Methods of visual psychodiagnostics.

Modern business manages human resources in most cases by the method: “Be the way I want to see you.” It is not by chance that recruiting “barkers” start everywhere traditionally: “If you … such and such, and if you possess such and such, but most importantly, if you want and strive, then …”.

Undoubtedly, in order to heal well or better, a potential employee is ready to immediately “change” to the requirements put forward. Hiding for the time being his true nature under the guise of “what do you want?”. The same can be said of the business partner: why not temporarily become the one “they need”? And if such a situation completely suits the opposite side, i.e. the customer and the employer, then spending time, money and effort on psychological diagnostics seems unnecessary wastefulness. Until the so-called human factor works. Most often, alas, not for the better.

To know your employee, business partner or your competitor means to be able to anticipate his actions in a particular situation. However, without taking into account the underlying psychological (including psychophysiological and genetic parameters) characteristics, relying solely on professional and business information, it is almost impossible to achieve an effective forecast of human behavior. “Nature”, looking, at the most inopportune moment and will crawl out sideways. In other words, the personality factor may work in the most unexpected way, but it’s worthwhile to try to minimize this risk, and best of all, to extract from it, if not profit, then at least benefit. Worldly wisdom offers to eat together a pound of salt with someone you want to know. Or walk together through fire, water and copper pipes. If we want to protect everyone from the second recipe, then with respect to the advice of the first one, it should be noted that in the era of rapid interpersonal communications, more operational ways of getting to know a person are also needed. In fairness, it should be noted that the classical “university” psychology can offer a couple of bulky and outdated questionnaires like “16-factor Kettell” (187 questions) or Sobchikovsky SMIL (full version of 550 (!) Questions, abridged – 384) , well, something else of projective techniques: “Draw a non-existent animal, tree and man.” Still – the eight-color Lusher test or five geometric figures by the Susan Dellinger method – the techniques are generally quite good, say, for training or psychoanalysis, but completely unsuitable for psychodiagnostics (there is no system of protection against intentional distortion of information). As the last argument, you can, of course, use a polygraph (aka “lie detector”), but its use requires special conditions, and the method itself is very, very expensive. But most importantly, the entire listed “arsenal” directly “bombards” a person, imposing on him the role of an experimental rabbit. You can handle your staff this way, but what about partners or competitors? And the procedure itself for many self-respecting specialists may seem too humiliating or a direct infringement of their personal rights. As a result – the departure of the best of the best, who do not tolerate the atmosphere of total barracks inquiry by the methods of Grandfather Pavlov and old Freud. Other approaches are needed – first of all, absolutely anonymous to the personality of the person being tested, operational in time and, moreover, able to give objective information about a person. In other words, the information received should be extremely individual and predictive of emerging requests. Business, as you know, theoretical models and concepts about the specifics of the human person are of little interest. But to a much greater extent – “portrait” and human behavior in certain situations: business, communicative, perhaps extreme or certain everyday ones. It is still important to know the internal “stuffing” of the individual, so as not to accidentally buy the Trojan horse into the company. Everyone, as you know, goes crazy in his own way. Which is just in case to know in advance. time-efficient and, moreover, capable of giving objective information about a person. In other words, the information received should be extremely individual and predictive of emerging requests. Business, as you know, theoretical models and concepts about the specifics of the human person are of little interest. But to a much greater extent – the “portrait” and human behavior in certain situations: business, communicative, perhaps extreme or certain everyday ones. It is still important to know the internal “stuffing” of the individual, so as not to accidentally buy the Trojan horse into the company. Everyone, as you know, goes crazy in his own way. Which is just in case to know in advance. time-efficient and, moreover, capable of giving objective information about a person. In other words, the information received should be extremely individual and predictive of emerging requests. Business, as you know, theoretical models and concepts about the specifics of the human person are of little interest. But to a much greater extent – “portrait” and human behavior in certain situations: business, communicative, perhaps extreme or certain everyday ones. It is still important to know the internal “stuffing” of the individual, so as not to accidentally buy the Trojan horse into the company. Everyone, as you know, goes crazy in his own way. Which is just in case to know in advance. the information received should be extremely individual and predictive of emerging requests. Business, as you know, theoretical models and concepts about the specifics of the human person are of little interest. But to a much greater extent – the “portrait” and human behavior in certain situations: business, communicative, perhaps extreme or certain everyday ones. It is still important to know the internal “stuffing” of the individual, so as not to accidentally buy the Trojan horse into the company. Everyone, as you know, goes crazy in his own way. Which is just in case to know in advance. the information received should be extremely individual and predictive of emerging requests. Business, as you know, theoretical models and concepts about the specifics of the human person are of little interest. But to a much greater extent – the “portrait” and human behavior in certain situations: business, communicative, perhaps extreme or certain everyday ones. It is still important to know the internal “stuffing” of the individual, so as not to accidentally buy the Trojan horse into the company. Everyone, as you know, goes crazy in his own way. Which is just in case to know in advance. and human behavior in certain situations: business, communicative, possibly extreme or certain everyday ones. It is still important to know the internal “stuffing” of the individual, so as not to accidentally buy the Trojan horse into the company. Everyone, as you know, goes crazy in his own way. Which is just in case to know in advance. and human behavior in certain situations: business, communicative, possibly extreme or certain everyday ones. It is still important to know the internal “stuffing” of the individual, so as not to accidentally buy the Trojan horse into the company. Everyone, as you know, goes crazy in his own way. Which is just in case to know in advance.

It is no secret that the world’s leading companies prefer to draw up detailed psychological dossiers on their business partners, competitors and leading experts. What methods are involved in such cases for drawing up an in-depth psychological portrait and issuing the necessary forecast? This will be discussed further.


It’s hard to fool motor skills.
Competent opinion of physiologists

As you know, manuscripts do not burn. Unfortunately.
Compiler Complaints

Comrade Stalin tried not to demonstrate his style of writing. He did not keep his manuscripts, as well as secret protocols. Perhaps because he represented the possibilities of the then graphologists very well? The decree on “pedological perversions” in 1936 imposed a ban on any psychological research on handwriting. However, the NKVD, apparently, took up graphologists a little earlier. In any case, the last officially known Russian graphologist D. Zuev-Insarov sunk into oblivion sometime in 1935, and until his sad end worked as a craftsman in Moscow restaurants. A venerable handwriting has emerged in our days already with numerous reprints of his work (Zuev-Insarov D.M. Handwriting and personality). Graphology, without being officially recognized, nor rehabilitated in the former post-Soviet space, nevertheless already in the 90s of the past century began its “technological reincarnation”. Maybe because the modern “western” business is taking full advantage of the possibilities of graphology? (The author had to see the World Bank questionnaires, where the applicant for the position “voluntarily forcibly” was asked to leave a sample of his handwriting. It was for graphological psychoanalysis, which the questionnaire warned about in good faith.) In France, by the way, the birthplace of psychological handwriting, the position of graphologist has state status, There is an extensive network of training centers for specialists, which, however, somewhat bureaucratized this procedure. In the Netherlands, Israel, the United States, they rely more on the quality of work of a graphologist, rather than its official status. By and large, a professional in this type of activity should not be wrong. Like a doctor or a miner. A mistake in diagnosis can cost a lot, and not only to the graphologist himself, but the possibilities of the method are really impressive, because you can learn a lot about a person by hand. Here are just a few noteworthy psychodiagnostic markers of handwriting.

Take, for example, the letter “y”. The style of her writing will tell about the individual’s ability to intuitively penetrate the essence of things, processes and various phenomena. Especially if the latter do not lend themselves to logical interpretation and for some reason it is impossible to apply the usual method of discrete formalized analysis to them. About the same way stock exchange markets, political processes and campaigns behave and, ultimately, our human psyche, coupled with Mother Nature. The letter “u” (as well as the sound itself is a lingering, howling sound “oo-oo-oo”) directly projects the individual’s abilities for intuition, premonition, foresight and prediction of the situation in a holistic (gestalt) form, i.e. often in the form of images, pictures, emotional manifestations, insight (insights), etc., which you can’t label in any way, except and there even grass does not grow. Also, such a “subchik” is also useful. and there even grass does not grow. Also, such a “subchik” is also useful.

By the letter “r” we will judge the fighting qualities of a person, his genetic and life-acquired abilities to act tough and risky in dangerous or even extreme situations. With a formidable growl, our distant ancestors walked towards obvious danger and … won in a hot fight. Otherwise, these shock genes simply did not survive before our, also not quite calm days. So: a clear weakening of pressure, when the writer’s hand wants to go through the air, “folds”, “bends”, various shortening and curvature of the lower process of the capital letter “p” indicate cowardice and a tendency to compromise. Do you need such an employee? Obedience is sometimes the flip side of cowardice. Here graphological psychoanalysis will help to unambiguously put everything in its place. There are people who are good “at war”, but are not very fit for business.

