Metrorrhagia in menopause: what it is and what to do if it appears

It is a disorder that occurs with blood loss, sometimes copious. Here’s what it is and how you can recognize it from simple leaks.

This article was written in collaboration with our doctors and specialists

In this post we will talk about:

  • What is metrorrhagia
  • What is the difference between metrorrhagia and simple losses
  • What to do if metrorrhagia appears

Irregular cycle, shorter or longer, perhaps interspersed with losses : this may be a normal event in the years of perimenopause , when menstruation gradually begins to become irregular for the vast majority of women.

The definitive cessation of the menstrual cycle (for you to be able to tell yourself in menopause you have to count 12 consecutive months without menstruation) does not occur suddenly but is the point of arrival of a long process of transformation of the organism , which can pass through the precisely, through phases like these.

In any case, the alterations of the cycle and even more the blood loss between one menstruation and the other can generate anxiety and fears that it is something more than a simple physiological event linked to menopause.

In this article we talk specifically about a cycle alteration that can be common: metrorrhagia.

If you want to deepen and better understand what the losses are, you can read these articles:

  • The most common changes in the menstrual cycle in perimenopause
  • Blood loss in menopause: what they are and what they can be symptomatic of
  • Spotting in menopause: what it is

What is metrorrhagia

The term metrorrhagia refers to particularly abundant uterine bleeding that occurs outside of menstrual cycles . This means that it occurs between menstruation and the next.

Blood loss can appear more frequently in the ovulation phase (if it occurs during the fertile life) and also lead to abdominal cramps and pain. However, this kind of loss almost never remains an isolated fact: metrorrhagia tends to repeat itself over time.

In women after 45, when the first hormonal changes that will lead to menopause begin to occur , metrorrhagia is most often due to the imbalance between estrogen and progesterone levels. Therefore, it has a physiological cause , attributable to the alteration in the production of hormones that is completely natural when approaching menopause .

The fact that it may be a natural response of the body that is changing should not make you think that it is a disorder that can go unnoticed: an appointment with the gynecologist is always appropriate, for a check-up visit that ascertains the exact nature of the losses. .

There is a close relationship between menopause and discharge , it is true, but metrorrhagia could also be the symptom of some situations that it is essential to diagnose early or in any case to constantly monitor such as:

  • Tumors (benign or malignant) of the genital system
  • Fibroids and uterine polyps
  • Chronic or recurrent vaginitis
  • Thyroid dysfunction (but in this case they are usually well known before the onset of metrorrhagia)

What is the difference between metrorrhagia and simple losses

Metrorrhagia should not be confused with spotting , an English term that indicates small blood losses which are generally dark in color . These bleeding can occur between menstruation and even during the fertile life, mostly in conjunction with the ovulation phase.

The difference, however, lies in the fact that in case of spotting the bleeding is scarce, just a few drops, while in metrorrhagia the bleeding is generally abundant : rather than losses we are talking about a real hemorrhage , to the point that frequent bleeding could cause anemia as a result of severe iron deficiency due to blood loss.

Also for this reason it is important to talk to the gynecologist and also evaluate the opportunity to proceed with the checks.

What to do if metrorrhagia appears

Even if it is an isolated episode, and maybe it was not even accompanied by pain, it is good to never underestimate abnormal bleeding . Make an appointment with the doctor or, better still, with a gynecologist and tell what happened. He will be the one to evaluate the opportunity for follow-up exams to investigate the matter.

Even if you are in menopause, in fact, being followed up periodically by a gynecologist is important to constantly monitor your health from the first signs of perimenopause .

Prevention is a very powerful weapon to diagnose any problem early and reduce those risk factors that menopause could increase , as in the case of Vulvo Vaginal Atrophy , which has losses among its symptoms. A few simple tests are enough to be repeated periodically after the age of 45 ( here you will find the complete list ) to live serene and peaceful and free yourself from any anxieties and fears.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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