The wisdom of life

Life is a complicated thing. Sometimes such events can happen in it that knock a person down, devastate him, cause him to be in a state of despair and hopelessness. This is what is called difficult time, difficult, which everyone is destined to survive in this life. At such moments, people may lose their hands and they will lose interest in life. But life does not want to break any of us, on the contrary, it helps us to become better, stronger and guides us along the right path. You only need to trust her great and boundless wisdom, which is not always easy to do, since a person always has his own idea of ​​what and how should happen in his life. Our ego forces us to believe that we understand life better than herself. Therefore, we sometimes ignore her wisdom – do not accept her gifts, do not follow her prompts, we do not draw the proper conclusions from her lessons and suffer because of this. But if you learn to listen and trust this higher wisdom, then you can survive any upheavals, any difficulties and come to your own happiness, designed specifically for us. Let us think together in this article how this understanding of life wisdom can be achieved.

To begin with, the topic of the wisdom of life became relevant for me not only because of the work that I was doing, I helped and help people who came to me for help, see a certain meaning and benefit in what happens to them, so that they more calmly perceived their problems and looked for clues of fate in them. I myself have repeatedly been convinced that life often, and most likely even always, guides us along the best path that suits us, so that we develop and achieve the successes that we need. We just do not always understand why the path proposed by life is the best for us and we do not always follow it. But when we do this, when we accept the offer of life, we move to a new level, improving our life. And then we are amazed at how much we were mistaken in our conclusions in the past, without seeing obvious prospects for themselves. Do you know this? If not, then study your experience, see how you went to something good that preceded your successes. I am sure you will see that the path to the good lay through the bad, and to success through difficulties and even suffering. And if something had not happened in your life that pushed you to action, you would most likely still remain at the old level of existence. Such patterns are not difficult to identify if you just look for them in your life. You just need to think about the meaning of everything that happens to you. If something happens in your life, then think why and why. The question is “why?” send you into the past, make you think about the causes of what is happening, the pattern of this. And the question “Why?” send to the future, to the investigation of what is happening, to the fact for what it can be done. Different options are possible here, but you need to think about the good, because life leads to good, to bad it does not need to lead us.

So, what is the wisdom of life and in what way is it manifested? By this wisdom, I understand the intention of life, one can also say, being, or existence, a process, a system, to induce a person to develop the potential inherent in him. Thus, life through the process of continuous development supports itself. After all, life is not something static, it is, as we know, a process in which any changes constantly occur. We do not live if we do not change. The only question is in which direction we will change, towards destruction and self-destruction or towards improvement and improvement. Here, by development, we mean precisely change for the purpose of improvement, and life, as I believe, is aimed precisely at this. The Universe develops as one single system, and together with it we must develop as separate elements making it up. What is considered an improvement and what is the point in it, the topic of a separate conversation, which may not be necessary for us now, because why do we need a deep philosophy, when it is enough just to think about the reasons and meaning of what is happening to us. And we have enough understanding that life wants us to become better and this best will give us joy, will make us happy. All other considerations are not so important, you need to focus on this conclusion in order to begin to trust life. When you learn to trust her, it will be easier for you to accept everything that happens in her. so that we become better and this best will give us joy, will make us happy. All other considerations are not so important, you need to focus on this conclusion in order to begin to trust life. When you learn to trust her, it will be easier for you to accept everything that happens in her. so that we become better and this best will give us joy, will make us happy. All other considerations are not so important, you need to focus on this conclusion in order to begin to trust life. When you learn to trust her, it will be easier for you to accept everything that happens in her.

This idea is also reflected in a religion in which, instead of life, we speak of God as a kind of higher mind, a higher essence that governs being. Therefore, to whom it is more convenient, it may use the word God instead of life, for believers it will be more convenient. Therefore, we can also say that God leads us through life, God helps us to become better, God directs us. It may be more convenient for someone to use the word System or the Universe, the meaning will be the same, for something higher, more complex and perfect, it is important that we become better, that we realize our potential as much as possible. Therefore, she does not want anything bad for anyone, she must believe in her good intentions and think about everything that happens to us in order to see in this some sense or, in some cases, a sign, a signal. How can this approach to life be considered scientific, depends on how well we understand the patterns of our life and life in general. The more evidence in favor of life wisdom we have in the form of the final results of our development, the more scientific this theory will be. Science needs evidence and it is you who need to find them in your life so that they are convincing enough for you.