A comparison of the letters “p” and “d” will help to clarify this question. “Roots”, the foundation, the basis of any undertakings, as well as the ability to bring the plan to the end – all this can be seen firsthand through variations in the spelling of the seemingly ordinary letter “d”. Projecting and replacing the case with careerism is here (then there is the so-called inversion uppercase letter “d” with the appendage above and not below, as it should be). However, the letters “c” and “l” will tell more about the various forms of ambition and pride. You know, every sandpiper praises its swamp, but some are too immodest … In such cases, the capital “l” threatens to grow into a formidable peak “Mont Blanc” against the background of neutral letters located nearby, and the process “into” vertical, like a legionnaire’s sword, strives to flog the sky. The sharper, longer and dagger-like appendage of the letter “B” – the more distinctly manifests the “Napoleon complex”, or the disease of success, or leadership syndrome in its pathological form. Now it is fashionable, but only losses due to failures are painfully frightening. And living with such a person is more than problematic. Drives himself and others in the name of a ghostly victory The other extreme is leaving, or rather, fleeing into fantasies, daydreams and other far-fetched “virtuality”. Fortunately, modern means for delivering your “I” to another reality are more than enough, say, the Internet space, an easy but systematic “drink”, etc., etc. Catching a “defector” is easy enough: the appendix of the letter “c” it will turn out to be clearly bloated and often bizarre in shape, like a balloon with somehow saggy sides, but nevertheless carried away by the changeable wind. But for those who live on the principle of “my hut from the edge” and “we are dark people, we’re penniless”, the sprout “in” will be sharp, inclined and imperceptible, so-so, a little knife, hidden so far under the hollow and smashing along the tangent .

The ability to communicate, especially in an obsessive form, a kind of harsh promotion manifests itself in the manner of writing the letters “z” and “g”, “w”. Evolutionarily, these are all signal sounds for the external environment so that everyone hears and reacts appropriately. Too sharp, as if deliberately jagged and turned into anti-tank hedgehogs, such letters will give out attacking-embittered personalities. Being kind to them is like being weak or shaggy. We learn the style of our days. The sound and the letter “c” is also signal, but already with a clear “metallic” hue, and therefore, according to its style, it is very easy to calculate brawlers and bumblers, i.e. those who like to throw tantrums and portray a storm in a glass. In other words, such an individual unreasonably and inadequately dramatizes ordinary life, and vice versa: when the time really comes “H”, his warlike fervor somewhere evaporates? For an interview, of course, they will also come quieter than water and below the grass. But then, having settled down a bit in the workplace … Maybe you should beware of these? Why put your hedgehog under your ass if you don’t need psychotherapeutic acupuncture? Sometimes the excellent “pros” of their business have a nasty character. Then it’s better to prepare in advance. their affairs have a nasty character. Then it’s better to prepare in advance. their affairs have a nasty character. Then it’s better to prepare in advance.

By the way, you can always play it safe and determine the intellectual, creative or even heuristic abilities of the employee by handwriting. This is a graphical analysis of the letter “t” in all its variations, as well as a special study of the types of capital “connectives” between letters and words. Another is the variation of the letters themselves and the handwriting as a whole. Take, for example, the letter “y”. But the main criterion will still be the style of writing the capital “t”. It can be depicted in the form of a stick with a crossbar – an intelligent way or in the form of a “fence” (inverted spelling of the letter “w”) – a dogmatic, with low information bandwidth option. Note: the time a hand spends on writing the letter “t” is inversely proportional to the ability to efficiently process information. But by the magnitude of the separation of the crossbar from the stick, when an empty gap is formed between them, one can judge the degree of intellectual risk, up to adventurism and incorrigible self-confidence. Literally, when my roof flies up, it is no longer up to a verified miscalculation of what is happening. Now people who wholeheartedly believe in the future golden Eldorado have increased a hundredfold, but is it worth it to waste their money under their crazy projects? The world will live after the collapse of hopes even of very, very many who believed in a ghostly brilliance. wholeheartedly believing in the future golden Eldorado, has increased a hundredfold, but is it worth it to waste their money under their crazy projects? The world will live after the collapse of hopes even of very, very many who believed in a ghostly brilliance. wholeheartedly believing in the future golden Eldorado, has increased a hundredfold, but is it worth it to waste their money under their crazy projects? The world will live after the collapse of hopes even of very, very many who believed in a ghostly brilliance.

A graphological examination will also make it possible to fairly accurately determine how complete a person is and whether he is subject to external “zombies.” Now, it seems, this is more relevant than ever. We are all more or less subject to suggestion, but how far has the process gone? The letter “o” will reveal this secret. Its capital oval will be torn, deliberately circled, and most importantly, crossed out, crossed out or will have extra graphic elements in its internal space. The letter “o” is the projection of an individual ontological “egg”, the essence of the innermost container of the soul of our “I”, and it is not allowed to be even slightly “cracked”. Recall how the fabulous Koschey zealously hid his immortality. The tale is a lie, but a hint in it. Well, how do we feel about our own “person”, will tell, of course, our “I”. Both uppercase and lowercase. By its separability from a number of other letters, a tendency to narcissism is easily diagnosed.

You can’t list all the possibilities of graphology. It reveals, like a surgical knife, or manifests, like a developer, carefully masked symptoms and complexes of a person, exposing his true nature. What the individual himself may not even guess about. (Actually, to conduct a graphological analysis, so to speak “face to face” is an ungrateful thing, few people want to know all the ins and outs about themselves. Another thing is all about the neighbor. So we are arranged, and there is nothing
to be done about it. Times for holiness not yet come.) And we will not forget about the complete or absolute confidentiality of this method of scanning a person, because it is not difficult to get a few lines of handwriting secretly.

What else? From the handwriting of individuals, it is easy enough to predict future interpersonal relationships in a group, team, or personal life. In the same way, one can trace the changes of a person before and after any events, you never know what could have turned over in the soul after the experience. It is also realistic to trace the subject’s reaction to a specific situation (for example, business negotiations) according to his protocol records. According to the specifics of writing some semantic words (company name, appeal to someone, promises or assurances, etc.), you can decipher the actual attitude or real reaction of the person who wrote to the facts indicated in the letter. Simply put, you can find out the truth about intentions and motives, which is the highest class of any targeted psychodiagnostics.


Open your face, Gulchatai!
From the movie “The White Sun of the Desert”

The plastic surgeon is not the Lord God: he will not hide everything.

The concepts of “face” and “person” in our language are used interchangeably. But is it really so?
Kozma Rodov “Psycholinguistic delights”

Physiognomy in the most general sense is a psychodiagnostic of a person by the face (including the structure of the skull) and facial wrinkles (in the latter case it is customary to talk about “physiodermatoglyphics”, but it’s better not to complicate the “sophisticated” terminology of an already rather complicated technology). Thanks to this method, we can determine the genetic characteristics of the individual, so to speak, his natural inclinations. So, a powerful jaw gives out a strong type of nervous system, but whether a person really used this quality of life will show a physiognomic “assembly” of all elements. Among those who actually turned out to be a strong personality, among other things, chewing muscles (the so-called nodules) will clearly stand out and the jaw itself will be put forward. A large mouth with a weak narrow jaw is a genetically provocative nonsense for a person: there is an irresistible desire to capture, but there is no way to keep and overpower the prey, i.e. appetite doesn’t match the possibilities. But a small mouth indicates selectivity and even scrupulousness (sometimes this is perceived as moodiness) in choosing the object of desire. But on the other hand, the “little ones” will never miss their own (which from the outside may seem insidious). But developed full lips determine the so-called sensory type. Such people never make decisions without first feeling the situation (in Japanese management this would be called “go and see for yourself”). And they do this with all their senses. Which, of course, takes time and the pause of sensory processing may be delayed.

Thin-lipped and large-breasted, on the contrary, do not spend much time on preliminary “intelligence”. And even more so, at the time of decisive actions, they cannot be reproached for excessive situational reflection. Incomplete data compensate for the speed and surprise of the attack. Especially if the nasolabial groove is also well developed. However, the large distance between the nose and mouth creates the prerequisites for an adventurous and voluntaristic character, i.e. increased risk appetite. In situations of uncertainty and unpredictability, this quality may be decisive for victory, success or salvation. But the overhanging mouth, a well-developed nose, very productively increases the sensitivity and adaptability of the individual to the external environment. They usually say that he “keeps his nose in the wind.” Its antipode – a cute upturned nose – “provides” its owner with a good bit of arrogance combined with naivety, but if it is short, then it is also short-sighted. In the heyday of the nobility, a young lady with such a “personal dowry” had more chances to get married. Still: such a wife did not meddle in her husband’s affairs, was content with the next compliment, balls and outfits, and how her life was arranged, and did not try to guess. A nose with a hump – pride, arrogance, intransigence and painful scrupulousness with high sensitivity to attacks and insults. These noses were in real fronts and bracers, i.e. in the modern interpretation – bullies and brawlers in matters of honor, idea and duty. As you know, genes do not wear out, much less dilute. Therefore, do not try to recklessly offend a person with a clear hump on his nose – he can respond sharply and very harshly. The large wings of the mosa are a sign of a passionate nature, quick-tempered and very energetic.

Thin eyebrows (oh, how young ladies like to pluck them in front of the mirror today too!) Increase the pressure of consciousness, together with our “ego” on feelings and immediate emotionality. A person literally loses spontaneity and ease, but on the other hand, he is burdened with his own and other people’s ego-settings and ego-programs. Why his life becomes restless, nervous and, sorry for the expression, some bitchy.

