soup.

Even moringa oil is used both in the kitchen and to make beauty products such as soaps and cosmetics, and there are also those who use it as fertilizer.

by Abdullah Sam
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