Lesson Planning For Teachers depends upon his ability to effectively plan and present his subject. As a tradesman he was concerned primarily with doing the job himself, but as an instructor his primary duty is to teach others the knowledge and skill that he possesses.
The importance of planning each lesson cannot be over-emphasized. No instructor can go to shop or class unprepared and adequately teach. Preparation is absolutely necessary. He must know exactly what he will teach and how he will teach it. The lesson plan should be organized on paper and used as a guide whenever he presents a lesson.
Select subject matter to conform to objectives of the course.
All things taught should conform to the course objectives.Subject matter should be selected which contributes to the knowledge or skill that students are expected to acquire.Determine the specific objectives of the lesson.The objectives or aim of each lesson should be clear-cut and specifically stated.Arrange subject matter in order of learning difficulty.Subject matter should be arranged so that the students can learn, step by step, from the simple fundamentals to the more difficult phases of the work.
An instructor should present the easier teaching points at the beginning of the lesson to develop students’ confidence in their ability to learn. More difficult phases of the lesson should be introduced gradually, to prevent any feeling of frustration on file part of the students.
Have more than enough material for the time available.A particularly bright class may learn the presented
subject-matter quickly, and the instructor who plans only a minimum of material may find himself in an
embarrassing position if he has to fake his presentation or mark time until the period ends.
What Is Lesson planning For Teachers;How To Write A Lesson Plan
Select teaching methods to be used.
After the subject matter has been selected and arranged, the next step is to determine the best
teaching methods. Some methods are more effective than others, depending upon the type of lesson.
A combination of methods is usually more desirable than the use of any particular one. Vary the method
of presentation and devices which involve the greatest possible use of the students’ senses.
Demonstrations and the use of visual aids utilize the sense of sight. Explanations, discussions, and the question-
and-answer method involve the sense of hearing. The performance of manipulative work, and the use of samples and other objects utilize the sense of touch. Teaching methods involving the sense of taste and of smell can also be used successfully in some cases.
Select all instructional devices to be used.
Some of the commonly used instructional devices
a. tools
b. equipment
c. supplies
d. charts
e. diagrams
f. blueprints
g. objects
h. models
i. projects
f. mock-ups
k. blackboards
I. procedure
m. pictures
n. posters
o. student note
p. motion
q. film strips
r. film slides
s. opaque projector
These aids and others may be used to increase the effectiveness of the lesson presentation. It is the
teacher s responsibility to make, buy, or to recommend the purchase or development of such aids.
Devise means for securing student participation.All learning requires activity — mental, physical,
or both. An instructor should provide for as much active student participation as possible.
Methods for encouraging participation include:
a. Asking questions
h. Encouraging students to ask questions
c. Stimulating discussion
d. Using die blackboard
e. Having students help in demonstrations, and using visual aids
Most of the students’ time in the shop should be spent doing the job. Students learn best when
they make use of the hand and eye as well as the mind.
Plan means for arousing interest in the lesson.
The good instructor not only prepares his own lesson but also prepares his students to receive it.
When students do not learn, the reason is usually that they are not sufficiently interested, not because
they lack ability.
Therefore, interest should be aroused by explaining the need and importance of the lesson, how the lesson can be applied, forming connections with past and future lessons, telling personal experiences and asking students for their experiences as they apply to the lesson.
Too many instructors are so interested in driving home the technical points that they neglect the interest factor
which is most essential to learning.
Select references for further study.
A list of references should be included in every lesson plan and may be given to students to study.
An instructor should always be prepared to recommend references to students who want to study further.
Provide for orientation at the first meeting of the class.
A lesson plan for the first meeting in the course should provide for the orientation of the students to
arouse interest and develop an understanding of the school and its functions. Orientation should include:
a. An overview of the course; its aims and objectives.
b. A brief description of the class and shop work
c. The importance of the work
d. An explanation of rules and regulations
e. The school schedule
f. The marking system
g. Assignment of work stations
11. Make provision for explaining new words and
New words and terms should be explained whenused for the first time. No instructor should assume
that any terms are understood by all. It is advisableto include a list of technical terms, with definitions,
in each lesson plan. Test during the presentation to make sure that all students understand them clearly.
Select main points for summarizing.
A summary should be made at the close of every lesson. The important points of the lesson are stressed
in a brief review to help the students organize the information in their minds and notebooks. Summaries make for clearer understanding and greater
Make provision for testing.
Both during and after a class or shop lesson the instructor should always determine if the students
have learned it. Testing may be done by asking questions, giving written tests, and checking performance on manipulative work.
Determine specific assignments.
Any assignments should be included in the lesson plan. An instructor must make sure that all assignments are specific, and that the students clearly understand exactly what they are expected to do.
9 Steps to Creating an Effective Learning Plan
Effective learning planning is needed to achieve learning objectives. However, sometimes we experience some difficulties, such as determining the learning model or assessment.
The selection of inappropriate learning models or assessments can result in failure to achieve learning objectives. How to avoid this, Smart Teachers? That is why we need to create an effective learning plan.