Moreover, even the experienced psychoanalyst is not always able to understand the intricacies of far-fetched and coveted, as well as the motives of this or that act. You can’t say anything about people with well-developed eyebrows (remember the “unforgettable” Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, they say that before he fell into senile senility, he was a very direct and pleasant person to talk to). In fact, facial hair is our vital or biological power. Maybe that’s why the sorceresses were never short-cropped, and women are still forbidden to enter the temple of God with an uncovered head. But the fused eyebrows are an alarming signal: we are dealing with a person who is suspicious and unbridled in his expressions. Perhaps his instincts can dominate social attitudes. People with a short haircut thus try to involuntarily strengthen their “I”, especially its conscious part. You can try to negotiate with such, because they are used to restrain their initial impulses. However, a short haircut (self-control) and developed cheekbones (offensive communication, the tendency to be the first to take the opposite step) give out a very dangerous and decisive fighter. He does not have a self-reflecting neurotic pause before making a decision. With hollow eyes, he fearlessly and point-blankly looks at the danger that has arisen, often suppressing its manifestation by the mere power of his gaze. Convex-eyed, on the contrary, prefer not to look, but to act, instantly and essentially because they are used to restraining their initial impulses. However, a short haircut (self-control) and developed cheekbones (offensive communication, the tendency to be the first to take the opposite step) give out a very dangerous and decisive fighter. He does not have a self-reflecting neurotic pause before making a decision. With hollow eyes, he fearlessly and point-blankly looks at the danger that has arisen, often suppressing its manifestation by the mere power of his gaze. Convex-eyed, on the contrary, prefer not to look, but to act, instantly and essentially because they are used to restraining their initial impulses. However, a short haircut (self-control) and developed cheekbones (offensive communication, the tendency to be the first to take the opposite step) give out a very dangerous and decisive fighter. He does not have a self-reflecting neurotic pause before making a decision. With hollow eyes, he fearlessly and point-blankly looks at the danger that has arisen, often suppressing its manifestation by the mere power of his gaze. Convex-eyed, on the contrary, prefer not to look, but to act, instantly and essentially He does not have a self-reflecting neurotic pause before making a decision. With hollow eyes, he fearlessly and point-blankly looks at the danger that has arisen, often suppressing its manifestation by the mere power of his gaze. Convex-eyed, on the contrary, prefer not to look, but to act, instantly and essentially He does not have a self-reflecting neurotic pause before making a decision. With hollow eyes, he fearlessly and point-blankly looks at the danger that has arisen, often suppressing its manifestation by the mere power of his gaze. Convex-eyed, on the contrary, prefer not to look, but to act, instantly and essentially
appreciating the strengths and weaknesses of the situation. They quickly scan everything with eye-sensors “and, finding a suitable point of application, they immediately attack decisively. Most often they succeed.

Etc. Physiognomic analysis will not disregard any organ or segment of your face. Reading the genotype makes it possible to identify hitherto hidden impulses in human behavior, moreover, often not realized by the subject himself. In addition, one can more reliably judge its capabilities and inclinations. In order not to put the wrong horse on occasion. History, alas, knows too many sad examples when the choice of the main character was completely unsuccessful. For example, typically long-headed (instability, reduced adaptability), but with a jaw that was insufficiently strong (lack of decisiveness in the extreme) and developed temporal lobes (inclination to rationalize), the physiognomic type of Field Marshal Paulus turned out to be truly fatal for the fate of the entire offensive strategy of the Wehrmacht in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942. Genetic data tend to manifest themselves in extreme conditions. However, the so-called individual style is also largely determined by the same individual typological inclinations.

Another thing is the topography of wrinkles. This is absolutely acquired. Note that they are often tried to hide under makeup or even with surgical intervention. And not in vain. From what and in what part of the face wrinkles are located, you can learn a lot from a person’s biography. There are, for example, wrinkles of a global strategic goal, they go from the inner corners of the eyes (i.e., from the nose) to the cheekbones. Believe me, such people very purposefully strive for their plans, sometimes subordinating their whole lives to set priorities. Take a look: among the well-known political leaders there will always be those who have ascended to the power Olympus by no means by chance. And those who are prone to compromise will inevitably get circles under their eyes. Add here also the constant “overload” from the shouldered and overwhelming burden. Vertical grooves on the cheeks warn those around that there is a person in front of them who, in which case “will not spare his own” (as they say: “He will not be behind us”). But the bulldog type of cheek gives out a powerfully worked out business acumen. Similarly, wrinkles lengthening the corners of the mouth indicate success. The mouth seems to stretch out like a “catfish” so as not to miss, but to grab and swallow even larger prey. Is it not true that under water everything is like in life? If your mouth curled up, then you are clearly dealing with a “complainant” and a petitioner for “candy.” But the dimples on the cheeks are good, there is a chance that they will share with you, but they will not row everything just for themselves. A vertical wrinkle in the middle of the forehead is a signal of an extremely highly developed ego. Such an individual is not used to suppressing his desires, much less proactively reacting to yours. Wrinkles going from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth are pragmatism and practicality, including mercantilism. If from the wings of the nose there are deep wrinkles to the lower “nodules” (ie, to the place of attachment of the lower jaw), then in front of you is a person who is more likely to be a “traveler” than an “acquirer”. He is ready to put everything in order to achieve his plan, but his goal is unlikely to be a banal candle factory. Rather, the romantic dream of Rio … Still, such people are too knowledgeable about life to hide from it behind the naivety and joy of a purely material gain. Another thing is to do something worthwhile and completely exciting. going from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth – pragmatism and practicality in matters, up to commercialism. If from the wings of the nose there are deep wrinkles to the lower “nodules” (ie, to the place of attachment of the lower jaw), then in front of you is a person who is more likely to be a “traveler” than an “acquirer”. He is ready to put everything in order to achieve his plan, but his goal is unlikely to be a banal candle factory. Rather, the romantic dream of Rio … Still, such people are too knowledgeable about life to hide from it behind the naivety and joy of a purely material gain. Another thing is to do something worthwhile and completely exciting. going from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth – pragmatism and practicality in matters, up to commercialism. If from the wings of the nose there are deep wrinkles to the lower “nodules” (ie, to the place of attachment of the lower jaw), then in front of you is a person who is more likely to be a “traveler” than an “acquirer”. He is ready to put everything in order to achieve his plan, but his goal is unlikely to be a banal candle factory. Rather, the romantic dream of Rio … Still, such people are too knowledgeable about life to hide from it behind the naivety and joy of a purely material gain. Another thing is to do something worthwhile and completely exciting. Still, such people are too knowledgeable about life to hide from it behind the naivety and joy of a purely material gain. Another thing is to do something worthwhile and completely exciting. Still, such people are too knowledgeable about life to hide from it behind the naivety and joy of a purely material gain. Another thing is to do something worthwhile and completely exciting.

On the contrary, wrinkles from the outer edges of the eye are always contemplative. They enhance the panoramic view and form the integrity of the vision. Still – effectively increase the study of all kinds of search options, up to the most unexpected. Chess players, writers, gamblers, military strategists, and just people who have seen a lot of their time, and therefore with tolerance to the incomprehensible, have a well-developed network of such wrinkles that seem to lengthen the outer section of the eyes. Indeed, why bust through a closed door without making sure that there is no back door? A workaround has always been appreciated for its performance.

A small, as if a trace from arc points, transverse wrinkle on the bridge of the nose, on the contrary, is a clear evidence of overload with current affairs and “urgent” problems. Behind individual trees, the forest is no longer visible, and there is no end to the land of overtaken concerns. However, there are advantages in the “routine”: you don’t have to think about how to kill your free time, and life is perceived as filled with deeds to the brim.

Another dumb witness to life’s failures is the so-called mouth blockers. These are small transverse wrinkles in the corners of the mouth, usually they go in semicircles and visually? do not allow the mouth to move further. However, the way it really is. For some reason, the individual limits his appetites, not so much in the gastronomic as in the personal and business aspects. He is in control to appear compliant, kind and not aggressive. He is in the “bummer” of his personal expansions and applications. Apparently, it is not permissible or frightened by the burden of yet another failure and neurosis. Usually, lips are also offended. Do not attack or touch! Perhaps this is how you can wait out “dashing year”, but you can get used to it. Then a stable neurotic complex is formed: “I would have been able to do a lot, but they would not allow me …”.

The vertical wrinkle over the bridge of the nose (it turns out – in the middle of the forehead), alas, exposes the personality is very selfish and masterful, living under the motto: “I want it so!”. But if such a wrinkle is located a little lower, just between the eyebrows, then you have a person who is able to insist on his business and solve pragmatic issues, but he doesn’t have unnecessary “bziks” and vagaries. He just appreciates his business word and his business principles. Perhaps it’s worth trying to make porridge with him, it should turn out to be edible.

A circular wrinkle under the lower lip (can be located even lower, literally on the top of the chin) separates the so-called talking chin from the mouth and jaw. Be careful – such an individual does not believe what he is saying. A word for him is nothing more than a way of earning money, moreover, without any rules. However, he wholeheartedly confesses one principle: “Lying is not a lie, but only skillful misinformation.” Which helps him survive in our world, which is by no means shining with sincerity.

Wrinkles can tell a lot … However, the physiognomic “portrait” of a person is not a mechanical list of individual properties and qualities, but rather an “assembly” of deciphered fragments into a single whole. And it’s not the fault of physiognomy that sometimes the resulting “image” without the usual retouching may turn out to be somewhat unexpected. Well, the claim to the mirror is known after all, what it ends with.