Life path

Well, let’s see how the wisdom of life manifests itself in the fate of each of us. First of all, you need to understand that each person is destined to go his own life path – the path of development. It is important to understand that everyone has his own, so people do not always get along with each other, because in many ways their views, desires, goals do not coincide. It is so arranged by nature that people are initially at different levels of development, someone needs to get one experience, someone else. People are different and therefore life relates to them differently. Each fate is unique and it should be so. You should not break a person and drag him into activities that are not suitable for him; you should not impose your values ​​and lifestyle on people if he is not ready for them. At the same time, life often brings together people who are largely different from each other and this is also not by chance this also shows the wisdom of life, which wants each of us to develop so that during life a person can move to a new stage of development. What will happen after his death, we do not know, we can only guess. But there is reason to believe that everything does not end on our physical existence and something continues to exist further from us, since nothing in this world passes without a trace.

Recognizing our uniqueness, we have neither the point nor the need to compare ourselves with other people when it comes to our fate. Each of us should live our own life, and not dream of a stranger. You can try to achieve what other people have achieved, you can learn from other people’s examples and especially from other people’s mistakes, but at the same time your life will always remain only yours, with its features and shortcomings, your destiny will not be an absolute copy of someone else’s another’s fate. We, I repeat, are different and each of us must live our own life in order to go our own way. It’s good if you go this way with someone whose development will be consistent with yours or complement it. But if this does not happen, if you do not meet a person with whom you have a harmonious relationship, then you will need to go your own way alone. This does not mean that you will be lonely, there will be people near you, even your beloved person may be near, just these people will have to go their own line of development, you have a lot in life with them that does not coincide, neither interests, nor values, nor goals. But you will be interested in each other, you will be one team, just some of your life goals will be different. It happens, we must treat this with understanding. Do not strive for the ideal in everything, in some things it is in vain unattainable. An ideal would kill all interest in life in us, therefore it does not exist. just some of your life goals will be different. It happens, we must treat this with understanding. Do not strive for the ideal in everything, in some things it is in vain unattainable. An ideal would kill all interest in life in us, therefore it does not exist. just some of your life goals will be different. It happens, we must treat this with understanding. Do not strive for the ideal in everything, in some things it is in vain unattainable. An ideal would kill all interest in life in us, therefore it does not exist.

Man’s wisdom is manifested in his ability to see and accept the wisdom of life, having come to terms with things that cannot be changed, because they cannot. Humility is a great quality that a person needs to develop in himself if he wants to be happy. Without humility and acceptance of what life gives you, you will never come to satisfaction and peace, and without this, happiness is impossible. Often people have disagreements precisely because they do not understand that each of them has their own level of development and their own life path. They are not ready to accept each other’s uniqueness, because they do not see it and do not understand. People strive to impose their values ​​on each other, their outlook on life, not taking into account the capabilities and desires of each other. Not everyone is able to lead a certain lifestyle by virtue of their development, by virtue of their genetic potential. Trying to squeeze out of a person what he cannot give out means to commit violence against him, and it’s completely meaningless. This will not lead to anything good. A person is wise if he reconciles his desires with the wisdom of life and accepts people as they are, without trying to change them in their own way. This does not mean that people are not able to change and that they do not need it, it just says that each person needs to use his own approach. Helping people become better, stronger, is necessary, otherwise life would not bring together people with different levels of development. And the very life of all of us is constantly changing, through various difficulties and tests that are feasible for us. Therefore, each of us will change throughout life, some more, some less, but there will be changes. means to commit violence against him, and completely meaningless. This will not lead to anything good. A person is wise if he reconciles his desires with the wisdom of life and accepts people as they are, without trying to change them in their own way. This does not mean that people are not able to change and that they do not need it, it just says that each person needs to use his own approach. Helping people become better, stronger, is necessary, otherwise life would not bring together people with different levels of development. And the very life of all of us is constantly changing, through various difficulties and tests that are feasible for us. Therefore, each of us will change throughout life, some more, some less, but there will be changes. means to commit violence against him, and completely meaningless. This will not lead to anything good. A person is wise if he reconciles his desires with the wisdom of life and accepts people as they are, without trying to change them in their own way. This does not mean that people are not able to change and that they do not need it, it just says that each person needs to use his own approach. Helping people become better, stronger, is necessary, otherwise life would not bring together people with different levels of development. And the very life of all of us is constantly changing, through various difficulties and tests that are feasible for us. Therefore, each of us will change throughout life, some more, some less, but there will be changes. if he reconciles his desires with the wisdom of life and accepts people as they are, without trying to change them in their own way. This does not mean that people are not able to change and that they do not need it, it just says that each person needs to use his own approach. Helping people become better, stronger, is necessary, otherwise life would not bring together people with different levels of development. And the very life of all of us is constantly changing, through various difficulties and tests that are feasible for us. Therefore, each of us will change throughout life, some more, some less, but there will be changes. if he reconciles his desires with the wisdom of life and accepts people as they are, without trying to change them in their own way. This does not mean that people are not able to change and that they do not need it, it just says that each person needs to use his own approach. Helping people become better, stronger, is necessary, otherwise life would not bring together people with different levels of development. And the very life of all of us is constantly changing, through various difficulties and tests that are feasible for us. Therefore, each of us will change throughout life, some more, some less, but there will be changes. that each person needs to use his own approach. Helping people become better, stronger, is necessary, otherwise life would not bring together people with different levels of development. And the very life of all of us is constantly changing, through various difficulties and tests that are feasible for us. Therefore, each of us will change throughout life, some more, some less, but there will be changes. that each person needs to use his own approach. Helping people become better, stronger, is necessary, otherwise life would not bring together people with different levels of development. And the very life of all of us is constantly changing, through various difficulties and tests that are feasible for us. Therefore, each of us will change throughout life, some more, some less, but there will be changes.

