Measures for the correct management of incidents with our clients

We are aware of the importance of customer satisfaction, which is why we incorporate systems and develop actions in the company, which allow us to avoid making as few mistakes as possible with our customers. But companies are indisputably made up of people, and it is completely impossible to avoid certain errors or incidents, especially those related to customer management, such as billing errors, missed deadlines or customer service, among others.

We know that even by putting means, because of our human condition we will always make a mistake and incidents will arise, but do we know how we should manage them?

Here are the steps to follow for the correct management of incidents or errors made with our clients:


The first step that we must take for a correct management of the incidence, is to offer our apology and take responsibility for the mistake that we have made, the justifications are useless. If mistakes are not part of our routine, the client will value and accept our apology.


The time it takes to resolve the problem is a determining factor. The sooner we correct it, the better, since the attention we dedicate to the problem is an indication of our level of commitment to the client.


It is important to seek some form of compensation, this will help us minimize the feeling of discomfort caused by the error. Invitations to sporting events or restaurants are often recurring examples.


This is the most important step of all. Searching for the cause of the error will allow us not to make it again. It is obvious that the previous steps will be useless if we make the same mistake again.

Lastly, we must always mention that our incidents and errors are not routine and form part of the company’s dynamics, each time we resolve them successfully and satisfactorily, they will lead to a strengthening of the relationship with our client.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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