Before the birth of the phonetic language, gestures performed its functions.
The opinion of anthropologists

Language is my enemy, so what can we say about gestures and facial expressions ?!
Kozma Prutkov “Memo going to the inquiry”

Dance me a Newton bin.

Gestures, unlike handwriting and facial features, are much easier to fake, i.e. depict what you need at the moment. With the publication of the book by Alan Pisa, Sign Language, this can be done on a reliable technological basis. Surrounding yourself with a platoon of image makers, you can finally enter the “image” to its maximum likelihood. But … human nature is cunning: you suddenly forget the learned lesson and involuntarily give free rein to a physiologically and psychologically more adequate muscle movement. Gestures, posture, facial expressions are the oldest communication system of the human community (Mr. Pavlov designated it as the first signaling system), and its program blocks are extremely firmly fixed in our subconscious (at the level of the so-called ancient cerebral cortex). We will take into account, of course, cultural traditions, since each people and nation have their own characteristics in the transmission of information and state of mind through gestures. However, the layer of social culture is always disproportionately thinner in comparison with the powerful layer of the most ancient signal reflexes of communication. These “communicative archetypes” often break through the involuntary movement in our quite modern and cultured gestures.

So, stroking the lower jaw (or the beard that grows there) with the hand of the Russian merchants, of the dervishes and warriors of Allah, as well as the current manager will always mean one thing: readiness to repulse and self-confidence. Running a hand, even by chance, along the wide arc of the chin is a test and stimulation of our oldest weapon of defense and attack: the jaw with its incisors and fangs. (Boxers, by the way, flex their jaw in this way, you can’t bite, but you need to hold a punch and lunges.) But if a person touches (or props with his hand) the very tip of his chin, then he’s more ready for a verbal rebuff than for other active ones action. (Goatee, a short pointed beard, traditionally associated with the professions of a lawyer or high school teacher.) A hand supporting the cheek, – A clear sign of loss of interest in what is happening, due to the lack of expected material incentives. But if a hand accidentally taps its ear (for example, a typical gesture to straighten hair in the area of ​​the auricle), then be sure – the client shows strategic interest and intuitively tries to figure out the future.

Gestures with a nose require detail. Touching the very tip – the desire to inconspicuously find out something, somewhere to covertly infiltrate without leaving traces, and in general to explore something delicate or piquant. And also – “get out of the water dry.” Feeling and stroking the wings of the nose (similarly, I’m sorry, and picking the nose) is an irresistible desire to infiltrate somewhere or into something, if necessary, conducting reconnaissance, as they say, by battle. Rubbing the hump on the nose is a gesture of stubbornness and the desire to defend one’s position or at least remain in one’s opinion. The nose bridge is located a little higher, but touching it (often under the guise of eye fatigue) indicates confusion and confusion due to some urgent problems. The same – rubbing the temporal lobes of the forehead: a man is trying hard to come up with a certain combination in order to get out of this situation. Alas, both gestures are not victorious; this is most likely an attempt to retreat with the least losses. Lowering the eyelids is also a defensive reaction from a situation that is clearly not to your liking. But when you involuntarily touch your lips (or, sorry, they slightly lick) – this is an expression of genuine interest in what is happening, the desire to “touch” and “try” everything. However, women of all nations have long since skillfully learned to imitate this involuntary reaction. But when you involuntarily touch your lips (or, sorry, they slightly lick) – this is an expression of genuine interest in what is happening, the desire to “touch” and “try” everything. However, women of all nations have long since skillfully learned to imitate this involuntary reaction. But when you involuntarily touch your lips (or, sorry, they slightly lick) – this is an expression of genuine interest in what is happening, the desire to “touch” and “try” everything. However, women of all nations have long since skillfully learned to imitate this involuntary reaction.

The decoding of the signal functions of the fingers is interesting. The well-known psychoanalyst Max Lusher, who is better known for his work in colorology, took off the cover of mystery from the “flaring”. Lusher confirmed that with our index finger we are really “poking” – i.e. in this way we teach, moralize, proclaim, etc. In short, the power of a mentor or moralist. Add to this the assurance that “this is necessary” and “I am always right.” Not a very successful life position, but in the era of ideological dictatorships worked perfectly. In our time, even political ideology has become incomparably more flexible. By the way, in addition to the gesture itself, the abundance of jewelry on the finger itself can serve as suggestive information.

The psychological function of the middle finger is a demonstration of the power of one’s own self (in astrology, a similar character trait is called the “Jupiterian” – a completely adequate comparison). Arming the middle finger with a massive ring with a stone, and more often with a signet ring, they love imperious and tough natures, for whom the desire to command is as natural as breathing to someone. The demonstration of the middle finger symbolizes the expression of personal power. including phallic. Sayings of a
modern newspeak like: “I’ll make you” in a gesture equivalent are represented precisely with the middle finger. Well, what are the morals, such is the communicative language.

Ring finger demonstrates adherence to foundations, traditions, norms and archetypes. It is no accident that it was he who was honored to be decorated with a wedding ring, because marriage is an institution very traditional, archetypal and conservative. In general, people who abundantly decorate the ring finger with rings and rings are classical traditionalists and, moreover, very painfully sensitive to their image, reputation, publicity, in other words, to their reputation. In addition, they are ardent adherents of established systems and rules and will never risk breaking them. This is their main virtue and, at the same time, the Achilles heel.

The most interesting finger in the psychoanalytic perspective, it would seem, is the smallest and most ordinary-looking finger – our little finger. However, it is easy to make sure that after the set aside big, this is the most movable finger of the remaining four. Moreover, he is one of the strongest. Anyone who typed a lot on old mechanical typewriters can confirm this thesis, because on the little fingers laid (with the blind ten-finger method) a lot of letter keys. At first it is difficult for them to print, but then you get used to it and you are convinced that the little finger is a very formidable tool not only for printed cursive writing. In a number of martial arts, it is very, very dangerous, it is used to inflict specific blows. In psychoanalysis (also according to Max Lusher), the little finger is an expression of a sense of opposition, originality on the verge of foul and shocking, provocative front-door movement and simply the affirmation of one’s own originality and identity. Take a closer look at others: a coquette, if you want to show yourself as original and wayward, be sure to decorate your little finger with a garland of rings. And when a person, taking, say, a glass, puts his little finger far behind, he signals to those around him: “I can act in my own way and it is very unexpected for you.” Involuntary little finger tapping on the table will also mean disobedience and the desire to prove himself more boldly and unexpectedly than others demand. It is a signal of impatience and at the same time a creative challenge. Anyone who likes to play with his little finger is certainly ready to step over the established rules and start the game “behind the fence”, i.e. act in a hedge style. Perhaps this is just a demonstration or provocation, but the subject is inwardly ready to break out of the grip of inertness and traditionalism. Nowadays, these qualities are generously rewarded, the society of technological achievements longs for changes and new sensations, like no other, however, within the boundaries of controllability and a certain degree of predictability.

And finally, the tale of the thumb. Well, with him everything is as clear as with the index. Its function openly speaks for itself. With the thumb we grab and hold something. The thumb symbolizes our real possibilities, i.e. real, and not, say, imperious power. This is what we can actually do personally without any mediation. With a thumb, our distant ancestor held a club in his hand, then – a shaft and hilt. The thumb allows the hand to clench into a fist, it is a fastening element. An ancient insulting gesture – a cookie – most directly demonstrates to the enemy that he will not succeed, because the grabbing and holding finger is senselessly caught between the index and thumb, it is deactivated and humiliated (both the thumb and its owner). Those, those who actively show the thumb in gestures are people of action, hard pragmatism and practical judgment. First of all, they rely on their capabilities and are ready, rolling up their sleeves, to personally realize their plans, that is, to be the master of their fate. Thanks to the extremely flexible and widely set aside thumb, the primitive man was able to achieve much. This ancient archetype, perhaps, has remained almost unchanged in our subconscious.


Le style c’est l’homme. (Style is man.) The
dictum of the French naturalist Buffon

In the little things, a person is more sincere.
One of the rules of psychodiagnostics

Of course, modern man dresses in fashion. Who wants to be a black sheep, i.e. social outcast. But individual preferences are still no, no, and they are breaking out. Dressing “for others”, we obey the external requirements for our own statement – the image, and therefore we have to endure inconvenience for our own PR. Dressing “for ourselves”, we project our own image outside, surround ourselves with our comfortable shell – on the example of clothes – in the most direct way. Clothing “for oneself” expresses our underlying desire to be that way, and not just seem. How to catch the difference, especially since the fashion and rules of business etiquette sometimes very strictly unify the person. Yes, very easy! Observe the person – how comfortable he feels when he is dressed “in the second skin.” From the facial expressions, facial expressions, gestures and behavior, consider what feelings he puts into his appearance. But the main thing is to determine whether he likes it or not. Literally: is it “his” or “not his”? Getting into the zone of the “comfortable” I “we are really transforming: the stiffness and clumsiness, posturing and meaningfulness of movements (the so-called grace of a mannequin), caution and suspiciousness with an eye to the fact“ do I look and behave accordingly? ”Disappears. confidence and calmness appear not only in the look, but also in the general appearance, in gestures, posture – emancipation, lightness and a feeling of comfortable pleasantness with a touch of inspiration: “I’m so good,

When a man dresses what suits him best, he seems to be returning home after a hard working day. Another point: notice the mood of the person with whom he puts on weekend clothes without receiving guests. In his personal life, a man is a sovereign master. Whenever possible, we should “take off” his psychological portrait.