The main thing that each of us must understand is that we should not demand from a person that which he is not capable of. It is not always easy to determine, a person’s capabilities can be masked by laziness and secrecy, but you need to try to see the potential of each individual personality in order to relate to it in accordance with its uniqueness. After all, life also does not pose us with such tasks that we are not able to solve, therefore, each has his own tasks. Everyone has to go through tests that are feasible to him in order to become better. And if life takes an individual approach to each of us, we should do the same.

Blows of fate

The blows of fate are also a manifestation of the wisdom of life. With their help, she draws the attention of a person to important things, and also directs him in the direction necessary from her point of view. And such attacks periodically occur in the life of each of us. Some of them beat us weakly, some severely, and from some we even fall to the ground, unable to stand on our feet. Life can be very harsh and cruel with people, apparently believing that they need it. And people themselves are not always to blame. For example, war and the suffering associated with it is not a punishment for individual people, but for society as a whole. Many can suffer from it, including those who deserve no such suffering. Therefore, it is not always necessary to take all the bad things that happen to you in life into your own account. Sometimes you don’t see any sense in your suffering, you don’t see any pattern in them that would explain how you deserve them. But if we do not see something, this does not mean that this something is not there. So you need to trust life, believing that it leads us to the best and teaches us to cope with current difficulties. Perhaps the suffering itself is necessary for us to think more about something, and not sleep all our lives. When people suffer, they begin to rethink a lot and come to a new understanding for themselves. To some extent, suffering is the path to enlightenment, the path to wisdom. instead of sleeping all my life. When people suffer, they begin to rethink a lot and come to a new understanding for themselves. To some extent, suffering is the path to enlightenment, the path to wisdom. instead of sleeping all my life. When people suffer, they begin to rethink a lot and come to a new understanding for themselves. To some extent, suffering is the path to enlightenment, the path to wisdom.

With some blows of fate and the losses associated with them, you just need to come to terms. We all lose something during our life, for example, the time of our life, everyone loses it. There is nothing to be done about it, at least for now, this is a loss that you just need to accept. Life should be just that. We do not need to be forever young, healthy, we do not need to live forever, we need to learn to live by the laws that life offers us and carefully try to change something in it so as not to do stupid things. And their people do constantly. After all, man is a rebel by nature. He always wants to change something in the world around him, he constantly opposes something, he is not happy with something all the time. And this, on the one hand, is right, life has been given to us for that, that we improve it, that we act, and not just observe everything. But in other way, opposing the existing one, a person does not always understand how and what should be better. What we consider the best, in fact, cannot always be so. But we are desperately striving for this subjective best of our own, having appropriate expectations from our actions. And when they do not make excuses, we feel bad, we are disappointed in ourselves and in life. We strike this blow of fate for ourselves, in that we cannot calm some of our desires. Not always our “want” must be fulfilled, because they are not always reasonable. Therefore, sometimes with its blows, life develops a sense of humility in us, letting us know that in some cases we need to give up our ambitions, desires, goals, and struggle. But we are desperately striving for this subjective best of our own, having appropriate expectations from our actions. And when they do not make excuses, we feel bad, we are disappointed in ourselves and in life. We strike this blow of fate for ourselves, in that we cannot calm some of our desires. Not always our “want” must be fulfilled, because they are not always reasonable. Therefore, sometimes, with its blows, life develops a sense of humility in us, letting us know that in some cases we need to give up our ambitions, desires, goals, and struggle. But we are desperately striving for this subjective best of our own, having appropriate expectations from our actions. And when they do not make excuses, we feel bad, we are disappointed in ourselves and in life. We strike this blow of fate for ourselves, in that we cannot calm some of our desires. Not always our “want” must be fulfilled, because they are not always reasonable. Therefore, sometimes with its blows, life develops a sense of humility in us, letting us know that in some cases we need to give up our ambitions, desires, goals, and struggle. Not always our “want” must be fulfilled, because they are not always reasonable. Therefore, sometimes with its blows, life develops a sense of humility in us, letting us know that in some cases we need to give up our ambitions, desires, goals, and struggle. Not always our “want” must be fulfilled, because they are not always reasonable. Therefore, sometimes with its blows, life develops a sense of humility in us, letting us know that in some cases we need to give up our ambitions, desires, goals, and struggle.

