Minecraft: Grow and Use Copper – Here’s How It Works

Copper is a new resource in Minecraft 1.17. We will tell you where you can find copper and what you can do with it.

With patch 1.7 “Caves & Cliffs” many new items came to the world of Minecraft. One of them is copper, which is needed for several new items and which also has quite interesting properties in other respects. We reveal everything you need to know about the new mineral.

Where can you find copper? Basically, copper can be found everywhere in the upper world (that is, not in the Nether and the end). It occurs naturally between levels 0 and 96, but most often in the middle of this area (that is, levels 47 and 48). Each chunk (a 16 × 16 block area) generates up to 6 copper ore veins, each of which consists of groups of 1 to 16 blocks.

What is the best way to grow copper? Since copper is not difficult to find due to its high distribution, there are also various methods of collecting copper ore.

You can keep your eyes open because copper can also appear on the surface and on the slopes of mountains. It will also be found frequently when exploring caves.

Those who prefer to proceed in a targeted and planned manner can also grow copper wonderfully using the “branch mining” method, which we already introduced in our diamond guide.

However, this is only worth it if you want to collect large amounts of copper and also want to get hold of other resources such as iron, gold, and stone.

To mine copper ore, you must use a pickaxe made of at least stone. You will then receive raw copper, which you can melt in the furnace to make copper bars, which can then be used for further processing.

Copper will oxidize and discolor over time, if you don’t prevent it.

What can be built with copper? Copper can be used to build two new items that serve to explore the world and to decorate and protect your property.

  • Lightning rod: three copper bars one on top of the other form a lightning rod when made. This can be configured to intercept lightning in a 32 × 32 block area during a thunderstorm. The lightning bolts are automatically deflected to the lightning rod, preventing the lightning from striking elsewhere and setting the blocks on fire. At the same time, the lightning rod emits a red stone signal when lightning strikes.
  • Binoculars – Two copper rods on top of each other and an amethyst shard on top create binoculars when crafted. This can be used to see things in the distance and focus the camera on a specific point which is then zoomed in.

With the binoculars you can see the zombies from a distance before they invade you.

Apart from that, 9 copper bars can also be used to create a copper block, which can then be processed, for example, into steps or tiles.

If you want to prevent your copper from rusting, you can combine the blocks with a honeycomb to wax the copper to stop oxidation.

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What is oxidation? In processed form, copper loses its natural brown color over time the longer it exists in the game world. Little by little, all the copper blocks change color, first they acquire green spots and then they turn completely turquoise.

Therefore, buildings made of copper blocks change color over time. If you want to use copper for decoration, you must have plenty of honeycombs in stock to limit oxidation of the blocks.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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