Penetration Testing of Physical Security Measures

Do physical security checks come to mind when you think of how a penetration test is carried out?Many people believe physical settings can’t cause a security breach since they lack computers. Some of the most sophisticated hacking efforts may be linked to a garbage can.

Products like:

  • Bank statements
  • Credit card promotions
  • Personal letters
  • Magazines
  • Receipts

…are just a few examples of garbage that might provide hackers with the information they need to conduct major security assaults.

The stereotype of a hacker as someone who cracks firewalls and infects systems with malware overlooks other attack tactics.

Prioritize technological and physical data safeguards and include social engineering and physical security testing in penetration tests. Contact a reliable penetration testing company.

Here Are 7 Tips for Keeping Your Private Data Safe From Thieves

To a large extent, private data may be shielded from prying eyes thanks to physical security measures. You may ensure the safety of your business by taking the following measures to protect its physical assets:

  1. Destroy Confidential Documents Safely

If someone wants to break into your building using trash information, they should do it in a visible or guarded place. Do you delete confidential papers before throwing them away?

  1. Set up rules and regulations

In order to ensure that all personnel are properly educated in security measures, the proper rules and processes must be in place. If you want to keep your data safe, it’s crucial that all of your staff members know what’s required of them, whether that’s locking doors, wearing security badges at all times, or keeping visitors with workers in secure areas.

  1. The significance of having safe network access points

It is recommended that all points of entrance into a network be catalogued in order to stop unauthorized users from entering the network. Exposed Ethernet connections are a tempting target for cybercriminals.

  1. Install cameras to keep an eye on strategic locations to ensure safety.

Would-be intruders may be deterred by security cameras. As part of your company’s physical security plan, place cameras where sensitive data is received, processed, and destroyed.

  1. Keep an eye on everything, including the closed files, if they are sensitive.

Keep critical information in drawers, but make sure they’re secure. Physical security attacks commonly employ a CH751 key. Since this key can unlock even simple locks like desk drawers, storage containers, and elevators, securing your files in a file cabinet isn’t enough. These areas need frequent monitoring.

  1. Take precautions after hours.

As staff depart for the day, hackers sneak in and create havoc. To prevent a security breach, always safeguard your office premises.

  1. Set up procedures for when computers automatically lock

Implementing a policy that locks computers when employees leave their seats improves corporate safety. If you leave a USB port open, a hacker may install the malware in seconds.

These methods may help your firm avoid security breaches. How do you know whether your current processes cover all possible entry points? Here comes unauthorized entrance checking. Multiple penetration testing approaches may boost your organization’s security.

Bad actors undertake security attacks in different methods than ware. Organizations should prioritize technical and physical protections for sensitive data and integrate social engineering and physical security testing in penetration assessments.