With its strokes, life often teaches us to love what is truly important. And the most important things for a person are love, family, children, parents, good friends, health, life itself. These are eternal values ​​that life generously gives us. They alone are enough to be happy, you only need to be able to enjoy them, and not constantly think about what you have not yet. For there will always be something missing and one should not underestimate what is available because of this. A person who is focused on basic values ​​will always be much happier than those who choose less important things in life. Life always helps us succeed in gaining, first of all, these very values, all the rest will come later, as necessary. Less important things, such as home, work, some life goals, in a word, everything that can complement our life, but does not determine its basis. These things are also important, but not in the same way as those eternal values, thanks to which we feel truly happy. Now think how to draw a person’s attention to the important when people often don’t even understand the words. Only through pain and suffering. For smart people, life shows the good through love, and the bad with the help of other people’s examples, which are always enough. Other examples are lessons for smart people. Well, if a person does not have a high level of intelligence and does not understand the good, and does not learn from other people’s examples, then life causes him pain and pain, so that he appreciates what is important. This is not an absolute regularity, but it is and it should always be taken into account. The blows of life can lead to a man’s arrogance, because of which he hurts others, including close and dear people. That’s the way a man works

Believe in the best

Sometimes in life it is very difficult, both physically and mentally. It hurts, offends, sadly, so that unbearable. We all go through this, life throws up trials for everyone, passing through which we are forced to suffer. At such moments, one must trust the wisdom of life, which is absolute and limitless, and many times surpasses our own wisdom. I have been convinced many times, both on my own and on other people’s examples, that through pain and suffering, life leads us to a better place. Therefore, in difficult moments it is necessary to stock up with patience in order to survive this time. But everything passes, nothing lasts forever. And the bad cannot last forever, and the good. Life will certainly reward someone who goes through her trials, who does not break, does not lose heart, does not lose heart. Sometimes people ask me why they feel so bad, why do they suffer so much, in what they were guilty before God, that he sent them such severe pain. I can’t always answer these questions, I don’t know the answers, I don’t see them and I can’t find them. But I know that they are, that some sense is necessarily present. We just don’t see him, I don’t see him, for life is much wiser than me. Therefore, I can only invite people to believe in the best, only faith can help them cope with difficulties. Logic, alas, is sometimes powerless.


And the last, very important thing that every person needs to understand in order to live a good happy life. We must act, no matter how hard it may be, no matter what problems we face, we must act, and not go inside, not give up, do not blame cruel and unhappy fate. Happiness is not sought and given, it is built. We are building it ourselves. Life helps, teaches, prompts, guides, but it is we who must act, because our life is our life. Forge your happiness, do not sit back. It is a mistake to believe that life will do everything for us and we don’t need to make efforts to achieve something or solve some problems. Why did we come to this world, if everyone wants to just get, and not achieve this, such a life is not human life, this is plant life. People, in my opinion, misunderstand the meaning of fate, which only needs to be accepted, and not try to create it. Not acceptance, but participation in the creation of our destiny, that’s what is required of us. I am absolutely sure that passivity is not only not rewarded with life, but also often punished. Life pushes us to action, because life is activity, movement, we need to do something in order to change something, create something, and deal with something. Life will help, prompt, guide, but, I repeat, it will not do everything for us. Therefore, she is wise. you need to do something in order to change something, create something, and deal with something. Life will help, prompt, guide, but, I repeat, it will not do everything for us. Therefore, she is wise. you need to do something in order to change something, create something, and deal with something. Life will help, prompt, guide, but, I repeat, it will not do everything for us. Therefore, she is wise.

Believe in the good intentions of Life, God, the Universe, or any other higher mind, the higher power in which you believe. She does not wish you evil. This world needs you, you are valuable to it and a higher power, a higher mind always leads you to something better. This best may not coincide with your own desires and your understanding of life, but you need to trust that power, that mind, which is many times superior to your own mind. He knows better what you need. Therefore, do not be upset and do not despair when something does not work out the way you would like. Life is wise, very wise, so wise that we are unlikely to ever be able to fully understand all its wisdom, it is beyond our understanding. One can only believe in and rely on this wisdom, listening to life, observing it and doing what it expects of us, when he sends us various tests. And then we will certainly be happy, we will not need to seek our happiness, we will only need to accept it, because it exists here and now. Do not scold life, do not be offended by it, if something is not good with you, if it hurts and hard, be grateful for everything you have and you will definitely come to a bigger one!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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