
Minimalism is the conscious promotion and development of what we value most, as well as getting rid of what distracts from achieving our goals.
Joshua Becker

We live in a world of ideas and concepts that allow us to interact with each other and with the physical world around us, adhering to certain rules, so that this interaction is as useful and effective as possible for us. Using these concepts and ideas, we can build different models of reality that will take into account the natural laws of nature and help us to adhere to behavior that is adequate to these laws. Some of these ideas may be more in our interests, others less. But one way or another, they are necessary, because to live by instincts alone, as animals do, people, thanks to their intellect, cannot and should not. The concept of minimalism allows you to look at reality from a special angle, the purpose of which is not to show people something new that they have not seen before, but to to highlight the main thing that they have before their eyes. Initially, our brain operates with quantitative criteria for evaluating something, reasoning according to the principle: the more, the better. And with the help of the idea of ​​minimalism, people can reconfigure their brain to a qualitative evaluation criterion, in which attention will be paid to the most important, and all that is insignificant will be relegated to the background or completely marked as unnecessary. About what role minimalism can play in our lives and how it affects our internal state I will discuss in this article. and all that is insignificant will be pushed into the background or completely marked as unnecessary. About what role minimalism can play in our lives and how it affects our internal state I will discuss in this article. and all that is insignificant will be pushed into the background or completely marked as unnecessary. About what role minimalism can play in our lives and how it affects our internal state I will discuss in this article.

First, let me explain to you why we should pay attention to this topic at all, so that you understand how important it is in our life, from the point of view of psychology. The fact is that so many problems that I encounter when working with people arise due to confusion in the heads of these people, in which disorder and chaos reign because of which various negative emotions arise and erroneous decisions are made. People do not have a clear understanding of their life path, there is no vision of the purpose and meaning of life, because too much of everything in their head is intertwined and confused, they have many questions that they cannot give answers to. And in general, we can say that all problems of a psychological and not only character are associated with confusion and ambiguity of thoughts or, more simply, with a mess in the head. And until this mess is sorted out, the problem will not be solved. So, the concept of minimalism, according to my observations, perfectly promotes the establishment of such an order. I am absolutely sure that if people begin to apply this concept in their lives, many of their problems will be resolved, and some of them will not arise at all. That is why you and I need to take a particularly serious discussion of this topic, because it is one of the few that at the most basic level can change a person’s thinking so much that he will be healed of many of his internal psychological ailments.

The minimum of necessary, important, relevant, around which we can focus our attention is exactly the way that, in my opinion, can lead a person to a harmonious, measured, calm, satisfied and therefore happy life. Minimalism gives a feeling of lightness and certainty when a person is cleansed of all trash in his head and focuses on the most important in order to devote himself to this. Below I will explain in more detail to you all the subtleties of this concept, but first let’s give it a capacious and accurate definition.

What is minimalism

Minimalism is enough to solve any issue, task, problem, amount of resources, including information. This is exactly as many resources as necessary, no more and no less. Also, minimalism can be understood as the ability to highlight the most important of all available. This is my very definition of minimalism, you can compare it with other definitions [including a quote to the article] to understand which one is best for you to understand this idea. But in this article I will talk about minimalism based primarily on its own definition.

The meaning of minimalism

Теперь о смысле минимализма. Он заключается прежде всего в необходимости расставить приоритеты в своей жизни и объяснить себе этот порядок. Что для вас более важно, что менее важно и почему. Вы это должны понимать. Как я уже писал выше, изначально наш мозг оперирует количественными критериями оценки реальности, мы склонны загружать себя массой всего и вся, начиная с вещей и заканчивая информацией. Не понимая, что является самым важным в жизни, люди стремятся взять от нее как можно больше всего, чтобы быть уверенными, что ничего не упустили. Это приносит им удовлетворение. Также люди могут браться за множество разных дел, не делая достаточно хорошо каждое из них, а какие-то дела и вовсе бросая, так и не закончив их. Такая жизнь слишком суетлива, хаотична, во многом не осознанна, она вызывает стресс, перегружает и изматывает человека, выжимает его, как губку. Человек многого не понимает, живя такой жизнью, потому что для понимания чего-либо необходимо в это как следует вдуматься, а для этого нужны время и силы, которых просто не остается из-за суеты и постоянной возни. Минимализм помогает расставить все по своим местам, выбросив из жизни человека все лишнее и оставив в ней только самое важное.

