Microphone techniques

This time we are going to talk about the microphone techniques in order to find the right sound both in the studio and live. Taking into account issues such as frequency, directional pattern or sensitivity.

The first thing that we have to keep in mind is that there are errors made in the recording phase due to a misuse of the mics that are very difficult to solve in the mix. Because a good sound source, a good location and a good microphone are key. Always keeping in mind parameters such as amplitude and the ideal signal / noise ratio.

1.- Microphone jack with a single microphone

The only microphone that is used is responsible for the timbre, the amount of ambience that is captured and the different nuances that can be captured from the instrument, depending on the location of the microphone.

  • Close microphone technique: the microphone can be placed a few centimeters away to accentuate timbral nuances or enhance the characteristics of the instrument’s articulation. However, the stereo location of the sounds, the location of the sound plane and the ambient sound will not be taken. All this must be recreated in the mix.
  • Distant microphone technique :it is about separating the microphone until achieving a certain sound plane. This technique is to be avoided live as it is most useful in the studio when recording musicians one by one.

2.- Multimicrophone jack

To take sound from several instruments separately even if they are in the same space. By placing one or more microphones for each one, a multi-microphone jack is being made. Each signal can be processed separately in the mix. It is essential to keep in mind the gap caused by distance.

3.- Stereo jack The ambient sound is captured with the reverberation of the room and the sound plane of the different instruments. It can be done with two overlapping microphones or with two microphones away from each other.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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