
  • Complete abortion: occurs when the entire gestational sac is expelled
  • Incomplete abortion: when remains of gestation remain inside the uterus. In these cases drug treatment or curettage is needed to expel what’s left.
  • Retained abortion: the embryo died in the womb. Usually women do not feel the symptoms of this type of abortion.

What are the symptoms of spontaneous abortion?

The symptoms that the mother will feel in a miscarriage may be:

  • Abdominal pain sharp, dull or cramping.
  • Low back pain, pain similar to very severe menstruation.
  • Tissue material is expelled in the form of a vaginal clot
  • Vaginal bleeding

Why does miscarriage occur?

Most natural abortions occur due to chromosomal problems that prevent the baby from developing properly, and usually have no genetic relationship with parents. Other causes are:

  • Infections during pregnancy
  • Obesity of the mother
  • Immune system problems
  • Serious systemic diseases such as uncontrolled diabetes
  • Tobacco consumption
  • Use of drugs and alcohol
  • Environmental toxins

Prevention of spontaneous abortion

Prenatal care and full pregnancy monitoring by expert gynecologists is the best way to prevent it. In many cases the problem is caused by systemic diseases that can be detected in time and treated, or kept under control through adequate checks during pregnancy. The mother’s habits during pregnancy are also essential to prevent spontaneous abortion, such as: avoid alcohol, tobacco, drugs and caffeine and try to avoid contracting infectious diseases. Consuming prenatal vitamins and folic acid supplements before getting pregnant can help prevent natural abortion.

Treatment of a miscarriage

When a spontaneous abortion occurs, the Gynecology specialist must analyze the tissue that has escaped through the vagina, to check if it is normal placenta or abnormal growth in the uterus, as well as to check if there are still remains of fetal tissue in the indoor.


abortion or natural abortion is the loss of the embryo or fetus due to natural or unintended causes. Usually occurs within the 20th week of pregnancy. If it is later, we speak of premature birth. Spontaneous abortion is divided into: early (before week 12) or late (between weeks 12 and 20). There is a greater risk of spontaneous abortion in women over the age of 35 and also in those who have previously had spontaneous abortions. There are three types of miscarriage:

  • Complete abortion: occurs when the entire gestational sac is expelled
  • Incomplete abortion: when remains of gestation remain inside the uterus. In these cases drug treatment or curettage is needed to expel what’s left.
  • Retained abortion: the embryo died in the womb. Usually women do not feel the symptoms of this type of abortion.

What are the symptoms of spontaneous abortion?

The symptoms that the mother will feel in a miscarriage may be:

  • Abdominal pain sharp, dull or cramping.
  • Low back pain, pain similar to very severe menstruation.
  • Tissue material is expelled in the form of a vaginal clot
  • Vaginal bleeding

Why does miscarriage occur?

Most natural abortions occur due to chromosomal problems that prevent the baby from developing properly, and usually have no genetic relationship with parents. Other causes are:

  • Infections during pregnancy
  • Obesity of the mother
  • Immune system problems
  • Serious systemic diseases such as uncontrolled diabetes
  • Tobacco consumption
  • Use of drugs and alcohol
  • Environmental toxins

Prevention of spontaneous abortion

Prenatal care and full pregnancy monitoring by expert gynecologists is the best way to prevent it. In many cases the problem is caused by systemic diseases that can be detected in time and treated, or kept under control through adequate checks during pregnancy. The mother’s habits during pregnancy are also essential to prevent spontaneous abortion, such as: avoid alcohol, tobacco, drugs and caffeine and try to avoid contracting infectious diseases. Consuming prenatal vitamins and folic acid supplements before getting pregnant can help prevent natural abortion.

Treatment of a miscarriage

When a spontaneous abortion occurs, the Gynecology specialist must analyze the tissue that has escaped through the vagina, to check if it is normal placenta or abnormal growth in the uterus, as well as to check if there are still remains of fetal tissue in the indoor.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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