Luganda language

Luganda , also known as Ganda , is a Bantu language . It is mainly spoken in the region of Buganda in Uganda , with a population of over three million people. It is the most widely spoken second language in the country, after English . The language is used in some primary schools in the region, while students learn English, the country’s official language.

Noun classes [ edit | edit source code ]

The Luganda language has ten classes of nouns , which can be considered as ten genders .

Verbs, adjectives, possessives, few conjunctions and some adverbs vary depending on these classes (genders). These genres are characterized by specific prefixes, both singular and plural.

The classes or genres are as follows:

  • 1 – mainly for people, however there are some inanimate beings in this class.
  • 2 – various nouns, including most trees and long, cylindrical objects.
  • 3 – various abstract concepts and most animals.
  • 4 – inanimate and the impersonal neutral (conf. “It” do Inglês)
  • 5 – mainly large and liquid objects; augmentatives are included there.
  • 6 – mainly small things, diminutives, countries, abstract nouns; in the plural verbal nouns.
  • 7 – diverse, especially languages.
  • 8 – of little use, designates pejoratives
  • 9 – for Infinitive or affirmative verbal nouns.
  • 10 – unique for plural and singular, it is used for mass, bulk names; main use for drops, precious small amounts.


by Abdullah Sam
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