The task of minimalism is to save us and you from unnecessary information noise, which draws upon itself various resources, primarily mental and temporary. We should not think about something that does not deserve attention, so that we have the opportunity to think about things that are really important to us. And in order to determine such things, you need to think carefully about life in general and about your life in particular. Not everything that we have in life, we need. Many of this can and should be abandoned in order to make way for the most valuable. Even if we are talking about some kind of trash in the house, which may someday be useful to you for something, then anyway, he draws your attention to himself, he is engaged not only in the physical space in the house, but mental in your head , because it needs some kind of accounting, maintenance, protection.

It is important to understand one simple thing, that our life consists of constant choice, we constantly choose one thing to the detriment of something else. So that everything does not work right away, although you want to, you have to choose. It’s like walking through a maze, you constantly find yourself at a crossroads, deciding where you go – right, left, straight or back. Minimalism encourages you to choose one road and go along it, until the next crossroads. But the alternative to minimalism is the desire and desire to go all the ways at once, or, in any case, several of them. In this case, a person cannot make a choice in favor of the most important thing; he wants all or much of what is available, therefore he spends his attention and time on many things. Some things can be combined, but with some it is simply impossible to do, so something will be done poorly or not done at all. Therefore, one must make this choice, choosing the most important and abandoning the less important. In general, it is a disease of mankind – to want everything at once. The idea of ​​minimalism cures it, leading people to understand that they do not need everything and do not need it at once, they only need the most important thing in due time.

Through the idea of ​​minimalism, I believe that one can come to wisdom, for which measure is important in everything. And sometimes wisdom leads us to minimalism, when, having gained a sense of proportion, a person comes with calm and conciliation. In general, both options are possible, because in both cases we come to restraint, appeasement, peace, thoughtfulness, since nothing superfluous distracts us from the main thing. I repeat, most people want everything at once, and this shows their unreasonableness, their immaturity. Their life is a constant fuss and fuss around everything and everyone, and often they miss what they really need, which can make them happy. They do not have a clear hierarchy of goals in their heads, thanks to which life becomes measured and moderately rhythmic. If a person is able to determine the main thing and extort his nature, to give up all that is superfluous in order to concentrate on this and live mainly on this, then undoubtedly he can be considered wise, because moderate peace and awareness come to his life. Indeed, the easier it is to realize something, the more mental resources we will direct to this.

Minimalism and asceticism

The above reasoning can lead us to a comparison of minimalism with asceticism, which some people do, believing that asceticism also allows you to find a sense of proportion. But these are still different things. Asceticism, in contrast to minimalism, goes beyond the bounds of the necessary. This ideology seeks satisfaction in the small, and minimalism teaches us to be content with the necessary. Feel the difference? Roughly speaking, the ascetic wants more, but cannot achieve this, therefore he seeks solace in his ideology. A minimalist can afford more, but does not want, because he knows that he does not need it.

With minimalism, we do not give up what we need, what we need, but simply take exactly as much as we need or do what we consider most important for ourselves, ignoring the rest. Asceticism, in my opinion, is a kind of defensive reaction of the psyche when a person convinces himself that he does not need what he cannot receive.

People have to resort to asceticism because of despair, because they cannot make their lives better. But minimalism is a voluntary, conscious rejection of unnecessary, unnecessary, meaningless goods, deeds, information. A person simplifies his requirements for life not because he cannot satisfy them, but because he does not want to spend time and effort on it, because he does not consider this important for himself. He does not consider it necessary to complicate his life and everything that he does. Because it will require resources that can be spent on more important things. That is the difference between one ideology and another. Minimalism is not when it is not enough, but when it is enough.

Minimalism and ambition

Another important point that opponents of minimalism and any other ideas related to restrictions point to is related to human ambitions, for which motivation is necessary, including in the form of greed and vanity. In their opinion, a minimalistic approach to life deprives a person of such motivation, quenches his ambitions and makes him less purposeful. Indeed, the modern world is mainly driven by greed and vanity, and even aggression, when people are always little and they want more, and for the sake of this more they are ready to go over each other’s heads. This makes them quite aggressive and active; they cannot calm down and be satisfied with what is available. However, minimalism does not so much deprive a person of ambitions as makes them more specific and definite. The minimalist also wants to develop, also wants to achieve new success, new victories,

Nevertheless, the assertion that the idea of ​​minimalism makes a person less ambitious is quite fair, because its essence is to look for the limit of the necessary minimum and maximum and stay within it, and not constantly strive for the maximum, giving all its strength . So in this sense, criticism of minimalism is well founded. Another thing is whether it should be criticism or just observation. For, why on earth should people constantly strive for more instead of being content with what they need and what is enough for them? Perhaps someone wants to live like this, wants to give vent to their ambitions and do everything they can to live a life that is saturated and even oversaturated with all kinds of affairs and events. This is the choice of the person to whom he has every right. But there are such people who do not need such a crazy race for the big, they just need the necessary minimum that satisfies their current needs, including the need for development. This is just another way of living that suits certain people in certain situations. You can devote your life to everything that is possible or the main thing that a person will determine for himself as such.

