MINERAL WATER;5 Facts You Must Know

Mineral water is that which comes from deep layers of the soil, has minerals in its composition, and can have medicinal properties.

Rainwater often crosses the ground and can reach very deep layers. In these cases, as it crosses, it usually comes into contact with mineral substances found there, which become part of its composition. Thus, mineral water is formed.

Mineral water, then, can be removed through natural sources or artificially, through artesian wells. As this water has minerals in its composition, it can have medicinal action, that is, it can prevent or help in the treatment of diseases.

Spring of mineral water.

The medicinal action of water can be used when it is ingested (that is: when drinking water); or even in medicinal baths.

Some mineral waters are dark. Others, with smell, and even with taste. Such properties are related to the minerals found in this water. Thus, not all mineral water has the characteristics of drinking water, which is one that has no smell (odorless ); it has no color ( colorless ) and has no taste ( tasteless ).

Not all mineral water is drinkable.

Drinking water can usually be ingested. Thus, mineral water that presents the characteristics of drinking water, possibly also can be ingested.

As there is a risk that these waters are contaminated by microorganisms that can cause health problems , such as diarrhea and vomiting; it is important to drink only that mineral water from trusted brands that is already known. Another option is to always opt for water that has been treated with chlorine and / or that has been filtered, or water that has been boiled.

Mineral water, in some situations, can be ingested.

In many homes, the water coming out of the tap is already treated, and can be drunk. However, as it sometimes still has a little smell and taste of chlorine, it is best to be filtered first.


by Abdullah Sam
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