The clothes we wear are the second skin of our nature.
Kozma Prutkov, former master of custom tailoring

Let’s take a chance to talk about fabrics and textures. In the aspect of practical psychodiagnostics, we run the risk of running into a “good” word from designers and cutters. Although … They may also be interested. So velveteenpeople prefer comfort, beautification and security. You can always buy them by offering a decent price. In case of blackmail or threats, you can be calm, this is a bluff. “Corduroy” individuals themselves are afraid of a tough scenario. Instead, they prefer Bohemia, and that’s good. After all, someone should create a charm of pleasant courtesy in combination with a tight man purse. Velor or suede is a leather that is very pleasant to the touch, but dense and durable. In this case, add strength and desire in every possible way to protect your comfort in combination with acquired wealth to the feeling of comfort. Moreover, the denser the velor or suede, the higher the willingness of its owner to continuously expand his possessions, guided by a wise political credo: “If you want a stable peace, get ready for war.” If you infringe on his rights or, chur, spheres of influence – get ready for an immediate rebuff. And do not be surprised by an unpleasant surprise – those who passionately love to put on velor or suede, have a secret “stock”, and also for the time being undisclosed useful connections. Please do not flatter yourself with external softness and smiling goodwill – such a person has a very strict calculation for future dividends in everything and everything. You will not be an exception. The advantage of the skin is that it is still thick and impenetrable. outward gentleness and smiling goodwill – such a person has a very strict calculation for future dividends in everything and everything. You will not be an exception. The advantage of the skin is that it is still thick and impenetrable. external softness and smiling goodwill – such a person has a very strict calculation for future dividends in everything and everything. You will not be an exception. The advantage of the skin is that it is still thick and impenetrable.

Lovers ” pure“leather clothes not only want to feel protected, but also have carte blanche for delivering an attack strike. The image of a“ tough guy ”is traditionally reinforced by another skin on his body. A sense of inferiority, snobbery combined with uncertainty is also hidden behind a leather stronghold. skin is hot-tempered and aggressive, because it cannot completely satisfy restrained pride.Instead of recognition from others, one has to force and dictate, be offended and jealous. Ultimately, callousness and selfishness chickpeas second nature to such an individual, and not in a “second skin” in fact the case – the latter can also just take a closer look closely at the texture of the skin – of the observations we have the following rule:. The rougher the skin material, the “real” people in their ambitious aspirations and applications. Thick, but well-treated skin, without any frills and unnecessary “little thing” gives out a person for whom to fight for a place in the sun – that for Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev wear a sword. The more threatening elements are on clothes (carriages, rivets, heavy metal buttons, chains, etc.), the more distinct is the type: “You are afraid of me – I’m cool.” But as a matter of fact – I want to seem like that or I was once like that, but quietly exchanged my life for “rattles”. It happens. Thinly crafted, very soft, with sewing and almost decorative leather in appearance – a hint of a desire to live beautifully, comfortably and the readiness of its “wearer” in case of which immediately show teeth. In a fight for the dream of a coveted lifestyle, you can bite. To a pain point and for sure because a long exhausting war and deprivation the individual does not suggest. A leather product in the style of “crack”, as well as patent leather – the desire to be mobile, tough and modern at the same time, as well as obsessively accentuated desire for prestige and brilliant success. A kind of supermanhood in the splendor of spotlights. In the end, we all, to one degree or another, are fond of fame and adoration. Dressed in shiny leather “armor” I would like this especially. All of us, to one degree or another, are fond of fame and adoration. Dressed in shiny leather “armor” I would like this especially. All of us, to one degree or another, are fond of fame and adoration. Dressed in shiny leather “armor” I would like this especially.

Velvet – Uniquely stated image of prosperity, dignity and snobbery. It can be said in another way: elitism plus comfort. It is desirable that both the one and the other be forever enshrined in rights and opportunities. So it always has been. However, do not confuse the representative of the patrimonial elite with those who get out into people who have become slightly wealthy as a tradesman. If you really want to be a “nobility”, then you can put on velvet. In the heat and out of place, for example. True dignity is a hint of prestige, but by no means a flashy importunity among those invited to a business buffet or cocktail. Better stock something from velvet for visiting the opera. But then it’s better not to go down the subway – it’s strange, you see, to observe a person in such a prestigious robe in the democratic subway. Although why not, in spite of the same snobbery and protocol?

Those who passionately love flannel , almost openly declare their desire to receive affection, attention and care for their person. Apparently, they didn’t receive warmth in childhood. On the other hand, the individual himself may turn out to be very selfish and capricious-demanding. Maybe he was spoiled in pale pink age? In both cases, soft and supple flannel fabric compensates the individual for the share of sympathy and sympathy that for some reason he receives from others around him as an adult. Strange as it may seem, the “flannel” person in a fight for everyday blessings turns into a “steel terminator” and turns out to be surprisingly deaf to the supplications of everyone who stood on her road. A flannel shirt, as you already understood, is closest to your own body.

Hairiness, as well as hair, in psychoanalysis is an expression of biological sensuality and vital strength. A woolen sweater adds to our civilized natures a certain fraction of sensual mediocrity and genetic (somehow I do not want to use the word “wild”) strength. Wearing a sweater or pullover, we become more relaxed and impulsive, we have a little more activated subconscious and imaginative perception. Soft and pleasant to the touch knitwear is an unconditional signal of readiness for contact in a more direct and emotional form. Women “cats”, perhaps, know this much better than the author. Well, if the pleasant forms are clothed in fluffy Angorawool (the same mohair}, beware twice: for each returning “purr” they can scratch painfully … on your purse. Or they can surprise you with reciprocal tenderness. sweater thickmating gives a completely different: such people are honest and frank, but they are unlikely to want to sacrifice their principles for the sake of others. However, they will not begin to attack in vain, unless you invaded their territory. The compliance of coarse wool products is very deceptive, and here we are faced with adaptability, but certainly not with obsequiousness and moral lability. However, the element of protection from the external environment in rough woolen knitwear is always present. There is a certain duality: I want to stay with me and at the same time – with business. Well, everything is all right with the matter – the “coarse-haired” individuals prefer to work hard and hard, moreover, not necessarily in a managerial team, but personally. Knitwear thinmating is preferred by individuals who are able to adapt very effectively to the environment, but … at the same time, with unconditional benefit for themselves. Only in contrast to the “long-haired” texture, the “short-haired” material makes it possible to more finely feel the partner and his signals, and indeed, creates the most favorable effect for plastic adjustment to the situation. Clothing made of fine knitwear is the position of a person knowingly driven, ready to receive certain dividends for his adaptability. Which is well deserved.

Silkthe products do not seem to need deep psychoanalysis. Silk fabric is a symbol of celebration, celebration and fun at the same time. Add to this another element of prestige and the charm of a certain luck. Those to whom fortune smiles especially generously and it seems that the holiday will never end – they prefer to prefer expensive natural silk fabric. A silk scarf for women or a silk tie for men uniquely increase the internal personal status of their owners. Luck, as you know, for some reason often shrugs the modesty and flatters those who have stars in their eyes. “Silk” individuals value their persona dearly. However, as long as the conjuncture is on their side. In a silk shirt for a long time through thorns to the stars, they will definitely not wade. There is only a moment of ecstasy, and it is worth it to ride on time. We wish them good luck.

Cotton , or thick cotton ( cotton is translated from English as “pure cotton”), is a fabric that very clearly defines the zone of the clothed body from the environment. In other words, it is a border, demarcation. The denser and tougher the cotton fabric, the more distinctly the individual divides the world into “mine” and “not mine”. You cannot refuse him principled approaches and clear wording. Ultimately, they are tough fighters, but only in the chosen direction. In all other cases, they are guided by extremely healthy rationalism without undue sentiment. But from “their”, perhaps, for no reason they will not back down. Entering trust in them is not easy, but if you are let in for the “demarcation” line, consider that you are a member of his family. Agree, it was not easy,

Let’s say a few words about flax – an elastic, durable and very hygienic fabric in which it is easy to breathe in heat and warmth in bad weather. Flax is practicality and adaptability, without that fraction of rigidity, which is characteristic of Cotton . We can add that loving linen products are open and very reliable people, friendly and devoid of snobbery. It’s just not worth it to sit on their heads – flax is very tear-resistant and durable, maybe that’s why people who adore it can grind even stones. It is better to be friends without selfish motives – it’s more reliable.

Expensive costume fabric, such as Boston , betrays individuals who can not only keep their word, but also embody it in business. Well, what else can I add? Form and style oblige you to hold on, even if, due to prevailing life circumstances, you would like to lower your personal mission. Suit fabric of the type of uniform (very dense, fine in texture blended wool) will add stubbornness and dogmatism to the admirer in upholding its principles. But, strangely enough, the carefully concealed sensuality will turn out to be the reverse side of the civilian uniform. Here are just a master key to the heart’s casket, the owner very carefully hidden. Yes, so that over time everything decays there.