Steps to create an effective learning plan
- Understand the objectives
When making a first lesson plan, objectives should be the main thing. We need to know what we want to achieve, what we expect students to master.
For example, students will be able to mention the difference between verbs and adjectives and how to use them.
Basically, objectives are what students can do after we give them the teaching materials. If you want something more challenging, we can invite them to be able to explain what they master by making games, videos, presentations and others. - Get to know your students
We can’t just prepare a lesson plan when we don’t have any information about who the students are that we are going to teach. Getting to know your students is the second most important step that needs to be done.
How do they learn (visual, like tests, like presentations, or a combination of both), what do they already know (don’t waste time teaching them what they already know).
Focus the lesson plan to fit the entire class of students. Don’t forget to also modify the lesson plan to ensure that all students with disabilities, those who have learning difficulties, those who are not motivated, and even those who are overly intelligent take part in the learning activities. - Write the expected skills
A little similar to the first point, but actually different. If the first point is expected to be the skills possessed by the students, here it is the understanding.
For example, if students succeed in knowing the difference between adjectives and verbs, then they must also understand when the correct use of the word is.
If students learn about the history of Indonesian independence, they also need to understand the reasons why various events at that time could occur. - Determine the learning time
Make sure we determine the right time in the learning plan. This needs to be done so that we can ensure that all the material we want to convey can be conveyed well.
For example, at the beginning of teaching time, we do a warm-up to attract students’ attention. Then the next time we present the teaching material. Then give time for discussion. Continued with practice activities to further hone the information. And finally we provide a conclusion from the learning results. - Use many forms of interaction
Some students can learn well alone. But not with some other students who usually can learn better if they have a partner or study partner.
Indeed, as long as we interact with students, then we have carried out effective learning. But every student is different, and we need to try various ways to maximize learning activities.
Use many forms of interaction with students. Whether with learning tools or with group learning methods. With this, of course the teaching and learning atmosphere will be more lively and easier to understand. - Maximize different teaching styles
A teacher may have a student who can’t sit still and watch a 25-minute video, but another student may have no problem reading 2 pages of a book quietly.
There’s nothing wrong with them. They both have different preferences and learning styles. Therefore, we need to use different teaching styles at all times to be able to teach each student effectively.
Every student is different. Sometimes there are students who like to listen directly to the teacher’s explanation, but there are also those who prefer to learn directly by themselves. When the teacher starts explaining the teaching material too often, there’s nothing wrong with inviting students to talk about what is being discussed.
This will stimulate the students’ ability and desire to learn the teaching material being discussed. - Make extra and backup plans
Having a lot to do is better than not having anything. So, we should make a lesson plan with lots of activities that we can use and maximize. Don’t let us lose material or activities in the middle of teaching time.
The easiest way is to make a conclusion game. Ask students what conclusions can be drawn from today’s learning. Or we can also have a discussion with students, inviting them to ask questions and express their opinions.
Not only excess, we also need to prepare a backup plan. This backup plan will be very useful if the initial plan that was made turns out to be impossible for one reason or another. - Leave time for questions
If you have a class that is packed with time to cover the material, leave at least 10 minutes for questions at the end of the class. This can turn into a discussion and also encourage more in-depth questions that will help students understand the material more quickly.
If you find that no one in the class wants to ask questions, give them a topic to discuss together, and ask them to share their thoughts on the topic. Ask other students for their opinions on what their classmates think. - Make sure the substitute teacher is easy to understand
Anything can happen. Teachers are no exception. If something happens and they can’t teach, it would be helpful if the substitute teacher had a lesson plan that was in line with what was created.
Therefore, it is important to create a lesson plan that is easy for others or the substitute teacher to understand.
The lesson plan is designed to guide us in carrying out daily learning, Smart Teacher. We need a learning plan to be able to direct the learning process to achieve CP (Learning Achievements) according to the following phases.
Phase |
Class/Level |
Foundation |
Early Childhood Education |
A |
Grade I-II Elementary School/Islamic Elementary School |
B |
Grade III-IV Elementary School/Islamic Elementary School |
C |
Grade V-VI of Elementary School/Islamic Elementary School |
D |
Grade VII-IX of Junior High School/Islamic Junior High School |
E |
Class X of Senior High School/Vocational High School/Islamic Vocational High School |
F |
Grade XI-XII of Senior High School/Vocational High School/Islamic Senior High School Class XI-XII SMK 3 year program Class XI-XII SMK 4 year program |
Instead of one school year, the division of the six phases above gives us flexibility in time in achieving CP. Students also have the opportunity to gain learning experiences by explaining, interpreting, applying information, using various perspectives, and empathizing with a phenomenon. The learning process ultimately fosters understanding (Constructivism learning theory).
The learning plan that we compile cannot be separated from the goals above. On the other hand, in order to compile an effective learning plan, we also need to pay attention to the development stage and achievements of students, the school environment, learning facilities and infrastructure, and so on.