Monster Hunter Rise Toxic Kumori: how to get it and what it is for

Monster Hunter Rise is the latest entry in Capcom’s popular action game series, and if you’re familiar with the franchise, you’ll know that the game cycle is primarily about hunting down monsters and finding resources to create better gear to craft. your character even more powerful. Some of these resources are a bit more difficult to come by and will require you to explore other options outside of hunting. Here’s how to get and use the Toxic Kumori in Monster Hunter Rise .

Obtain Toxic Kumori in Monster Hunter Rise

Poisonous Kumori is a rare in-game insect-type resource that is used to craft certain types of weapons and armor. However, you cannot achieve this simply by exploring the levels in Monster Hunter Rise; instead, you will need to use the Request Trade with Argosy option in order to get some of these errors.

After completing your first 1 Star Village missions, Buddy Plaza will be fully available to you and you can talk to the NPC near the ship to access the Argosy features. Choose the Exchange Request option and you can send a friend on an expedition to bring back the specified resources.

Interestingly, the Poisonous Kumori cannot be selected as one of the trade request options, but you have a chance to get it as an additional reward if you ask your friend to bring you plants or fish-like items. If you look at the right side of the screen when choosing an item, you can see the name of the market your friend will go to for the items. You want items located in Icebarb Bazaar so you have a chance to get a Toxic Kumori.

Take enough trips with Argosy and your friends will eventually bring you a bunch of these bugs.

How to use poisonous kumori

As you’ve probably guessed by now, Toxic Kumori is used to craft and forge equipment in Monster Hunter Rise. Below are all the elements that require it as a production material:

  • Arachnid Bow
  • Alacrantze
  • Cornupion
  • Arachnid Silver Cord
  • Scorpion spear
  • Skalda’s Thorax
  • Skalda Vertex
  • Skalda brachia
  • Skalda crura
  • Skalda elytra
  • Spio thorax
  • Spio vertex
  • Spio Brachia
  • Spio Crura
  • Spio Elytra

This is all you need to know how to get and use the Toxic Kumori in Monster Hunter Rise . Be sure to check out our wiki guide for more tips and information on the game.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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