Silence denim will not work. She firmly won the position “for all occasions.” Thick and tight denim is close to Cotton in diagnostic psychoanalysis; cowboys, gold miners and other adventure seekers preferred it. Their motto was the rule: “Either do or die.” Such clothes are both protection and a buffer to prepare for the attack itself. Tight denim is a dictate of a strong personality that goes all the way to the end, but without destructive aggressiveness, i.e. either obey me or leave, I can manage without you. Another aspect of jeans: declared personal independence and autonomy, as well as
and persistent disregard for class rules and snobbish lead. Alas, if something becomes a symbol, it means that this truth is no longer in it. “Real” high-strength jeans are now becoming the same luxury and an application for elitist uniqueness as used and restored motorcycles of the 60-70s of the past century. The soft varieties of modern denim are, first of all, utilitarianism, pragmatism, practicality and unification of both the lifestyle and the way of consumption. In the latter case, indiscriminate means and consumer adaptability to dominant trends are also implied. No matter how cynical this sounds, a modern man, dressed in a common denim, is the same “product” as his clothes. Soft jeans are short-lived and wear quickly, after a short wear, they can already be perceived as second-hand. Is the age of the “labor force” fleeting?

Make a club suit more free so that the holster does not puff.
Kozma Prutkov, from the essay “Glitter of casino lights in the gutter”

Zhora, just don’t unfasten, your button on your belly has come off your shirt …
Heard in passing phrase

The style of clothing itself, and not just its material, can tell a lot of psycho-diagnostics. You can’t list all the styles, but at least some characteristic details.

First of all, pay attention to the collars. Yes, those around the neck from a shirt or a newfangled frock coat. The shirt collar is also worthy of attention: soft, hard, peaked or rounded, with buttons on the collar or stand – everything has its own rationale, and believe me, they should not be neglected. The neck is a projection of such feelings as pride, stubbornness, self-will, humility, strength and adaptability. We must be able to distinguish nuances. First of all, pay attention to how freely the neck can move, how flexible and mobile it is.

A rigid stand-up collar betrays a person who faithfully believes in the power of his conviction and destiny. His stubbornness and ambition can be composed of odes, and there, you look, and an orchestra of admirers is formed. It does not matter for what reasons, the main thing is the visible result of worship and encouragement. The stand-up collar involuntarily raises its head up and makes it motionless – what is the not petrified statue of a commander? To sacrifice the principles – not a shit! But the most interesting is that the people of the “standing collar” are in awe of the myth of power and an authoritarian machine. If you don’t steer, then at least greet! Also refer to this type as a stand-up collar with a bow tie.– and add here pronounced ambition, snobbery and vanity. To mitigate the diagnosis – even a fraction of aesthetic claims and artistic charm. Although with the latter characteristic, be careful: to external accessories you still need the appropriate style and behavior. However, talented to play someone else’s role has not been forbidden to anyone.

An interesting psychoanalysis of lovers of light sweaters, “turtleneck” , or the so-called golf , under the suit. Firsthand, it would seem, openness and democracy. But do not flatter yourself. In this case, we are dealing with the revealing concealment of our own pride and secret stubbornness. The neck is covered! One can say more unpleasant: such a person is secretive and can hide his fist in his pocket for a long time. He may also have a whole bunch of complexes about his own inferiority. Naturally, his pride is also very vulnerable. Well, as they say in the people: “if he doesn’t allow it over time, then it will paralyze.”

Another thing – a sweater under a jacket without a collar – a pullover . This is where you can really talk about the openness of the individual. Up to peremptory and behavior on the verge of a foul. In other words, the demonstrated position reads: “I am open, but I can stand up for myself!”. One cannot speak of any barriers to scrupulousness, suspiciousness, or adherence to dogmas of upbringing. Instead of the mentioned qualities – spontaneity, impulsiveness and persuasiveness of response to the challenge of the external environment. Perhaps we should once again emphasize the dynamism and mobility as characterological qualities.

Pay attention to the three-piece suit, in our time it is almost an individual style. The vest under the jacket is a kind of chest shield, in addition, it perfectly collects and concentrates energy in the chest area, does not allow you to relax and “soften”. Thus, there is a person in front of us who first of all controls the manifestation of his heart feelings and sentiments, and is also very, very scrupulous in matters of honor, ideology and mentality. In matters of debt and promises, it will most likely be possible to rely on. Unless what you have proposed goes against his principles. And another interesting point – people dressed in a suit vest are trying in every possible way to leave, run away, and eliminate themselves from all sorts of interpersonal squabbles, above all – heartfelt, as well as any everyday and vain troubles. For this, they surround themselves with an impenetrable barrier. A suit vest, especially if it is fastened high under the neck, is an almost ideal shield in order to remain autonomous and proudly non-aligned. Please do not confuse the delicacy of these individuals with cowardice or timidity, which avoids “loaded” contacts. Quite the contrary, having a “shield” on your chest makes it very easy to keep your brand and, if necessary, unexpectedly aggravate relations. You may not be ready for such a tough rebuff. “Troika” is often preferred by tough single leaders, for whom a crisis situation is almost a native element. This is worth considering. As well as the fact that some may be tempted by clothes “mimicry” to the specified style. But then he will feel very uncomfortable,

Take a look at how comfortable a man in a tie feels and how tightly his knot fits around the collar of a shirt. The tougher the collar-tie knot link, the more stubborn and intractable your intended partner may be. He is consistent and very dogmatic in his business activities: without going through the previously agreed point A, he is unlikely to take risks in point B. The harder you press him, the tougher the resistance will be on his part. But if everything goes according to the plan of mutual agreements, then you can not worry about the result of joint work. The partner will not let you down, even if you have to overcome accidentally arising force majeure circumstances. He will eliminate defects and punctures methodically and thoroughly. There is some pattern: the more aesthetic the shirt collar and tie are in harmony with the general style (“everything looks beautiful”), the more scrupulous the individual is concerned about the quality of the work done. However, you can’t refuse him some posturing either, which is now perceived as a confidently declared personal brand. By the way, the “collar” shirt collar gives the individual much more self-confident, even impudent. But the habit of walking without a tie, but with a surely buttoned top button on the collar is pedantry at the level of self-control, as well as ostentatious modesty, which may well conceal the smoldering heat of enormous ambitions. By the way, the fear of getting through the neck is clearly a negative reaction to the challenge of any changes, as well as a reduced level of adaptability. Have you tried to unfasten? everything looks beautiful “), the more scrupulously the individual is worried about the quality of the work done. However, you will also be able to refuse some kind of posturing, which is now perceived as a confidently declared personal brand. By the way, the” collar “shirt collar gives the individual much more self-confident, even But the habit of walking without a tie, but with a surely buttoned top button on the collar is pedantry at the level of self-control, as well as ostentatious modesty, which may well conceal the smoldering heat of enormous ambitions. Hb that proskvozilo neck – is clearly negative reaction to the challenge of any changes, as well as a reduced level of adaptability tried to unbutton.? everything looks beautiful “), the more scrupulously the individual is worried about the quality of the work done. However, you will also be able to refuse some kind of posturing, which is now perceived as a confidently declared personal brand. By the way, the” collar “shirt collar gives the individual much more self-confident, even But the habit of walking without a tie, but with a surely buttoned top button on the collar is pedantry at the level of self-control, as well as ostentatious modesty, which could completely hide the smoldering heat of enormous ambitions. Hb that proskvozilo neck – is clearly negative reaction to the challenge of any changes, as well as a reduced level of adaptability tried to unbutton.? in some posturing, you will not refuse him either, which is now perceived as a confidently declared personal brand. By the way, the “collar” shirt collar gives the individual much more self-confident, even impudent. But the habit of walking without a tie, but with a surely buttoned top button on the collar is pedantry at the level of self-control, as well as ostentatious modesty, which may well conceal the smoldering heat of enormous ambitions. By the way, the fear of getting through the neck is clearly a negative reaction to the challenge of any changes, as well as a reduced level of adaptability. Have you tried to unfasten? in some posturing, you won’t refuse him either, which is now perceived as a confidently declared personal brand. By the way, the “collar” shirt collar gives the individual much more self-confident, even impudent. But the habit of walking without a tie, but with a surely buttoned top button on the collar is pedantry at the level of self-control, as well as ostentatious modesty, which may well conceal the smoldering heat of enormous ambitions. By the way, the fear of getting through the neck is clearly a negative reaction to the challenge of any changes, as well as a reduced level of adaptability. Have you tried to unfasten? but with a surely buttoned top button on the collar – pedantry at the level of self-control, as well as ostentatious modesty, which may well obscure the smoldering heat of enormous ambitions. By the way, the fear of getting through the neck is clearly a negative reaction to the challenge of any changes, as well as a reduced level of adaptability. Have you tried to unfasten? but with a surely buttoned top button on the collar – pedantry at the level of self-control, as well as ostentatious modesty, which may well conceal the smoldering heat of enormous ambitions. By the way, the fear of getting through the neck is clearly a negative reaction to the challenge of any changes, as well as a reduced level of adaptability. Have you tried to unfasten?

