Makeup: before or after sun cream?

Being beautiful, hiding imperfections or even enhancing the most flattering features is possible even on the beach thanks to the use of makeup. However, on summer days in which the sun’s rays directly affect the skin, it is very important to protect ourselves from them by applying adequate sun protection to the face. ” Sunscreen should always be used, as it is the best anti-aging product that exists . For this reason, we must use it even if we do our makeup, ”says Irene Muñoz , owner of the Fermín Caballero 8 Pharmacy and expert in dermopharmacy.

But when is each cosmetic product used?

According to Muñoz, the steps to follow for a good use of cosmetics in summer are:

  1. Eye contour
  2. Serum.
  3. Treatment (cream, gel, etc).
  4. Solar protection.

Although the summer season in which we find ourselves requires products that are not usually used in other seasons, we must not stop using the treatments that each skin needs 365 days a year , such as hydration. Muñoz points out that “sunscreens, due to their own composition, may have a certain moisturizing effect, but their function is not that, but to protect us from UV and IR2 radiation.”

Once the moisturizer has been applied to the face, the sunscreen is supplied in small doses, in order to protect the facial dermis from harmful radiation. Subsequently, makeup is used. This occupies a last position, since as the expert explains ” its composition generates a barrier effect that prevents or hinders the absorption of other assets .”

How should makeup be applied?

Before applying makeup, wait until the previous product is completely absorbed by the skin. This waiting time is usually minimal. To obtain good results and that it does not remain unevenly, it is fixed on the skin by touches and not dragging it . In addition, sunscreen filters decrease due to sweat, rubbing and other factors, so it is convenient to ” reapply the sunscreen every two hours to ensure the sun protection factor (SPF), ” says Muñoz.

Types of makeup + SPF

Nowadays, there are more and more makeups that contain ultraviolet protection in their components. They combine the latest innovations to protect the natural beauty of the skin from external agents that can pose a threat. In turn, they offer a natural finish and avoid imperfections. As for the texture of the same, Muñoz stresses that this choice “depends on the tastes and preferences of the person, who usually go according to their skin type, whether solid, liquid or powder.” However, the expert points out that ” make-up with sun protection does not usually incorporate high SPF “, so it would not be really adequate to achieve 100% protection.

However, if you do not want to apply all the products necessary for good skin care, whether due to lack of time, desire or financial resources, the expert exposes the existence of colored sunscreens (fluids or compact powders) . In addition, he notes that “there are usually one or two shades that blend well with almost all skin tones.” The power that this product has to cover imperfections is less than conventional makeup, however, within all the possibilities available, compact powders cover more than fluids. “This option is only for the city. To go to the pool or beach it is better to apply photoprotection on clean and preferably colorless skin ”, insists the expert.


by Abdullah Sam
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