Minimalism and simplicity

Do not forget to also compare minimalism with simplicity, since these two concepts are also very close to each other, but nevertheless they are not the same thing. Unlike simplicity, by which we mean the most effective method of solving a problem, rather than refusing to achieve new goals, minimalism is such self-restraint when such a refusal is permissible. That is, with minimalism, we can refuse something as if we don’t need it, for example, some new goals, deciding to be content with what we have, while simplicity means only a simplified way to achieve new goals, but not a complete rejection from them. At the same time, minimalism is not forced, but voluntary and therefore absolutely meaningful self-restraint. This is not the same self-restraint as under asceticism, when, as I wrote above, a person is forced to give up something. Here a person simply chooses a different life path for himself, the most reasonable, in his opinion. But simplicity, or rather, the idea of ​​simplicity, I repeat, may not consider abandoning some goals, but only allows you to choose the simplest and most effective way to achieve them. This is the difference between these two concepts.

Minimalism treatment

And now about the main thing, about how, using the idea of ​​minimalism, you can heal the soul and mind, at least for yourself, at least for another. First of all, you need to understand that much of what creates problems for us arises in our heads. For example, things like greed and selfishness, if you do not take them under control with the help of the mind, can lead a person to very big problems. How many people were ruined by the elementary lack of a sense of proportion, how many people suffer only because they have not learned to live what they have, they are always few and they are always unhappy with everything. How much evil people do to each other, because they cannot take control of their limitless desires. The idea of ​​minimalism just allows you to adjust the human mind in such a way that he realizes the need for self-restraint, the need to refuse his desires

To heal and be treated with minimalism means to fully or partially accept this idea. This is the idea of ​​rejecting all that is superfluous and unnecessary, for the sake of concentration on the most important and valuable. It all starts in our head, where we put things in order, discarding all unnecessary, stupid, unnecessary thoughts that lead us astray. Through wise reasoning and reflection, a person comes to understand the importance of the main, and not much. The first step is to determine your value system and justify it for yourself. What is important for you in life and why? You need to think about this question for a long time, because the answer to it is not always obvious and sincere, even if a person answers it only to himself, and not to someone else. How to understand that something is important, but something is not? To do this, you need to think about those life scenarios that you know about in order to understand how people can live, choosing for themselves this or that life path. In such cases, the fate of others is the best teacher. And when you understand what your life will be like, at least approximately, if you focus on certain values, then you can decide for yourself which of these values ​​suits you. You may be mistaken in deciding that something one and not the other is valuable and important for you, but this is not such a problem, unlike in those cases when a person seeks to go along several paths at once, to live several lives at once. We never know for sure how our life will turn out; we will make this or that choice in a specific situation. But we must make this choice, we must strive to distinguish one from the other. And this desire always implies the rejection of alternative options. In such cases, the fate of others is the best teacher. And when you understand what your life will be, at least approximately, if you focus on certain values, then you can decide for yourself which of these values ​​are suitable for you. You may be mistaken in deciding that something one and not the other is valuable and important for you, but this is not such a problem, unlike in those cases when a person wants to go along several paths at once, to live several lives at once. We never know for sure how our life will turn out; we will make this or that choice in a specific situation. But we must make this choice, we must strive to distinguish one from the other. And this desire always implies the rejection of alternative options. In such cases, the fate of others is the best teacher. And when you understand what your life will be, at least approximately, if you focus on certain values, then you can decide for yourself which of these values ​​are suitable for you. You may be mistaken in deciding that something one and not the other is valuable and important for you, but this is not such a problem, unlike in those cases when a person wants to go along several paths at once, to live several lives at once. We never know for sure how our life will turn out; we will make this or that choice in a specific situation. But we must make this choice, we must strive to distinguish one from the other. And this desire always implies the rejection of alternative options. If you focus on certain values, then you can decide for yourself which of these values ​​suits you. You may be mistaken in deciding that something one and not the other is valuable and important for you, but this is not such a problem, unlike in those cases when a person wants to go along several paths at once, to live several lives at once. We never know for sure how our life will turn out; we will make this or that choice in a specific situation. But we must make this choice, we must strive to distinguish one from the other. And this desire always implies the rejection of alternative options. If you focus on certain values, then you can decide for yourself which of these values ​​suits you. You may be mistaken in deciding that something one and not the other is valuable and important for you, but this is not such a problem, unlike in those cases when a person wants to go along several paths at once, to live several lives at once. We never know for sure how our life will turn out; we will make this or that choice in a specific situation. But we must make this choice, we must strive to distinguish one from the other. And this desire always implies the rejection of alternative options. when a person seeks to go along several paths at once, to live several lives at once. We never know for sure how our life will turn out; we will make this or that choice in a specific situation. But we must make this choice, we must strive to distinguish one from the other. And this desire always implies the rejection of alternative options. when a person seeks to go along several paths at once, to live several lives at once. We never know for sure how our life will turn out; we will make this or that choice in a specific situation. But we must make this choice, we must strive to distinguish one from the other. And this desire always implies the rejection of alternative options.