A cartouche on his head so that his people are recognized.
Street diplomacy

I wanted to scratch the back of my head – but the hat is in the way.
Adaptation Challenges

I would like to casually mention in the psycho-diagnostic aspect our hats. For example, leather caps give out an extremely active and very purposeful person, easy to climb, an excellent operative and, on the whole, a very active and practical leader who does not like to get stuck on trifles (“cut wood – chips fly!”) And even less prone to depression stagnation or sentimental contemplation of what others are doing with the world. You will be surprised, but
a cap from soft cashmere will attest to a slightly different characteristic: a much greater emphasis will be placed on the desire to achieve comfort and wealth, there will be a hint of increased caution and even neuroticism, the reflective component will intensify, and with it the subjective selectivity of response to external signals. Instead of an active intrusion – the waiting position of a man who is vigilantly watching from under cover: what is there – his or hers or others, or not? However, the top of the targeted peering into the nearby operational space belongs to the blazers – they narrow the panorama of the view to the limit, but they reinforce the center focal vision many times. Blazers are very fond of the leaders of one, but “all-conquering” paradigm. Their exact sight.

Cap , especially up high -crowned and lacquered visor – the most that neither is a triumph of ambition, pride and imperiousness. A kind of little crown on the head. Well, every part of the body should be adorned to evoke involuntary reverence, adoration, awe and fear among the beholders. However, the real power and the real dictatorship are quite content with less luxurious, but more weighty caps “a la Stalin” or “near-city police”. Discreet, but convincing. But modern police pots with a visor , as they say, neither here nor here, is something between a footman, a gentleman and an athlete. Guess what this means.

A cylindrical bowler (don’t smile, fashion tends to go back to square one) is much more defined: respectability, based on certain conditional rules and laws that are in force by agreement . By the way, many theorists of modern business are trying to drive it into the likeness of a large but regulated reservation. For him, business, good. That is, the more rules and conventions, the higher the chances of success playing them. Alas, in our real fleeting
In life, everything is formed most often somehow unexpectedly and incorrectly, as a result of which the human population is still slowly developing. Tailcoat and bowler hat is a tribute to the careless rejoicing that now “it will always be like that.” You just need to get rich. Really, a little sorry to part with such a nonchalant positive.

Hat is a different matter, especially with wide and slightly lowered fields. By and large, neither the scorching rays of the sun, nor the piercing wind, nor the dust creeping into her eyes are afraid of her. Conveniently and effectively pause and wait for your moment. At the same time, a panoramic outlook is preserved, and it is not so easy to catch where exactly the eyes look from beneath the slightly lowered fields. And if a long jacket allows a man to hide his ardent feelings, then a long-brimmed hat is other strategic interests, sorry for a rude joke. But there is some truth in all of this. Keep in mind that the person in the hat is alien to the temptations of external brilliance (we will not take into account souvenir sombreros and colored Hutsul “droplets”), and therefore prefers to be a puppeteer in the shade rather than a windup toy on the throne. He is interested in real power, and those who are curious are not at all interested: who is under the hat? The border of the shadow is inviolable, otherwise get ready to withstand the oncoming look – point blank. Well, there used to be a common mocking phrase “oh you hat!” belonged to the weak stratum of the intelligentsia of the long-gone “Brezhnev” 70s, which, in comparison with the “proletarian hegemon”, was not even recognized as a social class. The party nomenclature itself in “hats” apparently jealously reacted to any intrigues of social mimicry. Just ban wearing was somehow somehow not with the hands. belonged to the weak stratum of the intelligentsia of the long-gone “Brezhnev” 70s, which, in comparison with the “proletarian hegemon”, was not even recognized as a social class. The party nomenclature itself in “hats” apparently jealously reacted to any intrigues of social mimicry. Just ban wearing was somehow somehow not with the hands. belonged to the weak stratum of the intelligentsia of the long-gone “Brezhnev” 70s, which, in comparison with the “proletarian hegemon”, was not even recognized as a social class. The party nomenclature itself in “hats” apparently jealously reacted to any machinations of social mimicry. Just ban wearing was somehow somehow not with the hands.

Knitted, tight-fitting sports cap– the antipode to far-fetched role statuses of other hats. However, in our troubled times, she gained her image firmly. It is comfortable, inconspicuous, sits on its head like a glove, easily lowers onto the face or rises higher on the forehead. It all depends on the specific functional need. Persons who do not part with a knitted hat even under a stylish coat are usually fighters by nature and always prefer to be ready. Additional hair on the head is an incentive for the liberation of instincts and dormant archetypes of the subconscious. In addition, the figurative right hemisphere is activated. A man in a hat will act situationally and at the same time impulsively. This should be taken into account so as not to complain about your own belated counter-reaction. Well, if the individual tries, as far as possible, to do without hats? At a minimum, he wants to constantly stay “here and now”, receiving imaginative information without any even the slightest distortion. A little more force and constant bravado, however, the readiness for sparring may not be ostentatious, if, of course, the ears do not freeze. But seriously, the openness of the ears is a very serious plus for extremely effective and sudden anticipatory actions. Listening to the situation for the opponents does not bode well. But, it seems, we began to investigate purely physiognomic factors … Sparring readiness may not be ostentatious, unless, of course, the ears freeze. But seriously, the openness of the ears is a very serious plus for extremely effective and sudden anticipatory actions. Listening to the situation for the opponents does not bode well. But, it seems, we began to investigate purely physiognomic factors … Sparring readiness may not be ostentatious, unless, of course, the ears freeze. But seriously, the openness of the ears is a very serious plus for extremely effective and sudden anticipatory actions. Listening to the situation for the opponents does not bode well. But, it seems, we began to investigate purely physiognomic factors …


– Do you have a hobby?
– No, in my free time I continue to love my homeland, work and family.
Kozma Prutkov “Questionnaire before a business trip”

Raise fish! At your expense, they do not heat the cosmos.
Council of Physicists

A person is revealed in small things and details, you just need to be able to notice them. Of course, you can fully get used to someone else’s role, but even it will bear the imprint of individual originality. For example, in this or that affection and love for our younger brothers, i.e. to animals. Kotov is loved by natures independent and not enduring intrusions in their personal life. And they highly value comfort and all kinds of household conveniences, without suffering from “materialism”. Attachment to cats adds features such as deceit and the ability to please others if necessary. From society, they always manage to “download” the benefits for themselves, while remaining as free as possible. However, you cannot call them optional, appreciating your freedom, they treat the interests of others with the same responsibility.

But the dog is always led by someone who not only endures loneliness badly, but also seeks to make a career. First of all, in the management sphere, since the dog is an ideal training ground for building team skills. It also compensates for friendship and devotion in human relationships. To some extent, dog lovers suffered a fiasco in these matters, most likely due to the habit of commanding and an extremely intolerant attitude towards any manifestation of opposition. Authoritarianism they have, as they say, in the blood. From those around them they demand first of all obedience and, again, obedience. “He who is not with us is against us” is their favorite life credo. In its extreme manifestations, it takes on a more sinister wording: “If not a slave, then an enemy.” However, one must also take into account the breed of dog that the individual chooses. Lovers of dachshunds, for example, are unlikely to be aggressive by nature, they respond to sincerity and kindness with strong attachment and reliability of relations. To break and betray friendship is almost unthinkable for them. And under their everlasting affability, a sufficiently solid and principled character will be hidden. In addition, they are very generous and ready to help. But lovers of Rottweilers can be very tough “authoritarianists” and “drives”, but at the same time clearly avoiding risk and impulsive decisions. They like the reliability, solidity and predictability of the world that surrounds them. For this they will very, very persistently fight. Shepherd lovers are excellent systemologists, admire the intellect and do not mind sometimes playing big. Strongly developed ambition and intellectual self-confidence pushes them to risk. Those who have Doberman Pinschers are always ready for action, very mobile, observant, hardy and extremely single-minded. They do not tolerate procrastination, formalism and tediousness. In matters they rely more on themselves and prefer an autonomous front of work. Connoisseurs of bulldog dogs live by the principle: “Do not touch me, otherwise you will regret it!”. In his circle are great friends and very reliable companions. Unless, of course, they are not trying to command them, push around or “forward” them. Then, of course, you will have to face a bulldog grip and aggressive intransigence. A large family of terriers (Fox Terriers, Bull Terriers, Airedale Terriers) select individuals who tend to overestimate the power factor. Decisiveness and determination also cannot be taken away from them. But the main thing is to create the image of power superiority in a narrow sphere of vital interests (everything else interests them less), you can also hint at the seriousness of the “roof” over them.

About dogs, perhaps enough. You can’t list all the breeds, but looking at a fourth friend, you can always associatively imagine the nature of its owner. It is only necessary that they live a couple of years together (even the obstinate dog eventually inevitably adapts to the owner). Their relationship is almost an open copy of what the individual expects from others. So do not miss the opportunity to get such valuable information for free.

But who loves to raise fish and fish – in the aquarium or in your own pond (now there are opportunities)? As a rule, natures are vulnerable and therefore striving to “build” order and harmony around themselves. Amazingly, they cannot be denied prudence, pragmatism and pedantry. A kind of “Napoleons of their own homebuilding.” To achieve the desired “ordnung” (German – order), they are ready to be somewhat cold and even merciless. The harmony of world order, like beauty, requires sacrifices. And in everything else, they are romantic, sensitive and adaptive. As a rule, these are very good family people, partners and colleagues, because they act exclusively by calculation. And for no reason they never change their schemes. They are very careful and let only the elite into their intimate world and not immediately. But then they reward the fortunate fortune with their ardor and devotion. If your own world is arranged, why not enjoy it now?

