Loquat Properties

We continue with the series of articles on  seasonal fruits and vegetables , this time talking about the properties of loquat , the first bone fruit that we can enjoy every year in spring .

Loquat Propertiesproperties of loquats.  eat fruit

The loquat have multiple nutritional properties, among which is noteworthy:

  1. They take care of the digestive system thanks to its high fiber content .
  2. They are a useful natural remedy to control diabetes because loquat helps reduce blood glucose levels.
  3. We help maintain soft tissue and bone, as well as to promote good vision through its contribution of vitamin A .
  4. Recommended for patients with cardiovascular problems due to its antioxidant properties.
  5. They are ideal for lowering cholesterol  and  preventing skin aging  due to minerals such as potassium and calcium.
  6. Very useful in diets for people looking to lose weight , since its caloric content is low.

When is medlar season?

As you can see in our calendar of seasonal fruits and vegetables, the loquat season runs from April to May , although sometimes they are also available during the months of March and / or June. It is a short season, but the quality of this fruit is excellent, since it is backed by the  Callosa d’en Sarriá Protected Designation of Origin , an area located in the province of  Alicante . 

loquat season


How to prepare loquats?

The succulent flavor of its pulp makes this seasonal fruit like most people who try it. Generally, loquats  are usually consumed fresh , although it is also very appropriate for the elaboration of excellent jellies , compotes , jams , jams and, of course, delicious juices (eg loquat and peach juice ).

How to peel loquats?

To peel the loquats easily, pull the peduncle down to separate the skin as if it were a banana.

If you like to enjoy the best flavors of the season, stop by our seasonal fruit  and  seasonal vegetable sections  . They are always updated with the best of the moment.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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