You cannot live several lives by trying everything you can. You cannot, because you must not, sit on several chairs at the same time; there is no need for this. You should always choose one thing, in each specific situation. This is the manifestation of the idea of ​​minimalism, when you choose what to leave and what to refuse in order to devote yourself to the left. The abundance of desires in the head creates chaos, so they need to be minimized.

A person needs to moderate his appetites so as not to lose the most valuable in life. People cause each other a lot of evil, pain, make each other suffer, betray each other, deceive, use, because they can not cope with their primitive nature, which forces them to quench their limitless egoistic thirst to the detriment of others, including those closest to dear people. Thirst for more and more new sensations, gluttony in emotions, greed for all kinds of pleasures, in many of which there is no sense or need, deprives people of a sense of measure and they create chaos and uncertainty around themselves, throwing everything on the altar of pleasure, even their own soul and life . I want – that’s what they say to themselves. But they want a lot, they want what they think is best, not understanding what the best means and why.

Minimalism allows a person to define his own system of values, for the preservation and maintenance of which it is necessary to sacrifice his selfish desires. Indeed, many people live according to the principle: grab as much as possible over their life span, get as much as possible of all kinds of available pleasure, without thinking about the consequences that such a desire will lead to. Therefore, many are left with a trough that they are not able to sacrifice one for the other, in particular, their desires for the sake of their values. Some people are not even able to determine these values, they have a vague idea of ​​what can make them happy, in addition to the affordable pleasure associated with the satisfaction of basic needs.

Minimalism takes a person to a new level of understanding of life, in which he gains calmness, peace, dispassion, becomes restrained, learns to make the right choice, focusing on his system of values, accepts the imperfection of this world when you have to put up with someone’s shortcomings. By focusing on the minimum necessary, a person becomes wiser. He has time for really important things. In some situations, in something new for us, it may be necessary for us to simply allocate time for ourselves to think, no more and no less, but just think. Even over yourself, you need to think about your life, your desires, goals, problems. And it does not mean just to mentally go over all these things, making simple and superficial conclusions about them. You need to think about them, dig deeper, consider them at different time intervals to better understand. This takes time, which simply cannot be found in a life overloaded with business and concerns. After all, we do not often do this, our brain is too lazy to think, instead of deeply processing any information, it gives us superficial thoughts about certain things, forcing us to be content with the simplest conclusions on the basis of which it is impossible to make a reasonable choice and make a competent decision.

But thanks to minimalism, we can think deeply, broadly, sequentially, systematically, moving from one important thought to another. It is the ability to highlight the main thing that allows us to think effectively, without clogging our heads with all kinds of delusional thoughts. Our thinking is limited in its capabilities, the more information we load on our brain, the less quality it is processed and absorbed. Therefore, let’s say, in order to think something over fairly well, we need to concentrate on it, discarding everything less important. This is a skill to train.

Well and the most important thing is that thanks to minimalism you can find peace of mind, because it saves a person from unnecessary passions and related emotions and suffering. When a person lowers his requirements for life, mainly in the matter of material wealth, then the least he starts to worry about. Of course, the Spartan conditions themselves, in which many minimalists live, create their own problems and difficulties, they are very relaxed in this life and can’t worry about anything unless they give a damn about their life. But these problems that the minimalists face are often not comparable with those problems that arise in the lives of those who constantly pursue additional benefits, who are unrestrained in their desires and overload their lives with many different things. It causes stress

Perhaps the concept of minimalism is not universal and does not suit everyone. Perhaps someone likes to overwhelm his life with all that is possible and a person finds satisfaction in this, he likes such a life. Everyone has their own plans for life. However, I consider that it is necessary to take into account the approach to life that the idea of ​​minimalism offers us. Perhaps someday it will allow a person to find peace in the soul due to the fact that he will throw everything superfluous from his head.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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