Those who contain rats, mice, hamsters, a muskrat or nutria in their house, but not as an alleged gastronomic delicacy, are, first of all, very active, working, extremely curious and, surprisingly, not aggressive, besides loving comfort and cleanliness. They prefer to run away from scandals and all kinds of problems in their work, which, as a rule, is chosen by interest. Spiders are bred not only by those who are too lazy to remove dust and cobwebs in the apartment. The spider is a symbol of loneliness, utmost patience, hard work and stubbornness. It can also be added that arachnophiles (in translation from scientific – spider lovers) are sometimes ready to defend their interests even at the cost of life. But those whom they love are perhaps very lucky. But it will be difficult to break off relations – it will be a pity to part with comfort and every second care. In addition, people, “spiders” almost tragically survive any breaks with loved ones. Indeed, for their sake they are ready not only for self-sacrifice, but also for cunning and deceit. In addition, they know how to weave their network for many moves ahead. As they say, the one who laughs last wins. Therefore, their nondescriptness is always deceiving. Also, these people portray fear rather than actually experience it. Perhaps they are from the category of lone hunters. these people portray fear rather than actually experience it. Perhaps they are from the category of lone hunters. these people portray fear rather than actually experience it. Perhaps they are from the category of lone hunters.

An interesting psychoanalysis of those who like to get turtles. By and large, this is an attempt to get away from the problems and worries of modern fuss. Return, so to speak, to natural sources. Such people have a powerfully developed subconscious, they are able to subtly and holistically feel and transmit the interconnectedness of times, phenomena and processes. But only the conclusions, as well as their behavior, may seem to others to be somewhat irrational and not entirely explainable. They are “impressionists of their fate,” and it would be better for them to live somewhere on pristine atolls. Where the oceans trustingly lick the heels of pragmatic inhabitants of the land.

Breeding small (up to two meters) stranglers is now fashionable and shocking. Guests – some are swooning, some are ecstatic. Snakes eat little, are hygienic, easily tamed and absolutely loyal to the owner. The main thing is to suppress the biological instinct of fear of a reptile “reptile”. Therefore, serpentophiles (the same as snake-lovers) are at least ready to step over prejudices and philistine attitudes. Perhaps even more – such people have a strong nervous system and excellent intuition. They strive to cross the barrier of understandable and permitted truths. On the other side of the “fence” can be much more interesting. And therefore, their view of the world is absolutely dialectical – in the true sense of the word.

And finally, a bit of humor. A pig is not only lard, chop, sausage and jellied meat. She can also be a friend, comrade, and our smaller brother. Those who bother to get a mumps, as they do in the West and Southeast Asia, definitely accept life in all its manifestations. And he never disdains to find a pearl in a heap, well, you guess what. In the end, to be friends with a pig – to be able to keep your nose well in the wind. How well the pigs can do – unlike people, they are faithful and friendly.


The disease no longer prompts – it punishes, but in the beginning there were symptoms.
An indispensable rule of life

Our infallible character, unfortunately, is placed in a certain body …
Just a maxim

And now another diagnostic method for more reliable and prognostic criteria. These are our … diseases. Psychoanalysis of the nature of a person and his problems in relation to his diseases as a diagnostic method has become popular relatively recently, since the mid-80s of the past century (see, for example, Tepperwein K. What does your disease want to say. – M .. 1996; Viilma L Pain in your heart. – Ekaterinburg, 2001). But even earlier,
it was somehow not customary to spread about how sick the general secretaries and presidents were. This informational taboo has not been removed even now. And not in vain. A medical record can tell too much about the real, not invented, nature of a person. Contrary to all the desires of the not quite healthy individual and the suggestions of his personal PR service. However, judge for yourself.

People suffering from kidney diseases (acute and chronic nephritis, earned by no means from an ice cell or physical beating), have long been not honest not only with others, but also with ourselves. A kidney is an indicator of internal honesty and sincerity in relation to oneself. Anyone who has long and successfully learned to deceive himself is unlikely to be principled in business. So, perhaps, inveterate cynics and outright bastards about renal colic are safe. Like sincerely repentant.

Diabetes (not a congenital form, but acquired) affects those who have lost the ability to love, but are struggling to ensure that others constantly and certainly love them. In short – gave “candy.” An irregular and involuntary craving for everything sweet is a serious signal that it is time to share a particle of your soul and heart with someone. Prince Myshkin, aka “Idiot”, even loved a tree. His mental attacks were neurotic, but by no means stroke. Diabetes is a professional illness of revolutionaries and terrorists (they loved the idea, but, alas, not life around them) and party officials (love for the party, too, somehow …), as well as ministers of secret services not out of duty and at the behest of the heart, but from due to calculation. The more power and less love, the more serious you need to fear diabetes.

Gout and salt deposition are an excess not only in the meat and flour diet, but also a sign of unbending dogmatism and arrogant intransigence. Plus snobbery and intellectual self-confidence. Gritting bones and joints, it is extremely difficult to do business in our fleeting century. But it’s so convenient to proudly and lonely fix a monument … to yourself. It is possible with a flag on some demonstration “about the past”. Or in a rocking chair, peeing memoirs. In any case, life uncontrollably rumbles for some reason past.

The same can be said of those who suffer from stagnation of blood in the veins (varicose veins). They are softer than “gouty”, but generally remained with their interests. It was too lazy to move, switch, rebuild and absorb something new. I would like everything to be reliable, stable and so … forever. So that for a lesson once learned to this day, someone would draw fives. The lack of flexibility and adaptability is often covered up by morality: they say that we suffer, but we tolerate. And it was only necessary to take a step forward. And one more. And further. For free, for himself, just like that, out of curiosity for life.


Psychoanalysis of asthmatics is interesting. This disease suffered a fiery revolutionary of the new era – Ernesto Che Guevara. Pulmonary asphyxiation occurs in those who generally do not accept the prose of life around them. Such a person lives on lofty ideals and despises everything that is base (it is easier for asthmatics to breathe in the clear air of the mountains or on the ocean coast). In general, lung diseases are a sign of pride. Contact with the world is broken, the lungs do not breathe in full force and have stopped the full energy exchange with the environment. (The so-called staff chest of large bosses is also pride and arrogance towards the whole vale, but at the same time the diaphragm suffers, it becomes motionless and easily vulnerable to inflammation.) Paradoxically, those in need of continuous care of asthmatics nevertheless accuse the world of imperfection . So the consumptive revolutionary or terrorist is doubly dangerous – he sincerely despises his future victims. And it is difficult to seduce the benefits of the “base” world. Take note of this “about every occasion.”

We love when a person has a pleasant looking, touch and smell skin. And not in vain. Skin is the primary contact area. Anyone. Therefore, those who have psychological problems with communication will definitely feel it on their skin. Rejection of “dirty thoughts”, for example about love, will turn into acne. Small furunculosis is already a real tragedy of contact, we absolutely do not like what we touch, and therefore we begin to suffer. Isn’t it easier to leave, quit, rebel? A complete break with “the whole world” will produce active peeling of the skin. Our claims and arrogant wishes about contact threaten to turn into a disease of vitiligo. Perhaps it’s worth living a little easier, and then you don’t have to see everything in only puddles and dirt in anticipation of a large and shiny pearl. Allergy is a common denominator of human exclusion from the natural environment. Its manifestation will indicate a thin place where the bridge of human contact with that has broken. what surrounds him. Frivolous life involves special sterile conditions. There is no doubt that workers suffering from one or another allergic disease are unlikely to go “into the world” – they will no longer take root there. And therefore, with special zeal, they will maintain their artificial microenvironment.

Inflammation of the tonsils and tonsillitis is a signal from the body that we are “swallowing” something not our own and, moreover, very dangerous. If you do not respond to these symptoms, then you run the risk of accidentally acquiring a Trojan horse for yourself and your business. In a word, we need an urgently balanced audit of the steps taken, something in them is not as safe as we would like to think. About an unpleasant and dangerous situation we are warned in advance by the nose. He “pawns” precisely when we rush into our own affairs, which later we begin to bitterly regret. A person with chronic tonsillitis is clearly not at ease. His business forecasts are hardly worth trusting. Let him tidy his nose first. Or maybe he has long been pretending to work for you? That gives the body a double game.

People do not take a laxative due to the fact that they were not completely successful in mixing everything in their stomach during the next meal. Constipation, alas – the punishment for stinginess, mercantile pragmatism and aggressive stubbornness. It is necessary to share and sometimes take into account the will and desire of others. They say it’s even easier after a sincere confession. Apparently so. Perhaps the above examples are enough to convince the reader that the psychoanalysis of diseases will enlighten our nature far from the best. And you need to be prepared for this. Better yet, try to change yourself before the disease becomes apparent and uncontrollable. The character that accompanied her is in our hands. And then the “psychological dossier” due to illness can be in the wrong hands, to put it mildly, misinformation. This is a much more progressive way, rather than stubbornly conceal from himself that which the disease unequivocally signals. So, be healthy!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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